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 Message Boards » » why do people try to get to the top? Page [1]  
All American
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why is it that people spend their life trying to get to the top
top of their company, top of the class, etc
when are you satisfied with what you have?
do you have to be at the top to survive?

deep questions

5/17/2008 4:22:53 PM

All American
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i tried to get on the top of your mom, but i wasnt drunk enough yet.

5/17/2008 4:23:31 PM

All American
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5/17/2008 4:23:49 PM

All American
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i guess you don't have the drive to achieve in life.

that's fine, but for those that do, it's their way of determining success or to mask some weird psychological issue.

5/17/2008 4:24:56 PM

All American
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i didn't try to be in the top of my class, but when i ended up there i wanted to stay. i dunno. no matter how self confident you are you'll definitely be somewhat affected by going from like 20 to 100 in a group of people. i think that is just human nature.

i also like actually doing my work to the best of my ability. if that is what puts someone at the top why should that matter? i don't have time for whiners and laziness. so...i try not to act like that???

but if you are talking about people who absolutely must be in the top and squash everyone and everything in their way to do it, then yea---they're overcompensating and they probably actually aren't very smart/talented, either.

5/17/2008 4:27:42 PM

All American
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^yeah thats true
im very competative but its when i try to do my best that i do what is most meaningful
but now that im about to graduate im not sure where i'll end up in the work force
and i wonder if its really necessary to fight to have the best job etc or just live my life
and not worry too much about it

5/17/2008 4:33:54 PM

All American
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i vote for live life. i try hard in what means something to ME as well. not what means something to other people. if you get a job you're happy with, who cares what other people think. they're probably just mad because i feel like everyone hates their jobs. maybe that is why they try to get to the top...they think it will be better there. or atleast then they'll have a justification for hating their lives.

5/17/2008 4:36:22 PM

All American
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yeah, we'll see, im just preparing myself for the possibility of not finding a good job by december

5/17/2008 4:46:25 PM

All American
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As long as they're not getting to the top by auditing a class one semester to get the exams, then taking the class for credit the following semester and ruining the curves for everyone, I don't see a problem with it

5/17/2008 4:48:31 PM

All American
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i've never understood the kids that got 4.0's in college

what the fuck is the point

have some fun every once in a while

5/17/2008 5:06:44 PM

All American
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^ I had a 4.0 all throughout college

I had a blast, and partied and had more of a life than some of my friends who struggled to maintain a 3.0.

5/17/2008 5:09:19 PM

All American
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i had a 4.0 for only one semester. just to make sure i did it once. my grades were pretty strong throughout though and i had a TON of fun. so much fun i don't really even remember a lot of it

5/17/2008 5:10:11 PM

37709 Posts
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you people

5/17/2008 5:11:01 PM

63151 Posts
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my sister had a 4.0, in a non 4.33 for A+ curriculum, finished undergrad in 3 years, etc etc

partied her ass off, was a sorority girl had a huge time at a baller school

you cant equate a 4.0 with not having fun

5/17/2008 5:12:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i tried to get on the top of your mom, but i wasnt drunk enough yet."


5/17/2008 5:18:17 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » why do people try to get to the top? Page [1]  
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