cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
Most expensive meal I ever had in my life, had it last night.
I bit into the grilled Alaskan hallibut and almost cried it was so good. 5/22/2008 7:57:29 PM
Snewf All American 63551 Posts user info edit post |
Second Empire is, I think, the best food in Raleigh
my sister used to work there 5/22/2008 7:58:08 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
i beat my cock last night
and almost cried it was so good 5/22/2008 7:58:10 PM
Scuba Steve All American 6931 Posts user info edit post |

5/22/2008 7:58:44 PM
Snewf All American 63551 Posts user info edit post |
lucky bastard
I haven't busted a nut in over 30 hours! 5/22/2008 7:58:45 PM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
And the weirdest thing of all is that my client's parents insisted on having me there as a guest - we'd sneak off for photo shoots on the property and all, but mostly we just ate, drank, talked a lot and had a blast for three hours.
Most unique reception I've ever been to in my career. And I think the laid-back attitude of everyone created the most artistic photos I've ever taken as well. She got married off of Davis St. in downtown Raleigh (that pebblestone road, forgot the name, it's at the Market Plaza) and was running out to her car so I get her with her gown, Paris Hilton shades, and her maid of honor making a mad dash down the street holding up her gown as she ran. That was just the starter, the actual grounds at the restaurant are breathtaking. 5/22/2008 8:01:16 PM
Snewf All American 63551 Posts user info edit post |
oh yeah the restaurant gets its name from the architecture of the house
its a nice place, for certain
my fam knows the maitre d' 5/22/2008 8:03:10 PM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
One of the newbies there actually took five to talk to us about the history of the place (he recited it like it was some high school history project ) and pointed out some photos of the location. Being a photog I had to sneak off to study them.
That is so fascinating how it was burnt down in the 60s, and rebuilt, and the annexed part looks so beautifully connected that I didn't think for one second it didn't belong to the original structure. 5/22/2008 8:05:42 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
They made a second Episode V? 5/22/2008 8:15:46 PM
wwwebsurfer All American 10217 Posts user info edit post |
BRING YA CHECKBOOK. 5/22/2008 8:19:13 PM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
The food was also beautifully plated. The mom took shots of her main course, and then after putting her camera away, quietly commented that she was not sure of where to begin. The bride also posed with her new husband with their dessert, which I thought was sooooo cute.
[Edited on May 22, 2008 at 8:25 PM. Reason : The vinagrette was a little sugary though] 5/22/2008 8:24:02 PM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "That is so fascinating how it was burnt down in the 60s, and rebuilt, and the annexed part looks so beautifully connected that I didn't think for one second it didn't belong to the original structure." |
Huh? I can't find anything about that...where did you hear that it burned? (I didn't think that sounded right so I looked it up...) All of the histories I consulted mention that it was used as a private residence of the Dodd family, then Hinsdale family (hence the name Dodd-Hinsdale house) until the early 70's, then vacant with periodic attempts at renovation/redevelopment until Second Empire bought it in '97...
Not trying to be a jerk about it, I just am legitimately interested in the history/architecture of the region, and if there was a major part of the history of that house that I haven't heard about, I'd like to know. 5/23/2008 11:14:14 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
I've been there once. Its good but I wouldn't classify it as best food ever. 5/23/2008 11:17:50 AM
Stimwalt All American 15292 Posts user info edit post |
I went there for prom, it's fairly pimp. 5/23/2008 11:20:42 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I've been there once. Its good but I wouldn't classify it as best food ever." |
same here. actually when i left i was still hungry and thought it was too expensive for the portion. 5/23/2008 11:29:30 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
it is good but pretty pricey
but not TOO pricey for an excellent first date
just a hint fellas 5/23/2008 11:33:31 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
if you take a girl to second empire on a first date then you have no game
i would never do this
second empire would be a date i would take my woman on after we were established.
plus, i dont like formal first dates. 5/23/2008 11:36:11 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
If someone took me there on a first date I'd suspect him of expecting something in return after dinner.
Chances are I'd probably give it to him.
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:37 AM. Reason : .] 5/23/2008 11:36:34 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
i took my gf there for our first-year anniversary
i had the roasted duck in a raspberry glaze and sauce
i nearly came, it was so amazing
so was the $110 bill (not including tip) 5/23/2008 11:37:19 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
I wouldn't take a first date to II Empire because that will just bring out the gold digger in her. My first date price range is usually on par with Brasa + bottle of wine. 5/23/2008 11:38:11 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
whoa there big guy everyone
i'm a good looking reasonable dude, who dates reasonable girls
i don't deal with undateable girls
it's totally legit to take a girl to a nice restaurant for a first real date
why would you not?
it shows you've got class and that you care about impressing her
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:39 AM. Reason : .] 5/23/2008 11:38:13 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
yes, you are exactly right. Which is why you take her to a nice place that isn't the nicest. Where will you go from there if your first date was the best of the best. (well by raleigh standards that is) 5/23/2008 11:40:54 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
what's more important than the first date?
