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 Message Boards » » My aunt's house burned down this morning Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Last night at 1130 I was a single decision away from staying there and just going to bed early (really didn't feel like going out) made myself go out and got back at 5am to fire trucks and ems. Electrical fire in the attic was the cause, and the fireman told me that had I been there I'd likely be dead, the room I was staying in was consumed by fire by the time the fire dept got there and they got there pretty shortly after the fire started.

My aunt is fine she should be discharged from Duke ICU tomorrow or monday. I lost basically everything i own (which wasn't much: months worth of clothes and my computer) but i don't really care about that shit, I'm alive and my aunt is alive and thats what matters. But guys life is too short to hold on to hate and shit. If I've done anything to any of you either on here or IRL to hurt you or upset you, I am genuinely sorry, let me know if I can make it up to you. And if you've done or said anything to me, then you're forgiven.

And if any of you ever need me, I'll be here.

5/31/2008 11:01:56 PM

63151 Posts
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yh, tba

5/31/2008 11:02:20 PM

All American
13206 Posts
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5/31/2008 11:03:41 PM

All American
8704 Posts
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sorry to hear it. insurance will cover all of it?

5/31/2008 11:04:40 PM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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Quote :
"But guys life is too short to hold on to hate and shit. "

oh fuck that and fuck YOU!


Sorry you lost your crib, b.

5/31/2008 11:05:09 PM

All American
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glad to hear that you're alright and that your aunt will be okay.

5/31/2008 11:05:43 PM

All American
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yeah insurance will cover it all

she lost a lot of sentimental stuff though but at least shes alive and doing relatively well

5/31/2008 11:06:07 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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shit dude
glad you and your aunt are okay!

5/31/2008 11:07:13 PM

All American
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thanks, and i thought things were bad when i found out at 5 yesterday that i was rejected for financial aid when it rains it pours i guess

5/31/2008 11:08:08 PM

All American
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do yall have a place to stay? and your aunt when she is released?

5/31/2008 11:10:38 PM

All American
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well right now i'm staying with one of her daughters, and i've got friends around raleigh who have already said i can stay with them now

she should *hope hope* be released tomorrow or monday

insurance should cover a place to stay for a while, and she can always stay with one of her daughters so no worries there

[Edited on May 31, 2008 at 11:12 PM. Reason : .]

5/31/2008 11:12:04 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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no where to go but up from here

5/31/2008 11:13:09 PM

All American
30000 Posts
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i dont know you, but i have mad love for you parsonsb

5/31/2008 11:14:31 PM

All American
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i sure hope so, i've still got that job though so at least i'll be making some money

[Edited on May 31, 2008 at 11:15 PM. Reason : .]

5/31/2008 11:14:34 PM

32613 Posts
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good to hear yall are ok..and have insurance to cover it all

5/31/2008 11:16:20 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Is there the possibility that this is a Fight Club kind of thing and you actually burned your house down when you were "out"?

5/31/2008 11:17:19 PM

All American
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i'm sure that it couldn't have been fight clubesque, i was fully aware of everything going on last night :p

5/31/2008 11:27:00 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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Wow. That's really scary to think about. Its gotta be hard for you right now. I am very glad that your Aunt is ok and that you weren't hurt either! I hope good things happen for you from here. And I hope she comes home tomorrow or Monday.

[Edited on May 31, 2008 at 11:33 PM. Reason : ]

5/31/2008 11:31:50 PM

All American
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well on the bright side she did want some new linoleum in the kitchen

5/31/2008 11:33:09 PM

6999 Posts
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I'm sorry man.

5/31/2008 11:34:08 PM

All American
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i'm just glad no one was hurt, material things can be replaced, a life can't

but just hearing a fireman tell you you'd likely be dead if you were there is a pretty upsetting experience

luckily for me i have at least a little bit of a social life

5/31/2008 11:37:11 PM

4549 Posts
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[user]flashflooder[/user] and i had an apartment fire a little over a year ago while i was off in utah snowboarding...thats scary shit. hard to imagine losing all youve got until it actually happens, even though our fire was relatively weak compared to losing all you've got.

but still man, im sorry... i feel for you and your aunt. i couldnt imagine going through a fire any worse than what we had to experience.

