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 Message Boards » » anyone familiar with raleigh noise laws??? Page [1]  
New Recruit
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my neighbors suck a fat dick. constantly with the loud music. i feel like i'm at a party every night, and those days are over for me. i have to get up and go to work early these days, and the noise keeps me up at night. i've tried on 3 separate occasions to deal with these jerks myself, to no avail.

does the noise law say no loud music, etc. after 11pm or what? i've checked out the city of raleigh website but it seems vague - just says "at night" and no particular hours.

any ideas?

5/9/2008 10:20:48 PM

All American
8846 Posts
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YOu can make noise over a certain decibel level after 11, don't know what level though.

5/9/2008 10:23:09 PM

147487 Posts
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i thought it was like 10 not 11

5/9/2008 10:23:53 PM

New Recruit
5 Posts
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yeah, i can't seem to find a definite time on the internets... tried a few different google searches

5/9/2008 10:25:10 PM

45912 Posts
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in what apartment complex do you live?

5/9/2008 10:26:59 PM

22518 Posts
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just call the cops and say there is a quintuple kegger with underage kids drinking

that is a sure fire way to get them a NPO violation

5/9/2008 11:26:08 PM


10411 Posts
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11pm on weeknights, midnight on friday and saturday.

5/9/2008 11:33:00 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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It's after 11pm. But good luck getting them to do anything about it. We've been fighting my neighbors for years about the fact they let their dogs bark and fight in their backyard 24/7.

5/9/2008 11:55:58 PM

All American
639 Posts
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i have the same problem. i called rpd today to see what i could do and got referred to 3 different people and the final one was housing & inspections and they said it would get referred back to the police department anyway
i hope they do something about it cause the leasing office hasn't yet.

5/10/2008 2:44:36 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Um. . .I simply typed in "noise complaints" and got all this (first two hits)--you didn't try very hard.

Noise Complaints - 919-831-6311

Nuisance Laws

Quote :
"With more than 300,000 people in Raleigh, it's imperative that we are considerate of our neighbors. Noise, especially at night, can be a serious problem not only for those that have to hear it, but for those making the racket. The City of Raleigh enforces noise ordinances to help keep its neighborhoods pleasant places to live.

The City Code (see sec. 12-5007(c).Sec 12-5008) gives specific details of the noise-related laws in Raleigh. Furthermore, Section 13-3017 outlines the laws regarding nuisance parties. Both tenants and landlords should familiarize themselves with these laws.

Please remember that Raleigh places limits on loud music coming from automobiles. Under the ordinance, music must be contained to a distance of no more than 50 feet from the vehicle. Covered under the law are: radios, stereo receivers, cassette tape players, compact disc players and other similar devices. The ordinance particularly is aimed at motorists who drive through residential areas playing loud music. Violation of the ordinance is a misdemeanor that carries a jail sentence of up to 30 days and a maximum fine of $500.

Occasionally, a rental property in a neighborhood deteriorates or is occupied by tenants who are noisy or show a lack of respect for others' property.

If a property develops problems with lack of maintenance, dangerous electrical or physical issues, crime, noise, overgrown vegetation or trash, or abandoned cars in the yard, some City of Raleigh ordinances may assist in bringing the property into compliance. Please remember that you should also be a good neighbor by trying first to contact the landlord and inform them of the problem. Most landlords want to keep the property in good shape and may not know of a problem when it exists. If the landlord is unresponsive, check the list below for your next step.

If the problem is with loud or unruly tenants, call your district police station.
>District 21 Station House, 8016 Glenwood Avenue, 420-2300
>District 22 Station House, 8320 Litchford Road, 713-4208
>District 23 Station House, 4501 Atlantic Ave., suite 124, 713-5290
>District 24 Station House, 1601-30 Cross Link Road, 857-4455
>District 26 Station House, 601 Hutton Street, 831-6167
>Downtown Station House, Greyhound Bus Terminal, 314 W. Jones St., 807- 8518
*To find out which District Station House is closest to your neighborhood, call Police Headquarters at 890-3335
If a crime has taken place or is suspected to be happening: Call 9-1-1; and,

If the housing condition is poor, or if there is trash in the yard or more than 1 unlicensed vehicle parked on the property – call the Housing and Environmental Division at 807-5110

For most problems on rental property -- when the problem is brought to the attention of the City and appears to be a violation of one of the City's laws or ordinances -- the property will be visited by either a police officer (if a crime or a violation of the noise or excessive party ordinance) or a City inspector. The officer or inspector will investigate. If it's a police matter, the officer will issue a warning or citation. If it's a building inspection issue, the inspector will issue an order to bring the property into compliance.

