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All American
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anyone else have super low blood px, or am I some sort of freakshow?

I had to go to the doc the other day for them to write me up as med down (had a cold and couldn't clear my ears). blood pressure was 105/48. went back a couple of days later to get signed off as med-up, and blood px was 106/45.

I remember once in college when even the systolic (upper) number was 96, although I don't remember what the diastolic number was in that instance.

5/8/2008 9:09:34 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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I has it. Think I got it from my mom.

5/8/2008 9:12:00 PM

All American
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mines 16x/6x

one sixty something OVER sixty something

i was at the doctor today. i ask, IS THAT HIGH (i really have no idea)

she's like... that top number would concern me

(she is like 350lbs)

im fucked huh

5/8/2008 9:13:24 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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^ hypertension?

mine is usually around 13x/6x

not too bad, but a little higher than normal.

5/8/2008 9:21:44 PM

All American
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my aunt has low pressure. shes fine except she gets cold really easy and is a snooty bitch

my pressure 5 months ago was 200/100 ~ i was sorta stressed out
but now it's 125/75~ and i feel better

5/8/2008 9:23:03 PM

All American
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5 minutes later she asked if any living family had high blood pressure... i was like "ME?" and she kinda made me think no. but im still gonna go back next week and have it looked at. since i have an infection in my head they got a lot of appoinments lined up

guess they dont care cause ill be dead of cancer first

^ could be stressed. 200 coworkers lost jobs this past week

5/8/2008 9:23:51 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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^^damn, that's really high. your bp varies a lot with your stress levels from what i understand.

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 9:24 PM. Reason : arroooowwwwwws]

5/8/2008 9:23:54 PM

All American
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yeah, that top number sounds pretty high, although i don't know where the cutoff is where they start getting concerned. at least you aren't a fatass like your doctor, though!

Normally, the low blood pressure doesn't bother me. I get a little lightheaded if I stand up really quickly sometimes, especially if I'm in the gym and standing up from a really heavy set of squats or deads, but it's not really a big deal. What sucks, though, is that it really impairs my ability to pull g's. My jet is limited to 5.5, and our SOP is to not exceed 4.0, so it's not like I'm in a fighter pulling 7-9, but I actually have to strain against LOW g's (like...3), whereas most of my friends aren't even slightly phased.

When I did the centrifuge training for fighter/attack aircrew, they measure your "resting" g-tolerance (i.e., the point at which you start getting vision loss without doing any special breathing or straining to combat the effects). I think mine was like 2.5 or something, haha (although I'd just gotten back from SERE school, where I'd lost 15-17 pounds and caught pneumonia). Most other guys could pull, ohhh, 3.5-6+ g's without having to 6 g's, I'm bearing down with my leg and ab muscles about to break out of the seat restraints, haha. There is absolutely no way I'd be able to handle 9g's in an F-15 or -16. I drink a lot of fluids

and I salt the shit out of everything--for my health!

5/8/2008 9:26:57 PM

Kitty B
All American
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i have low pressure problems, typically due to hydration issues. i've walked in with 97/60 but my diastolic hasn't gone below 60, to my recollection

5/8/2008 9:34:46 PM


15145 Posts
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I should probably find out what mine is...

5/8/2008 9:38:12 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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we got one of them nifty measurers at work. i measure mine erry day.

5/8/2008 9:42:24 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"I get a little lightheaded if I stand up really quickly sometimes"

Yeah, I get tunnel vision and start seeing stars if I do

Salty food FTW!

5/8/2008 9:43:42 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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i don't know what those numbers mean

but i would bet mine would be pretty high, considering

5/8/2008 9:44:33 PM

Kitty B
All American
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i get a lot of the lightheadedness too

5/8/2008 9:46:09 PM

All American
4270 Posts
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my dad has high blood pressure. i checked mine a week or two ago and it was 141/92. i expected mine to get higher as i get older because of heredity, but i did not expect it to happen so soon.

5/8/2008 9:47:22 PM

no u
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my hair started thinning overnight

that shit sneaks up on you with a quickness

5/8/2008 9:48:15 PM

All American
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yeah i think im doomed on the heart thing. if i make it to 50 without a heart attack its a miracle

5/8/2008 9:49:02 PM

All American
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oh, the other time when it causes problems is when the docs have to draw blood from me. i've lost count of how many times i've heard "your veins are like garden hoses. this oughta be easy", or "your veins are HUGE. this oughta be easy", or "those are probably the best veins I've ever seen. this oughta be easy."

I always laugh and say "Yeah, you wish. Lots of times I stop bleeding after (or before finishing) the first vial, or maybe 2 if you're lucky."

Last time I had to have my "long form" flight physical, they had to draw 9 vials of blood, I think. If I recall correctly, they had to stick me in both arms and both wrists, and were about to have to move to my hands and feet if I didn't fill the vials (I think I ended up doing some pushups and jumping jacks to get my heart rate and maybe blood px up).

5/8/2008 9:50:32 PM

All American
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disclaimer: the following medical advice should be taken extremely lightly because i have no clue what i'm talking about.

maybe your blood is too thick, which might cause clots somewhere down the line. take an asprin a day for a week or two, check again, and see if your blood pressure goes up to a more normal value.

5/8/2008 9:53:42 PM

All American
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oh, and I lost my vision a couple of times (and fell over once, where another "prisoner" caught me and stood me back up) at SERE school...of course, I basically hadn't eaten in a week, had pneumonia and a fever of 102.5, and was being subjected to...interrogation techniques. The time when I fell over was because I stood up too quickly...I don't know what triggered the other instance.

^ based on my mech eng and automotive knowledge of oils and pumps and stuff, I would presume that thinner blood would LOWER my blood pressure.

