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All American
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has anyone ever used one of these. i've been thinking about buying one and almost bought a topper at target, but decided not to until i can hear some genuine testimony on it.

post your opinions if youve got 'em

6/2/2008 1:35:36 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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i want to get a tempurpedic when i can afford it (after the wedding)

6/2/2008 1:36:03 PM

All American
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i'd like to know how the toppers compare

6/2/2008 1:37:30 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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they make you hot as fuck.

they are fairly comfortable once you get used to the lack of springs, but I always have trouble sleeping in one because it seems to trap body heat too much.

6/2/2008 1:39:55 PM

All American
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that explains the "neutral temp material" i kept seeing all over the packaging.

6/2/2008 1:42:07 PM

All American
6839 Posts
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I own a tempurpedic bed, and yeah, it gets a bit warm. Still comfortable as hell, especially in the winter.

6/2/2008 1:48:04 PM

All American
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Yea, I had one - had to return it cause I was overheating. freaking HOT up in that sucker. Even with a queen bed to myself there are only so many ways you can turn before the mattress just gets WAY too hot.

However those Simmons Beautyrest - the expensive ones - are freaking AMAZING. not cheap though.

6/2/2008 1:59:33 PM

All American
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okay then

of the different mattress topper things

which is the best

6/2/2008 2:00:25 PM

All American
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I just got a mem. foam mattress. I haven't noticed the heat problem that people say usually accompanies these kinds of mattresses, and I was concerned because I'm a hot sleeper for the most part.
What I've found more than anything is that I got one expecting to see a reduction on lower back pain when I wake up in the morning, but that hasn't happened. In fact, I've noticed an increase. It actually seems too soft. I cant say I'm 100% pleased with the purchase. Just my experience. You might have a more positive one.

Also, my side of the bed seems really really soft and I sink in while my fiancee's side seems more firm and I like it better.

6/2/2008 2:01:51 PM

19447 Posts
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This is good to know. I'd pondered someday getting one of these, but I already get hot at night. Time to scratch that off my list.

6/2/2008 2:02:59 PM

All American
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not often do useful, serious threads like this show up in chit chat. lounge, IMO.

but yeah -- i've heard some people complain about the heating issue. i dont particularly like to be hot while i'm sleeping so i think i can survive with just a mattress pad for now.

6/2/2008 2:04:46 PM

All American
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tempurpedic FTW

6/2/2008 2:06:26 PM

All American
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they're not good for sex either imo

6/2/2008 6:02:18 PM

All American
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My husband and I bought a topper about 6 months ago. It felt awesome at first and still does, but I have noticed that the foam has started to thin out where we normally lay each night, so if you want to move out of that area, you tend to roll back into where the foam is thinner. Other than that I would totally recommend one.

6/2/2008 6:04:59 PM

All American
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that stuff feels too much like human skin for my comfort.

6/2/2008 6:06:40 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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The toppers are just a dumb idea.

6/2/2008 6:13:42 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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They're terrible for sex

I'm an athletic fucker..I don't believe in just laying there and doing the old in-out in-out

If all you basically do is standard mish, it'd be OK

but I'm all about different moves and coming in from non-traditional angles

Lots of hip work...real porn star shit

I need springs to counterbalance my shit, and a waterbed or the memory foam just doesn't work for me

6/2/2008 6:21:18 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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Do they remember that uggo you fucked two months ago?

6/2/2008 6:58:40 PM

All American
2380 Posts
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I bought a topper off of for my king size bed for 140 and it's tits. I don't know about the shitty fucker(s) that said sex on it sucks but I can bury bone like a dog on it without a problem.

6/2/2008 8:52:54 PM

All American
4364 Posts
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Quote :
"Do they remember that uggo you fucked two months ago?"


6/2/2008 8:55:58 PM

All American
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we have a king size tempurpedic. it cost 4 grand but it was the best purchase we've made. back pain- gone. it makes me snore though, i'm still trying to figure out how to fix that. i never snored on my old mattress! it isn't awkward for sex- even for 'untraditional' positions. no annoying squeaking when it gets hot and heavy either. we have high thread count sheets and neither of us have gotten too hot on it.

6/2/2008 10:06:27 PM

soup du hier
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they make me sweat too much

6/2/2008 10:06:56 PM

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im just afraid that ill get too hot on one to pull the trigger

6/2/2008 10:22:01 PM

All American
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BIG DISCLAIMER: we don't have one but I've done some research on them.

Seems like even the fancy ones only have a few inches of the actual 'memory foam' - the core of the mattress is much harder (for support). So you could conceivably get the same benefit from a topper for a fraction of the cost. We got a 1.5" topper from overstock and it's comfortable, but got indented pretty quickly. It bought us some time before having to get a new mattress, though, and it won't cost much to replace it with a nicer topper if we decide to go that route.

6/2/2008 10:35:43 PM

Double Entendre
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I have fibromyalgia and I was advised not to get one of those if you already have back pain. We have a simmons beautyrest and that thing is the best mattress I have ever slept on.

6/2/2008 10:45:53 PM

All American
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I got a king size Ultra Plush Foam from original mattress factory, and I have to say, my back doesn't hurt anymore when I wake up. And I can't feel the wife roll over in the night or even get out of bed in the morning. Plus it doesn't weigh much, so when its time to move, I can carry it myself.

6/2/2008 10:57:15 PM

All American
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I have the 3" topper. It really let me stretch a few more years out of my mattress when I started to think about replacing it. I plan to buy a king sized bed at some point this year and I'll probably look at the memoryfoam mattresses when I do.

6/2/2008 11:14:59 PM

All American
1067 Posts
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i have a memory foam bed and every morning when i wake up with the morning wood, i get up, go to the bathroom, and come back and i still see its imprint. def worth having...A+

6/2/2008 11:32:00 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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Quote :
All American
38638 Posts
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Do they remember that uggo you fucked two months ago?"

shawna has like 9 out the last 10 wins posted by chicks on tww

6/3/2008 12:34:45 AM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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I am fairly awesome, if I do say so myself.

6/3/2008 12:39:57 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » memory foam beds Page [1]  
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