5/31/2008 11:52:00 PM

All American
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5/31/2008 11:55:00 PM

All American
47902 Posts
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dang, sorry what happened.

you better apologize to blockbuster for talking bad about them

6/1/2008 12:02:40 AM

40981 Posts
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glad to hear you're ok

6/1/2008 12:09:17 AM

All American
17118 Posts
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that's surreal

I don't know what I'd do if I arrived at a burnt-down home

It'd probably give me some much-needed perspective, maybe it's not all bad. Kindof like how scorched earth allows the next season of growth to flourish

6/1/2008 12:19:10 AM

12909 Posts
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i have never laughed about a house fire before

but there's a first time for everything

6/1/2008 12:22:47 AM

147487 Posts
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yo holmes to bel air

damn man that condolences

6/1/2008 12:47:20 AM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
"i have never laughed about a house fire before

but there's a first time for everything"


6/1/2008 12:49:57 AM

76471 Posts
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oh good lord, kid

gg on going out

Quote :
"well on the bright side she did want some new linoleum in the kitchen "

I'm not gonna lie. I chuckled.

Is she maintaining a sense of humor, or is she just that terribly shaken?

6/1/2008 12:52:52 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"well right now i'm staying with one of her daughters"


Shit sucks, b. Good to hear you both are okay.

Although, it did remind me of this one woman. When I was getting prepped as an extra for an HBO special, the hair dresser mentioned that she was low on sleep, although she was in a fairly good mood. When asked why, she said that her home/apartment had burned down last, lost everything, and that she and her daughter likely had nowhere to go. I was all

[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 1:09 AM. Reason : l]

6/1/2008 1:09:00 AM

All American
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insurance should find us a place to stay within 2 weeks

but its going to take a while to get my laptop back, since they want me to buy one and then get reimburshed for it (i mean i wish i could just afford a new laptop right now, but i'm broke)

6/1/2008 10:46:57 PM

All American
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^ credit card?

6/1/2008 10:47:29 PM

All American
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i don't have one, and i don't know how long it would take them to pay it off so i'd rather not risk fucking my credit

6/1/2008 10:48:24 PM

All American
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good call

6/1/2008 10:48:42 PM

balls deep
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6/1/2008 10:49:25 PM

All American
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it really surprises me that this has had as little effect on me as it has (i mean yeah i've been upset but nowhere near what i should have been) i guess i've just gotten used to life shitting on me

6/1/2008 10:51:23 PM

All American
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in a few days you'll be sitting in your car weeping

then you'll clean yourself up, walk back into Applebee's and face the rest of your thankless shift

6/1/2008 10:53:06 PM

All American
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i don't know, i'm a pretty emotional guy, it hit me a couple of times today, but it was more of a "eh that just kind of sucks" feeling not a "oh holy fucking shit, why the hell did this shit happen to me, dammit" feeling

6/1/2008 10:55:27 PM

All American
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yeah stuff really is just stuff

life is far more precious

I'm glad you're okay

keep it together, alright?

6/1/2008 10:56:37 PM

All American
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yeah, my manager and training person today took it harder than i was, i'm not complaining got me hugs from 2 hot girls, this pity thing might acutally work for me

6/1/2008 10:57:56 PM

All American
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oh shit are you allowed to drink in the restaurant after your shift?

play the "I don't have a home anymore" card and you could be swimming in pussy

6/1/2008 10:59:28 PM

All American
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not allowed to drink in the restaurant i work at, so i'd say no, not sure if they care, but until i see other people doing it i'm not going to

6/1/2008 11:00:38 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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^ work it

Just tell her you been having a rough night

and need a place to stay

6/1/2008 11:00:44 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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Quote :
"swimming in pussy"

bad mental image there. i know what you meant, but i can't help but think loose.

6/1/2008 11:01:14 PM

All American
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yeah hint to one of your co-workers that you're going to sleep in your car or something

6/1/2008 11:02:21 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
2414 Posts
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Quote :
"flashflooder and i had an apartment fire a little over a year ago while i was off in utah snowboarding...thats scary shit. hard to imagine losing all youve got until it actually happens, even though our fire was relatively weak compared to losing all you've got."

In my friend's apartment complex, the top corner apartment of the building next to him caught on fire. They had to evacuate that building, as well as the 2 caddy corner from it. The furniture from the 3rd floor fell through to the bottom 2 floors, melted the sides of the 2 corner buildings.

Come to find out, the apartment that went up in flames was a couple that were on their honeymoon.... Imagine coming home to that shit! Not to mention, they were out of the country, so no one could really call and inform them.

[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 11:06 PM. Reason : .]

6/1/2008 11:05:49 PM

All American
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damn thats a rocky start to a marriage

6/1/2008 11:07:53 PM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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Baby, I've been having a rough night.

6/2/2008 2:49:20 PM


47844 Posts
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set em up

6/2/2008 2:52:30 PM

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