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All American
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(tech talk is for toothpaste)

i have an i-book i'm supposed to try to fix. but i've never really used macs before. so im just wondering some simple mac stuff

like how do you reboot it, what would give me some hardware info at boot time, etc

5/27/2008 1:17:04 PM

281 Posts
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5/27/2008 1:18:44 PM

All American
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hold down the shift key at boot

disables all extensions

whats wrong with it? what's it doing?

5/27/2008 1:19:38 PM

All American
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take this to euphalo

5/27/2008 1:20:21 PM

All American
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Control + Open Apple + _______ ?

5/27/2008 1:21:04 PM

All American
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thanks orangeaccord, is that pretty recent info? meaning the computer is pretty light but i cant find any dates or model numbers on it, so im not sure how old it is. but it seems so light that its at least kinda new. anyways

Quote :
"whats wrong with it? what's it doing?"

thx nfo. i dont know what it does, the guy explained it like at boot time that there was an "hourglass" that sat there forever. and i was like SURE ITS NOT VISTA LOL. and now i have it. it just boots to some screen and has a bigass apple on half of it

then the bottom part has a watch without hands (HOURGLASS?) type thing, and it just sits there. thats as much as i've messed with it up till now. today was to be the day i play with this one.

^ hahahah thats all ive been able to think of -- ctrl/open apple/reset or someshit

5/27/2008 1:24:19 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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Add cheese, mix it up, eat up.

5/27/2008 1:28:23 PM

All American
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does it look like a clamshell
what color is it

a pic would be nice

5/27/2008 1:29:16 PM

All American
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sounds like someone ate half ur apple

theres your plroblem right there

5/27/2008 1:29:32 PM

All American
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ive been trying to take pics but my camera is too awesome and i dont wanna go to a well lit area


shitty pics coming

ive decided its gotta be fairly old though maybe cause it has a modem.

its white/greywhite/ish

and there is an apple at midscreen, with a circle under it made of dashes, that stays halfway bolded as it goes around and around itself. and it never moves.

its almost like its already booted and in sleep mode. not sure ok lemme get the pics up

5/27/2008 1:32:20 PM

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Reboot, and hold down the command (apple) and 's' key until you see a black screen with text. When the scrolling stops, at the prompt, type

fsck -f [including the space, then return]

after the disk check, and repair if necessary, type

reboot [return]

The Mac should boot. If fsck isn't able to repair the disk, you will be notified. You can try again -- sometimes this works. If not, either the disk is bad or you could try a commercial disk repair utility such as Disk Warrior.

5/27/2008 1:33:02 PM

All American
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^^that means it has osx on it.

the spinner never goes away? if you see the apple and the spinner, that means the bootloader is seeing the osx partition. it sounds like you just need to reinstall osx.

and it doesnt sound like a fsck will help - fsck is usually the solution when you have a question mark folder

5/27/2008 1:33:16 PM

All American
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Right click... oh, wait.

5/27/2008 1:34:15 PM

All American
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^hey i can right click on my macbook

5/27/2008 1:34:45 PM

All American
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please don't banz

5/27/2008 1:35:24 PM

All American
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there are 2 of the 10 i took. the 2 that turned out kinda. one shows it all, the 2nd kinda shows the circle thing

im not THAT terrible at taking pics.... the nikon d50 is too r33t for these pictures, but i couldnt find the coolpix.

5/27/2008 1:39:24 PM

281 Posts
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Quote :
"the spinner never goes away? if you see the apple and the spinner, that means the bootloader is seeing the osx partition. it sounds like you just need to reinstall osx."

i saw his post after my disk check suggestion... i think you might be correct in that it's not a disk problem but a osx problem. I would try reinstalling the os jackleg

5/27/2008 1:39:38 PM

37709 Posts
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Tech Talk is that way ^

5/27/2008 1:43:16 PM

All American
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orangeaccords suggestion took me to some linux stuff. BSD ROOT!!!!

but it hung at what i guess is network card shit, maybe i should plug it in?

dies at in6_ifattach "lo0 failed to attach a linklocal address"

this is linuxy am i gonna have to hax the shell!!1

seriously never ever touched a mac in my life, had no idea what to expect

5/27/2008 1:44:08 PM

All American
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boot w/ the osx install dvd

and choose "archive and install"

