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 Message Boards » » Is it possible to curve a bullets pathway? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Is it? Someone should know. Is there a way you can put a spin on it? Like when you can curve the pathway of a soccer ball?

6/3/2008 12:16:58 AM

balls deep
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I've done it a few times

6/3/2008 12:17:23 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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If Angelina says it, it must be true.

6/3/2008 12:17:43 AM

All American
45943 Posts
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It is to possible to curve a bullet's path...

...from a treadmill?

6/3/2008 12:18:43 AM

35217 Posts
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just remember that there is no bullet.

6/3/2008 12:19:28 AM

All American
5543 Posts
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Black hole

6/3/2008 12:23:01 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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You do it by holding the gun crooked. That's why all the gangstas hold it that way. It's not just for looks.

6/3/2008 12:23:43 AM

All American
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If the twist rate of a barrel isn't matched with the bullet's length and velocity, then the bullet's path will be curved.
It won't be predictable though.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 12:24 AM. Reason : Thats what shooters call shitty accuracy.]

6/3/2008 12:23:58 AM

All American
10855 Posts
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sure, you just have to bend the barrel

6/3/2008 12:24:05 AM

All American
9157 Posts
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[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 12:24 AM. Reason : fsdf]

6/3/2008 12:24:18 AM

All American
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Depending on the type of gun, the bullet spins anyway. And there's this:

6/3/2008 12:24:36 AM

12937 Posts
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Without lasers?


[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 12:25 AM. Reason : mty]

6/3/2008 12:24:55 AM

All American
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i don't know but there is a movie about it that is coming out with Angelina Jolie in it

6/3/2008 12:26:13 AM

All American
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with a magnetic bullet and a strong enough magnetic field


or shooting into a high wind

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 12:27 AM. Reason : .]

6/3/2008 12:26:40 AM

All American
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6/3/2008 12:26:51 AM

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Pretty sure that's why she asked.

6/3/2008 12:27:13 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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All bullets curve down naturally after being shot out of the gun.

6/3/2008 12:27:22 AM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"with a magnetic bullet and a strong enough magnetic field


Still no.

6/3/2008 12:28:57 AM

All American
13206 Posts
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well if you're shooting from far enough away then even the slightest variance in anything can cause a bullet to curve way off target

6/3/2008 12:29:23 AM

All American
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6/3/2008 12:29:25 AM

All American
10217 Posts
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Quote :
"You do it by holding the gun crooked. That's why all the gangstas hold it that way. It's not just for looks."

10/10 bahahahahahaha

6/3/2008 12:51:43 AM

All American
4474 Posts
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maybe if you can swing your arm about 1500 ft/sec, or if you have a round bullet like a musket ball, neither of which was displayed in the wanted preview.

6/3/2008 1:07:49 AM

Arranging the blocks
3072 Posts
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That and trains aren't not bulletproof either. At least to handgun bullets.

6/3/2008 1:16:24 AM

12937 Posts
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How do you know that they weren't swinging their arms at 850mph~ ?

6/3/2008 1:17:13 AM

All American
908 Posts
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a bullet traveling 3000 feet per second /= a ball traveling 20 feet per second.

a bullet does eventually curve but its nothing like a soccer ball. Its impossible.

6/3/2008 1:17:39 AM

Arranging the blocks
3072 Posts
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^^The sonic boom would have destroyed their bodies?

6/3/2008 1:21:29 AM

All American
4670 Posts
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Handgun bullets don't travel 3000 fps.
Still impossible...

6/3/2008 1:22:01 AM

All American
10000 Posts
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if we can curve cannons we can curve bullets imo.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 1:23 AM. Reason : rofl]

6/3/2008 1:23:16 AM

All American
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you can skip them off of water

6/3/2008 1:24:02 AM

All American
10000 Posts
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Quote :
"Yes, it would be possible, theoretically."

yeah, gtfo.

