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All American
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i figure exercise is the answer to my depression.

i normally do an alternate of push/pull muscle groups and 15 minutes of cardio to start. and then sauna for 15-30 minutes after my workout. my lifting is about 4 days a week.

i'm eager to change it up. any suggestions are welcome. tomorrow's a holida so i may drive to the track and do sprints and pushups/situps for about an hour.

5/26/2008 1:17:18 AM

All American
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5/26/2008 1:18:35 AM

All American
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20 cock push ups

5/26/2008 1:19:02 AM

343 Posts
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cock pushups

5/26/2008 1:39:17 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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101 fork lifts

5/26/2008 1:41:02 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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1. Drink beer
2. ...
3. Profit

5/26/2008 2:21:32 AM

All American
3613 Posts
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this will cure your depression and help your neck muscles.

5/26/2008 2:23:56 AM

All American
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^ was that really necessary. how about saying something nice and supportive?

5/26/2008 3:23:52 AM

All American
10337 Posts
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1) Go to bed at 2 am
2) Set alarm for 7 am so you can go to gym
3) Fail

5/26/2008 8:10:42 AM

All American
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5/26/2008 8:13:15 AM

All American
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I find cardio always helps me. Back when I had access to a gym, I would do about 10 minutes of stretches/warm up, 40 minutes cardio, 15 minutes of stretches/cooling off, and then I would swim laps in the pool until I was pretty sure I'd drown from exhaustion

5/26/2008 8:54:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"20 cock push ups"

One is all you need!

5/26/2008 10:31:04 AM

All American
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Try doing cardio after your workout.

5/26/2008 10:33:25 AM

All American
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5/26/2008 10:50:20 AM

All American
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I like to start out with some cardio, do a little lifting, then wind down with more cardio.

5/26/2008 10:59:11 AM

All American
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okay. i made progress. woke up at 11am. got dressed and jogged about 2 miles. when I tired from jogging i stopped and did a few situps.

i have to start somewhere.

5/26/2008 12:20:11 PM

All American
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okay. i made progress. woke up at 11am. got dressed and jogged about 2 miles. when I tired from jogging i stopped and did a few situps.

i have to start somewhere.

5/26/2008 12:20:49 PM

All American
35321 Posts
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1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and get them sit ups right and
Tuck your tummy tight and do your crunches like this
Give head, stop breathe, get up, check your weave
Don't drop the blunt and disrespect the weed
Pick up your son and don't disrespect your seed

5/26/2008 12:22:27 PM

All American
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5/26/2008 12:23:43 PM

All American
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i go to LA Fitness, but i think its closed today. not sure. i'll drive there in the evening. my goal is to do cardio every morning and lift weights and light cardio in the evening.

i think the pounds will drop. i haven't worked out in 3-4 months and my abs are visible - so i'm guessing 2 months i could have a defined 6-pack. it'll be hard work though. now i can only see my top 2 and the others have a layer of fat on them.

5'11" about 215lbs now.

5/26/2008 12:52:01 PM

All American
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I've got great definition. And I get it by doing reps.

5/26/2008 7:34:14 PM

All American
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did chest, back, biceps and calves today and shot some hoops. did very light weight, but had no rest between sets. did supersets for everything. took me about 30 minutes only. i was sweaty as fuck.

i think i'll do supersets w/no rest in between for the next 2 months.

5/29/2008 4:07:26 PM

50085 Posts
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That's what I do, because of time constraints... I can't spend 1-2 hours most days at the gym but still need to get my workout in.

5/29/2008 4:26:34 PM

All American
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^ do you think this way gives better results? cause its really cardio tasking. i'm so used to resting for like 20-30 seconds after sets . . . i was pretty exhausted.

5/29/2008 4:38:43 PM

147487 Posts
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mine was chest, back, legs, arms in that order...that would be a weeks legs will stay sore for like 5 days so legs to back day was about 5 days apart cause i do deadlifts for back which also work the legs, so i'd have to let my legs recover before i could do back....arms usually stay really sore for about 3 days so i tried to seperate arms from chest for at least 3 days....that was the best i could come up with and not working out a muscle group while it was still sore

5/29/2008 4:42:00 PM

All American
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i do the same body parts twice a week, but i do a different excercise. like for back i'd do lat pull downs and cable rows. i'll do back like 2-3 days later, but do lower back rows or use dumbells for back. i alternate excercises.