For housing and nuisance issues, a period of time will be allowed for the property owner to bring the property into compliance. If the property owner fails to do this within the allotted time, a civil penalty will be imposed. In some cases, the nuisance will be taken care of by the City and billed back to the property owner; the property owner will be required to obtain a probationary rental occupancy permit (PROP) for that unit. The PROP will remain in effect for two years, when it will expire if no further violations occur at the same property. If further violations occur, much higher fines will be imposed and the property owner's ability to rent the unit may be withheld for up to a two-year period. Landlords who have a pattern of repeat citations at a rental property also must obtain the permit.

The Raleigh City Council adopted the probationary rental occupancy permit ordinance to:

Reduce the likelihood that tenant-occupied housing accommodations will become public nuisances in violation of City codes;

Promote responsible management of tenant-occupied housing;

Assist in providing a safe habitat for residents and neighbors of tenant-occupied housing;
Safeguard property values;

Reduce the likelihood that unsafe or unfit housing will exist or be occupied; and,

Expedite the repair of residential housing accommodations where code violations occur.

The City of Raleigh's regulations, including the PROP, are designed to encourage the property owner to comply with regulations. If a property owner is actively working to resolve the problem, City inspectors will attempt to work with them. But if the property owner chooses not to respond to correcting violations, the PROP ordinance gives the City the ability to remove the property owners' right to rent the unit.

To obtain a copy of the ordinance creating the probationary rental occupancy permit program, click here. Additional information about the program can be found here. The Housing/Environmental Inspections Division of the City of Raleigh Inspections Department at 807-5110 is responsible for enforcement of this ordinance."

5/10/2008 5:22:57 AM

All American
4126 Posts
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From my experience a noise violation can occur at anytime, they just take it more seriously at night. If it's the first time they have ever been called to the place and there isn't more than a half dozen people, then from what I've seen a verbal warning is given (if there called later that night or in the future then a ticket is given).

I'm completely on your side, noise should not be tolerated late night (maybe once in a while, but not every day no matter what type of apartment you live in). However, from now on you need to chose better because despite you having a good job it seems you moved into a place were people still party all the time/a college living enviroment. If you moved into a place were this is not the case then I would warn them one more time, then cops, and then the owners.

5/10/2008 5:48:39 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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move out of the slums.

5/10/2008 8:42:25 AM

45912 Posts
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^^that's not what I've seen. If you have less than 30/40 people, RPD tells you to keep the noise down, even after lying about your age, lying about there being a party, not opening the door for 10 minutes, etc. ALE will always bust your shit. If you have more than 40, typically shuts it down. Of course, this is somewhat dependent upon the party location's size (if it looks really packed vs looking nearly empty).

Noise doesn't really effect anything, excpet for getting RPD out to your place initially. And even if RPD tells you to keep it down on multiple occasions, it doesn't matter, because they don't keep records of it. I've had the same officer come to some of my friend's parties, 3 or 4 weeks in a row, and the cop figure it out

5/10/2008 9:38:35 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"move out of the slums."

5/10/2008 10:35:40 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"move out of the slums."

5/10/2008 11:52:42 AM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"vote democrat if you like living in the slums"

5/10/2008 1:34:00 PM

All American
833 Posts
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It's 11. We have to comply with those laws at work because we host dj'd parties that sometimes get pretty noisy. Cops show up and we get in pretty big trouble.

5/10/2008 7:03:07 PM

All American
12804 Posts
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Just turn your music up loud at 10:00AM, you know, hours they'd be in bed.

5/10/2008 8:35:48 PM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » anyone familiar with raleigh noise laws??? Page [1]  
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