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 9:56 PM. Reason : asdfad]

5/8/2008 9:54:45 PM

All American
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its not THAT low. Especially if you aren't symptomatic

a systolic of 97 is lowish but not dangerously so.

just today someone had a systolic pressure in the 60s -80s -- now thats LOW she was in atrial fibrillation -- we almost had to shock her.

but instead I just slammed in a 500ml bag of saline and "put her on her head" -- she popped up to 94 systolic pretty quickly.

even though her pressure was low she was still able to answer questions appropriately

ive carried on a conversation with a guy whose systolic dropped to 45 (granted i was trying to keep him from passing out on me) it happened very fast..... we were talking and then he turned white as a sheet.

the MAP(mean arterial pressure) is a more useful number for healthcare purposes.

Most people can perfuse their brain and their kidneys with a MAP greater than 55

greater than 60 is preferred.

some of you have this: i get it from time to time as well

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 10:01 PM. Reason : orthostatic hypotension]

5/8/2008 9:55:54 PM

All American
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what do i have if i lose consciousness at random times while seating?

5/8/2008 10:04:04 PM

All American
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a pretty good explanation

5/8/2008 10:05:31 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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my blood pressure was 80/50 consistently when i lived in kansas (i blame boredom)

its normal now

but when i went to the doctor they weren't concerned as long as i felt ok

its worked its way back up to a more normal level now

5/8/2008 10:05:55 PM

All American
713 Posts
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If you're young, in good shape, that should be fine. I had a coach whose resting pulse was around 30.

5/8/2008 10:06:53 PM

Double Entendre
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mine stays pretty low as well. I get dizzy spells often.

5/8/2008 10:08:14 PM

All American
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30, huh


that HR even for a healthy person would make us nervous -- at least until we cycled a blood pressure

if their BP was really low we would be either pushing atropine or preparing the lifepak to pace them

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 10:15 PM. Reason : your coach must have one hell of a stroke volume ]

5/8/2008 10:11:10 PM

All American
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"It also occurs in people with anemia."

They think I has this ><

5/8/2008 10:12:11 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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This just reminded me of an interesting tidbit I had heard about Lance Armstrong's resting heart rate
for average people:
Children over 10 and adults (including seniors): 60 - 100 beats per minute
for him:
32-34 beats per minute

5/8/2008 10:13:17 PM

All American
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i'm sure that dude was quite healthy

just a cardio-freakshow

my resting pulse is usually in the mid-50s or so...I think both of my roommates are in the 40s. I could believe a RHR of 30 for a really top-shape endurance athlete, especially first thing after waking up.

5/8/2008 10:14:30 PM

All American
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mine was 54 bpm when i got that 141/92 reading, which i thought was odd. i was at the drug store on one of those monitors, which probably was broken judging by the way this kid started mashing buttons after i got done. my friend took his too and his BP was pretty normal, but heart rate was closer to 70.

5/8/2008 10:17:00 PM

21958 Posts
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It isn't abnormal to have low blood pressure during the first part of your pregnancy, but my blood pressure ran low my entire pregnancy. There were several times that I came pretty close to just passing out.

5/8/2008 11:58:53 PM

All American
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my resting is currently in the low to mid 50's, but often been in the 40's.

my b pressure is 110/60, often lower, sometimes higher (if i'm sick, etc)

I remember a psch class, which I was running late to (literally), was checking heart rate when I sat down. I did the check. She asked for mine, to which i gave something like 11-ish. She acted shocked. Then she did a breathing excersize w/ us (loosely based on yoga (which I had experience w/ what she was bastardizing)). She asked me again, and I told her something in the mid 40's. She acted shocked, as I went from the top, to the bottom of the list.

[Edited on May 9, 2008 at 2:17 AM. Reason : ]

5/9/2008 2:16:49 AM

All American
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Mine is crazy low. At one point my doctor was suggesting ways to increase my blood pressure

5/9/2008 8:56:48 AM

All American
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eat some Thickburgers and get those numbers up, Duke!

5/9/2008 9:05:36 AM

All American
22137 Posts
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I am at exactly 60 bpm at rest.

I have no clue what my blood pressure is, i just remember the time that they took it with the sleeve that was too small and it made the thing freak out and give back something like 235 as the systolic number.

5/9/2008 9:14:48 AM

19447 Posts
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So is standing up the only time low blood pressure would bother you? Sometimes if I'm running, when I stop I get kind of dizzy or my vision gets blurry for a few seconds. I don't know if my low BP could be behind that or not.

5/9/2008 9:42:57 AM

All American
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another good BP boosting food is the Mint Chip Dazzler by Hagen Dasz

28g of saturated fat! that's more than a thickburger!

5/9/2008 10:28:12 AM

45208 Posts
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My pressure was around that number when I went in for the flu a couple months ago. She was worried and checked it like 3 times, but it was still low! I was supposed to keep an eye on it, but I just remembered haha

I usually have low blood pressure, but it was like 100/60 during that visit

5/9/2008 10:31:03 AM

All American
542 Posts
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^^^ dont go from running to a straight stop, ever. you can pass out pretty quick. go from running or sprinting down to a fast walk, or as fast as you can manage without further winding yourself. You need to let your body slow down gradually. also, dont ever guzzle water after exertion. i made that mistake once, and thats all it took. had to sit down and sip water for half an hour or id get very nauscious (how do you spell that? firefox has failed me).

5/9/2008 11:43:12 AM

All American
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last time the doctor took my blood pressure (about 2 months ago) he said: Wow, that is FANTASTIC!

I guess I'm alright

5/9/2008 11:44:24 AM

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