... and you say "getting the second, or some other shit" i'm going to lose it
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:42 AM. Reason : ..] 5/23/2008 11:41:17 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
a 2nd and 3rd. 5/23/2008 11:41:51 AM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Not saying it's ridiculous, but I do think Second Empire is a bit much for a first date, unless you're just trying to show how baller you are. Yes it's classy, but I would almost think it would come off as you're trying *too* hard to impress her.
I also wouldn't want to drop $150 on a first date...that's more "special occasion meal" money in my book. If that makes me cheap, well, so be it. 5/23/2008 11:42:33 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
i fucking knew it
other than "getting them" the other dates are not as important as the first
we all know this 5/23/2008 11:42:36 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
you're not going to drop 150
you're going to drop 100
and if you're not super poor and like the girl, than it's no big deal
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:43 AM. Reason : .] 5/23/2008 11:43:32 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
all i'm saying is if you take a girl to the best of the best on a first date...then there is really no where else to go from there. She won't be impressed on the 2nd date and the 3rd will be just as bad or worse.
^shit...I took my gf to Brasa on our first 'official' date and I dropped more than $100 on that.
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:45 AM. Reason : .] 5/23/2008 11:44:30 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
you shouldn't need a 2nd and 3rd date to "impress"
trust me, if she into you and you do right, she'll practically be in love with you by the end of the first date
that's the way it works
^ I'm going by the menu, and how a girl I would take out would act with the getting of the pricey food
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:46 AM. Reason : .] 5/23/2008 11:45:31 AM
blasphemour All American 57594 Posts user info edit post |
If that is the most expensive meal you have ever had, you must not get out of Raleigh very often. 5/23/2008 11:47:02 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
lol...personally i don't need to impress her with a restaurant. My character is impressive enough.
Quote : | "^ I'm going by the menu, and how a girl I would take out would act with the getting of the pricey food" |
wait what? If i take a girl to an expensive restaurant...I don't want her ordering the chicken unless thats what she really wants. So you are saying dropping $100 is because she's getting the pricey food or because she's eating the cheapest thing on the menu?
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:49 AM. Reason : .] 5/23/2008 11:47:05 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
it's probably the most expensive place i've ever been too...
sorry, we're not all OMG CHARGE THE $500 LUNCH ON MY GOLD CARD kinds of people 5/23/2008 11:48:29 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
not really seeing that here "brah" 5/23/2008 11:48:51 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
^if you use words like "brah" i can see why you would need to take her to second empire to impress....just saying. 5/23/2008 11:50:20 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
yeah... i can see why you would be worried about "gold diggers" taking advantage of you 5/23/2008 11:51:16 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if you take a girl to second empire on a first date then you have no game" |
5/23/2008 11:53:35 AM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
I once took a girl to showmars on a first date and I still nailed her
thats called confidence 5/23/2008 11:55:08 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "yeah... i can see why you would be worried about "gold diggers" taking advantage of you" |
oh yeah? hows that? because I don't use words like "brah"? 5/23/2008 11:55:40 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
^^ uh... congratulations that you got to bang some easy cheap slut?
^ seriously man, I'm done
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 11:56 AM. Reason : .] 5/23/2008 11:56:02 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
5 star or Cafe Luna is a place that i will usually take someone for dinner on a first date but i try not to "do" dinner as a first date
i really like lunch dates or coffee dates first to talk and get to know someone in a non formal, easy going and relaxing date.
with the girl i just broke up with a couple of months ago...she actually took me to a football game for our first date and it was great. she got the tix and the beer for tailgating with her friends. our second date was dinner at 5 Star and drinks afterwards
then i learned that she was the hardest person on the planet to get along with.  5/23/2008 11:57:11 AM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
ok 5/23/2008 11:57:14 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "5 star or Cafe Luna " |
those are both excellent places, in my mind on par with second empire 5/23/2008 11:58:07 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
but not nearly as expensive or fancy 5/23/2008 11:58:45 AM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
kind of
i think they're the same class
so what if the entrees are 10 or 15 bucks cheaper
and true, the wait staff at second empire is super hardcore
but it's the same as far as general ambiance
[Edited on May 23, 2008 at 12:00 PM. Reason : it is a little bit more] 5/23/2008 11:59:59 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Vicks at city market or Lilly's at 5 points are prob. 2 of my favorite lunch date spots; sit outside, get some pizza and people watch. 5/23/2008 12:00:56 PM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
never been to vicks
but if you find a chick who's never been to lilly's and then take her there
you will win massive points 5/23/2008 12:01:42 PM
goFigure All American 1583 Posts user info edit post |
I went to McDonalds with my GF(of almost 3years) on our first date...
but we had also made a day trip to Wilmington and were starving in Monkey Junction before the cubby's went in... and just wanted a snack...
it was our 1.5year deal before I ever took her someplace upscale...
Second Empire sounds like a good place for a pre-proposal dinner... 5/23/2008 12:03:32 PM
jwdeesnuts All American 1684 Posts user info edit post |
awww yeah. get it brah. 5/23/2008 12:04:51 PM
RawWulf All American 9126 Posts user info edit post |
damn, those prices are a lot cheaper than what I was expecting.
I guess growing up on the Outer Banks has made me numb to $25+ plates. 5/23/2008 12:11:02 PM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
hell, Brasa is $35 / plate and well worth it. 5/23/2008 12:12:21 PM