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All American
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so just back out of this thread if youre not really bored. you have your chance. i just wanted to talk about it for a while before i go grab breakfast, and i'm now 10 times worse than i was before about rambling when i type.

their automated operator is this black chick, and she's doing the 2008 remix of the shuck n jive all over the place. it embarasses me and i'm not even black, or in the room. shit's just uncomfortable. i haven't played with it too much, as i've only called to try to get a deal, and to take my card number out of the system... but anything that SIMONE did would not surprise me. but it could make for internet fun. or it could suck. either way, my 5 minutes passes by.

she's like "yo this is simone" and is all hip, if she cant hear you right, she acts all stoned. "ha ha i must be having a bad day, later." click. shit's ridiculous. they're going for the "don't want a contract" demographic. which, obviously, could be a urban youth without credit. but it could be some kid who only has a phone in case he has an emergency. or maybe you're a drug dealer and you want a 12 dollar phone without your name or a paper trail that you can toss out the window. cheating on your wife? need a rental phone while your daily driver is at the service department... seriously you gotta get this bitch talking. it makes me mad just cause they programmed RUDE into her with the overt blackness, she hangs up on you and shit.

it might as well be some chick like

Quote :
""yo whats up bitches, this ya boy twan, i TOLD YALL ya dont need no fuckin credit up here at VM WHAT WHAT. whitey thought he could keep a nigga off the phone, but he aint know bout CASH MONEY, ya heard? for customer service, say "HOLLA AT A REP" or press 5. to add money to your account, say "BREAK SOME OFF ON THIS MOTHAFUCKA" or press 4. for technical problems, say "THIS PHONE GONE OFF DAT LEAN" or press 3. otherwise stay on the line and some mothafucka will get at you soon dawg. word is bond."

of course i am exaggerating, but it might as well say that. you should try to call them: it's *VM if you are on their system (hope you're not)
or 888-292-8223

or you can check out my badass ringbacks, ha ha ha. 336-327-7693. when i got a new phone to replace the one i broke on my REAL carrier, i spent up my virgin mobile balance on shit like HOLLA BACK GIRL ringbacks and all that. i haven't had it on for a few days so i'm not sure if it works. the website says it can make calls though.

5/16/2008 2:30:08 PM

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5/16/2008 2:31:25 PM

All American
6307 Posts
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you put your real cell # on TWW?

5/16/2008 2:32:17 PM

All American
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5/16/2008 2:32:50 PM

All American
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yeah i guess its my real cell number. notice i put it on there after ive called and told them not to bill me anymore and to remove my card from their system. and theres just a few "bonus minutes" left on there anyways.

and also like i said, its been off for 3 days before today. just turned it on to see if still worked, since it is prepaid and all

don't worry, my current telephone number stays unpublished

5/16/2008 2:35:05 PM

41759 Posts
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lol lol rofl

5/16/2008 2:51:16 PM

All American
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hahahah it does work


ok im going to get some food, make my soulja boy ringtone pop while i'm in line



5/16/2008 2:53:28 PM

All American
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i just realized that i forgot to take my old voicemail greeting off there, thats fucking hilarious. its not going anywhere either, cause i never used the password either since i always just hit the button on the phone.

if anyone asks, im gonna tell people my phone got hacked my a 12 year old rapper

5/17/2008 12:06:13 PM

All American
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see what happens now


6/5/2008 4:54:34 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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haha my sister is a sales rep for them. she can imitate that chick to perfection. its hilarious.

i bought one for my business because mexicans like to run up the bills on company phones, and tried to do something customer service related. i was pissed and left a msg with her.

she called me back talking like her and i about pooped my pants laughing.

the reps all complain about it, but its how they save money.

besides, if black people really cared about stuff like that they would pay their fucking bills so they wouldnt be forced to use virgin/boost and the like.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 5:36 PM. Reason : s]

6/5/2008 5:36:11 PM

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god i cant stand tenacious c sometimes

6/5/2008 5:37:09 PM

All American
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i have cingular so I get outsourced reps all the time

which is worse

6/5/2008 5:41:00 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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actually you have at&t.

that was part of the reason i left cingular, that and the fact that my phone never had service.

i started with bellsouth mobility dcs, ended up with cingular, then cingular bought at&t, then they switched at&t customers from VA with suncom customers. every switch resulted in months of bullshit.

sprint ftw. - i know weird.

6/5/2008 5:44:42 PM

All American
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6/5/2008 5:47:05 PM

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Quote :
" Without African-Americans, English Would Just Sit There

Thug holding up cigarette: Sulfur?
Suit: Huh?
Thug: Fire?
Suit: What?
Thug: Burn?
Suit: I don't... Uh...
Thug: Spark?
Suit: Wha--?
Thug: Blaze?
Old black woman in nurse's uniform at next table: He wants to know if you have a match. Learn to speak English, nigga!

--Wendy's, Fulton Mall, Brooklyn"

6/5/2008 5:50:04 PM

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6/5/2008 5:50:54 PM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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I had to call to activate one of these at work today, since our internet was out. I laughed a little and then got annoyed. I just wanted to talk to a real person!

6/5/2008 6:07:22 PM

All American
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Are you saying blacks are not real people? RACIST!

6/5/2008 6:12:44 PM

Status Name
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The concept of chatting on a phone with any recorded person sucks.

6/5/2008 6:21:52 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » why aren't black people offended by virgin mobile Page [1]  
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