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 Message Boards » » CrazyFire sucks ass now Page [1]  
Scary Larry
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I just ate dinner there and had perhaps the worst dining experience in my life, I would have complained to management if I didn't get the distinct impression that I might have been beaten or mugged had I said the wrong thing.

There were like three obese nigs working there, with half of their extended family chilling at a table in the dining area talking, while they chilled at the register talking. In like 30 minutes my drink got refilled once, and that was only because he wanted to bring me the check, "not to rush me," and I happened to ask.

After he brought the refill (he had to go fetch it because he hadn't bothered to notice until after I asked), I was like you know, fuck it, can I just get a box... he's like "well we're not supposed to do that, let me go ask the manager" he goes outside for about 15 minutes with his posse, comes back like "naw man she said I couldn't"... and doesn't bother to refill my drink, which is again empty at this point, so I grab the check and cash out.

Upon leaving I notice that indeed the website had been correct (I checked before leaving, not wanting to be "that guy"), they didn't close until 10PM, and looked at my cell phone to check the time-- it was 9:04. Lazy fucking niggers.

I wouldn't recommend eating there at this point unless you're packing heat and bring your own bottled water.

5/25/2008 9:31:18 PM

All American
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The crazy fire on exit 141 on 40/85 in Burlington nc is fantastic.

They cook it the right way and make it better than anyone in raleigh.

5/25/2008 9:34:35 PM

All American
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so.... not a big fan of the blakc peaple eh?

5/25/2008 9:34:38 PM

All American
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ZomBCrow and I ate there recently and had a similar experience.

The only notable difference was that when he asked for a box, the guy asked the manager and came back and said "the manager said no, but I mean I will look out for ya man. I will take it in the back and put it in a box for you and then when you leave just drive around back and I'll have it for you back there..."

True story. But this was after our waiter bought a dime in a VW beetle next to my car in the parking lot! So, maybe he was just stoned! HAha

5/25/2008 9:47:39 PM

All American
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ok. It clearly states on the menu that you cannot ask for a box after 4pm.

If you fucktards could read you'd know. The waiter should know this already, but theres a reason why you're in college/graduated and that waste of life is waiting tables at crazy fire.

5/25/2008 9:50:12 PM

All American
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its probably the same people that want to bring their dogs with them to eat dinner

5/25/2008 9:51:27 PM

All American
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I'm gonna assume you left a generous tip?

5/25/2008 9:54:58 PM

Scary Larry
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First of all, I was never given a menu, so you can pretty much kiss my ass.

Secondly, I didn't get any more food than I get when I go there before 4PM (2 overflowing bowls in either case), I paid more for it than I do before 4PM, and I wasn't allowed to keep the leftovers... so again they suck, and again you can kiss my ass.

5/25/2008 9:56:25 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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crazy fire is awesome

scary larry is the one who sucks ass

5/25/2008 9:57:57 PM

All American
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yeah we never got menus either... im not really bitching either... it was just funny as hell when he offered to give it to us out back! LOL

5/25/2008 9:59:25 PM

Scary Larry
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he did say if I had someone with me that had a bag or something he woulda let me slip it out, so I guess he really would have

that doesn't really make up for the fact that I wanted to leave because I was thirsty, though

5/25/2008 10:00:28 PM

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nigger hater

5/25/2008 10:00:42 PM

All American
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i wouldnt fuck with zombcraw.

I heard he once ate a little white girl because she looked at him funny

5/25/2008 10:02:15 PM

All American
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its tough work hatin black people. i could imagine how thirsty you were

5/25/2008 10:02:25 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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who gets menus at crazy fire

thats like getting a menu at cicis

5/25/2008 10:02:49 PM

All American
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^^^he didnt eat her he licked her.. i was there

5/25/2008 10:06:21 PM

6999 Posts
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u sure were

5/25/2008 10:06:38 PM

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mother fucker

[Edited on May 25, 2008 at 10:07 PM. Reason : d]

5/25/2008 10:07:10 PM

All American
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The only location I've ever been to is Capital Blvd beside the Hampton Inn. It's always been a great experience.

5/25/2008 10:08:39 PM

All American
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5/25/2008 10:11:32 PM

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