^lo0 is loopback/, that is not good

5/27/2008 1:44:25 PM

All American
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oh i dont have any cds, i was seriously just looking at it for a dude. "i know nothing about macs but ill look at it, its all computers. (im sure someone on tww can help troubleshoot it

any idea from the pic what version it is, so i can try a downloaded copy

another question, about how old is this thing? the guy is like 60 so i wasnt sure. i was just tryin to be nice,

5/27/2008 1:47:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Tech Talk is that way ^"

suck my balls, look at every thread ive made in tech talk. if google wont answer it, no one helps

if i have MS problems i ask dr havoc cause hes the cofounder of the l3gi0n of l33t.

this was rare

5/27/2008 1:49:20 PM

All American
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it's not THAT old, its an ibook g4.

any version will do, to be safe i'd probably go with a 10.4 variant.

i have a leopard install disc if you can't find anything else (ill stick the iso up on euphalo for you)

5/27/2008 1:49:29 PM

All American
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5/27/2008 1:52:12 PM

All American
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well ill talk to the guy first and see what his situation is. if he has a preference. etc

is this liike windows in that i can reinstall the OS without wiping the partition? in case he has pics etc. im assuming most appdata would be long gone if its like windows.

i just wanna hook dude up with as much stuff as possible compared to when it broke. if he has an OS he wants to keep, i guess i should use that. i dont know how crazy apple is about fucking up computers if you install a pirated copy of their OS.... but i'd rather see if homey has his original CDs before i use something else, i guess.

or maybe he could use a little upgrade, i dunno. i wish there was a book or specs or something with this thing so i could actually learn something. oh well fuck it, looks like ill only use one mac every 30 years

5/27/2008 1:57:26 PM

All American
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^as long as its on apple hardware they honestly don't give a shit

and if you do an archive and install, it basically wipes the /system folder and reinstalls the OS w/o deleting userdata.

5/27/2008 1:59:36 PM

All American
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so is this osx a cousin of openbsd? i kinda wanna tell him its gonna take a week to fix and look at it some

5/27/2008 2:03:49 PM

All American
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5/27/2008 2:04:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Tech Talk is that way ^"

it's impossible to get any help in tech talk

5/27/2008 2:52:28 PM

All American
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^its true, the nerds just make fun of you until you leave

5/27/2008 2:54:42 PM

All American
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whats a good version of osx to put on an ibook?

i think its a fwe years old

6/2/2008 11:46:47 PM

All American
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windows xp

6/2/2008 11:48:00 PM

The Stubby
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Quote :
"Right click... oh, wait."

ignorant, much.

jack - if you really want to put OS X on it, my suggestion is Tiger. it's a good version and Leopard *may* be a little over the top since you said the iBook is old.

you could also give this a shot. if you hold down, i think, "d" during boot, it takes you to diagnostic mode. i think this is more for hardware but it's worth a try. gl

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 12:00 AM. Reason : you mentioned *nix... OS X has Unix underpennings]

6/3/2008 12:00:07 AM

All American
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thanks fry, it does look like its about a 2-usb ibook in the 600mhz range or something (i have no papers just what i can see online)

so i was wondering about leopard to begin with.

if he has a better os to put on it at home that he uses, he can upgrage.

got an iso?

or a version # i can search out on one of the rad torrent sites i LEEEEECH

6/3/2008 12:53:20 AM

All American
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Quote :



6/3/2008 1:57:05 AM

All American
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yeah leopard is probably overkill
unfortunately it's the only version i have

10.4.11 is the last released version of tiger - it doesn't really matter which of them you download, as software update will update it anyway.

make sure you don't download one of the hackintosh distros.

whats the model number? look under the battery

6/3/2008 2:07:00 AM

All American
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i hear ya man my sleep is totally fucked, i left yesterday morning before 4 am.

looks like the stickers gone, but i was reading a site earlier and it looks to be about right before g4, maybe the 2usb 5-600 mhz? im not really sure.

uses battery a1008 ahaha

6/3/2008 2:12:14 AM

All American
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got an os install disk, its like 2.6gb iso

this is probably a cd drive, so is there a default split...

or better yet someone give me a goot mac bootdisk location so i can just boot from a cd and get at the filesystem plz

also the display craps out a lot

6/5/2008 5:18:54 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » hey is there a way to boot a mac into safe mode Page [1]  
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