6/3/2008 1:24:12 AM

12937 Posts
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^^^^They do if shoot "em outta a rifle.

But yeah, highest is like 2,300fps.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 1:25 AM. Reason : ^]

6/3/2008 1:24:42 AM

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6/3/2008 1:28:26 AM

All American
34477 Posts
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Yes, it would be possible, theoretically. I don't know how fast you'd have to move your arm, and it would depend heavily on the rifling of the gun, but it should be possible due to progression of angular momentum (the same effect that allows a gyroscope to balance from holding one side of the axle).

But, this is pretty basic physics... if you've taken py 205 you should be able to calculate how fast your arm would have to move, and at what rate the bullet should spin to curve around like it does in the movie trailer.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 1:40 AM. Reason : pc]

6/3/2008 1:39:54 AM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"Yes, it would be possible, theoretically."

yeah, gtfo.

6/3/2008 1:41:18 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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You could also calculate the force that would be exerted on the slide and firing mechanism causing the pistol not to function and the force with which your arm would be ripped from your body if you could move it that fast.

6/3/2008 1:42:30 AM

All American
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[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 1:43 AM. Reason : ...]

6/3/2008 1:42:59 AM

12937 Posts
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Btw, they're doing shooting tricks on the history channel right now.

6/3/2008 1:44:15 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Guys, it's called a willing suspension of disbelief.

And you'll need that to enjoy a shitbox of a movie like Wanted.

6/3/2008 1:45:04 AM

All American
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Let's calculate the force need to motivate Angelina Jolie to have sex with me, THEORETICALLY

6/3/2008 1:46:05 AM

All American
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okay... just a back of the envelope calculation...

But lets say your gun shot at 800 ft/s, your target was 30 ft away, assuming the bullet can make at least a revolution before it hits the target 30ft away and the obstacle, you'd have to move your arm at about 40 mph horizontally to cause it to curve 1.5ft around the target.

6/3/2008 2:01:59 AM

Arranging the blocks
3072 Posts
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The bullet would make 37 revolutions to a target at 30ft. Depending on twist rate that is, assuming 1:9.7

6/3/2008 2:05:16 AM

All American
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^ if that's the case, then you could line 37 people up and shoot at them while moving the gun, not hit a single person, but also hit a target directly behind them.

This sounds like something for Mythbusters to try

6/3/2008 2:07:21 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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I'm surprised nobody said anything about shooting into water.

6/3/2008 4:15:57 AM

37709 Posts
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mythbusters already did a shooting into water deal

6/3/2008 4:16:48 AM

2940 Posts
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the vertical spin on the bullet pretty much ensures that there's not nearly enough horizontal spin on the bullet to produce any type of magnus effect that would curve the bullet.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 5:07 AM. Reason : .]

6/3/2008 5:06:50 AM

All American
21537 Posts
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"the magnus effect"

6/3/2008 8:25:50 AM

Scary Larry
644 Posts
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Quote :
"a bullet does eventually curve but its nothing like a soccer ball. Its impossible."

also I'm pretty sure you could actually do something like this pretty easily with like an induction launcher, infrared laser, sensor, and an energy storage capacitor bank ;-p

6/3/2008 8:26:33 AM

All American
8029 Posts
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they make smart bullets for the .50 cal that can seek out a lased target

6/3/2008 8:31:02 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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didn't they already bust this myth on MythBusters?

6/3/2008 8:50:56 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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Anyway, the correct answer is yes but definitely not that extreme and over that short a distance. All bullets curve slightly as a result of their spin. Here is a quote from a ballistics test done by the military:

Quote :
"A bullet in flight is affected by its spin. Spinning objects are subject to precession. In ballistics this effect is referred to as spin drift or gyroscopic drift. In military testing with the old service .30-'06 cartridge this was found to cause the bullet to drift about 3/8" at 300 yards, 1.5" at 500 yards, and 13" at 1,000 yards. This is why the 1903 Springfield rifle has sights that move a small amount to the left as you raise the elevation. The right hand twist results in gyroscopic drift to the right and the compensation for this was built into the sights."

6/3/2008 9:26:50 AM

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