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All American
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I skipped mine to go see Le Tigre, so I don't have any prom stories (good show, though).

Tell your prom stories.

5/24/2008 1:51:43 PM

All American
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I had curfew 15 minutes after prom ended.

My parents forced me to break up with the dude who was taking me two weeks before prom.

Prom sucked and I didn't go the next year.

5/24/2008 1:53:47 PM

All American
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your parents sound like a couple of ass-halves

5/24/2008 1:54:43 PM

All American
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i went my soph, jun, and sen year

got laid the first two, and fingered my date in the backseat the last year

went to myrtle beach afterwards

5/24/2008 1:55:10 PM

All American
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The night after prom there wasn't shit going on because I'm from the worst town ever. I also wasn't fucking my date cuz we weren't like that. So me and my friend were getting drunk listening to The Beatles in my car in front of my house on some Goldschlager. Anyway, I wake up the next morning still pretty drunk. I walk out to my car to make sure I didn't do anything stupid from the night before and all my doors are locked and I can still hear music coming from inside. Apparently I had locked my keys in my car with the accessory still on and it was playing a good 10 hours later. My mom's house is in the same neighborhood and that's where the spare key was so I walked the mile or so over there (still drunk) and had to break into her house because all my keys are still locked inside my car. So I opened this window and climbed in to get the spare key. I got it and walked back to my car and opened it up and got the key back. I called my friend later to see if he remembers how the fuck this happened and he said he can't but that he woke up with a bunch of gold flakes all over his bed. So... I guess we had gotten pretty smashed just chilling the night before.

That's my prom story.

5/24/2008 1:58:20 PM

All American
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Mine sucked. The girl I took didnt give me any ass that night and started being a real bitch in the following weeks. Money well spent. Thanks alot Prom.

5/24/2008 1:59:18 PM

All American
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didn't go

5/24/2008 2:30:57 PM

All American
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jr year my bf and i went with a big group of friends...which sucked b/c just prior to prom we all had this huge high school drama bull shit fight. we were all there pissed off at each other, but had dropped all this $$$ on a group photo shoot and limo so we all put on smiling faces to get through it.

sr year, same bf and i went by ourselves. didn't make a reservation & so we had dinner at chic-fil-a prior (nom nom nom). dance was in the gym at school, which was surprisingly pretty good...but we left early, went back to my house, and watched a movie.

overall, they both sucked. we had two other big dances in school which were much better--sweet 16 and christmas dance. those were a fucking good time

[Edited on May 24, 2008 at 11:38 PM. Reason : ]

5/24/2008 11:31:58 PM

Thots and Prayers
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I went with my gf at the time, we stayed for an hour tops, and our group of people went back to a hotel room and drank tons of goldschlager.

i drank so much goldschlager in high school, and never touched it since. that shit is nasty.

anyway, i got so drunk that i passed out, and missed out on getting ass. she got so drunk she peed on the bed.

good times.

5/24/2008 11:35:37 PM

All American
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^ ew.

2009ncsu and i went both years.

it was cute.

5/25/2008 12:31:07 AM

All American
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I went fresh, soph, and jr. year. I had seen enough by my sr. year.
They were all pretty lame.

5/25/2008 12:43:37 AM

All American
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5/25/2008 12:45:31 AM

All American
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i went Soph, Jr, Sr year too...

i wasnt one of those girls who went apreshit over it but i def had a good time

um... dont have too many interesting stories and a lady never kisses and tells

5/25/2008 12:45:47 AM

All American
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5/25/2008 12:45:58 AM

Double Entendre
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I went to two my Junior Year. I went to one with the guy I liked, Bryant, at his high school (Chapel Hill High) but we were not dating. It was so much fun and his prom was way better than mine. After prom we went back to my friend Enyonam's house and watched Drive Me Crazy at like 2 in the morning. I took another guy named Dave that I liked to mine. It was a lot of fun but it took my dad for a loop because he did not know that Dave was black. I was dating both of them but I was not their girlfriend. Complicated and if you care to know the complication you can pm me. I had two very good dinners with both and a lot of dancing. Very good.

I went to my senior prom with one of my friends that was like 20 something so that was weird. I did not like him and the person I wanted to go with was dating someone even though he liked me. My date ended up getting to my house late so we missed our reservations. I was so pissed that we had to eat pizza. My dress strap broke on my awesome dress because my juggs were too heavy for the dress. I had to leave prom to go back home and put on my pageant dress that I had worn earlier that year. That prom sucked sooooooooo bad!!!!

Prom is way to much pressure and hype! I hope Maya does not care so much about her's but she prob will.

5/25/2008 1:32:10 AM

wear sumthin tight
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i was prom king and my ex was prom queen

her bf got pissed cause we danced together and they left early

good story

5/25/2008 1:41:27 AM

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