5/29/2008 4:44:46 PM

147487 Posts
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for back i did deadlifts, close grip lat pull, wide grip lat pull, bent over barbell rows, and seated cable rows

chest was bench, dumbell bench, and incline barbell bench and sometimes dumbell flys

legs was squats and calf raises...squats have always murdered my legs for some reason

arms were dumbell curls, barbell curls, concentration curls, tricep extensions, tricep pulldowns, millitary press, dumbell lateral raises, and close grip bench and dips if i feel like it...a lot of the arms can be supersetted to save time

5/29/2008 4:48:45 PM

All American
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WOW ! you did all this in one session. it takes me about a 6 day gym week to do all those exercises. i generally keep weight-lifting to 45min to an hour. and i make sure to do either 15-20 minutes in the jacuzzi or sauna afterwards.

5/29/2008 4:52:01 PM

147487 Posts
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yep...on the 3 days off i'd go to lake johnson and'd take me about 45 minutes to do all that...when you work out in your home its easy to get done quickly....i went from about 167 to about 185 in 2.5 months but i was eating super healthy(like all 5 food groups, no junk food, tons of protein) and i took creatine

[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 4:55 PM. Reason : but i was mostly gaining back what i had lost since hs etc]

5/29/2008 4:55:27 PM

45208 Posts
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Quote :
"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and get them sit ups right and
Tuck your tummy tight and do your crunches like this
Give head, stop breathe, get up, check your weave
Don't drop the blunt and disrespect the weed
Pick up your son and don't disrespect your seed"

5/29/2008 5:00:07 PM

Bee Hugger
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I do opposite muscle groups each day. For example: biceps/triceps on the same day, chest/back on the same day. I do 2 on, 1 off. In other words, I work biceps/triceps 1 day, chest/back the next day, then take a day off. I usually just throw in shoulders on biceps/triceps day because those days tend to be a little lighter. I do abs and run for 30 minutes every day, even on my off weight lifting days.

I also eat really low carb and don't drink beer. strictly liquor if and when i drink.

dropped 15 lbs in about 2 weeks when i first started, but now it is leveling off becasue I am building a good bit of muscle mass.

[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 5:07 PM. Reason : v]

5/29/2008 5:06:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I also eat really low carb and don't drink beer. strictly liquor if and when i drink."

is beer really bad? I love having a Peroni or a Heineken when I'm watching Chris Matthews on MSNBC. and what bottle of liquor is best for calories. i was considering no alcohol at all, but just a little bit of weed every now and then. weed has 0 calories . . . and it doesn't seem to effect my cardio much. i'm conflicted on how clean i want to be.

5/29/2008 5:09:13 PM

Bee Hugger
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if you work out and do cardio every day, you really don't need to worry that much about calories. The main thing you want to worry about, if you are cutting weight, is fat and carbs. unless, of course, you are eating a ton of potato chips and other garbage.

drinking a couple beers won't really hurt as long as your diet is healthy otherwise. Now, if you are drinking 8 Heinekens, it will all go to your love handles. I say if you must have beer, drink 1 or 2 of the good shit, then drink lite beer. If I drink beer, which i haven't in a while, I drink Miller Lite. It tastes better than Mic Ultra, and only has like .4 more grams of carbs.

as far as liquor goes, just stay away from the sweet shit. All of the dark liquors (bourbon, whiskey, scotch, etc) are very diet friendly. Just remember, if you are trying to lose weight, your body's first choice for energy is alcohol. so the more alcohol you drink, the slower you will burn fat

5/29/2008 5:15:23 PM

All American
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i see. i think i can cut it out. whenever i'm in workout mode i don't have a problem quitting alcohol. my problem is i eat very small meals throughout the day and sometimes I skip meals. like i'll eat breakfast and skip lunch. i'll eat dinner, but i really don't eat large portion sizes so i split my dinner into two or three meals. i'm just weird like that.

i think the reason i can not go to the gym and drink alcohol and not take care of my body is because i never eat to be full.

5/29/2008 5:31:42 PM

Bee Hugger
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^ that is actually how most trainers recommend you do it. Instead of eating 2-3 big meals a day, you eat 7 small meals throughout the day. So without even realizing it, you are doing the right thing

5/29/2008 5:33:48 PM

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