i can't believe this.
5/31/2008 3:13:34 AM
o reery
5/31/2008 3:14:10 AM
it was a joke SHOOG
5/31/2008 3:15:25 AM
fuck ?sure
5/31/2008 3:15:48 AM
i know. you totally got me. sick burn dude.
5/31/2008 3:16:12 AM
5/31/2008 3:17:18 AM
and here i was being serious. but i'll play alongSICK BURn
5/31/2008 3:17:32 AM
me either... stupid dumbass spic bringin a knife to a gunfight
5/31/2008 3:17:38 AM
5/31/2008 3:17:59 AM
5/31/2008 3:18:23 AM
maybe you should do some more coke and chill the fuck out
5/31/2008 3:19:21 AM
silly bar fight drama
5/31/2008 3:19:27 AM
thats what teh fag said
5/31/2008 3:20:11 AM
it was pretty sick. i should have kept it up longer
5/31/2008 3:20:14 AM
5/31/2008 3:21:06 AM
coke is for pussies
5/31/2008 3:23:38 AM
pussies for coke?
5/31/2008 3:24:13 AM
5/31/2008 3:24:25 AM
i shouldve just slept with the bar slutwtf is wrong with me
5/31/2008 3:25:02 AM
5/31/2008 3:27:27 AM
make a wish!
5/31/2008 3:33:59 AM
5/31/2008 3:34:48 AM
hey kate
5/31/2008 3:49:13 AM
5/31/2008 9:02:51 AM
6/12/2008 5:23:47 AM
kay hate
6/12/2008 5:24:59 AM
hay kate
6/22/2008 10:15:37 PM
6/22/2008 10:16:28 PM
6/22/2008 10:20:25 PM