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 Message Boards » » TWC: trying to steal yo money (again) Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
Time Warner is starting a new internet access payment method trial in Beaumont, Texas that is a throwback to the early days of the Internet when you paid for the amount of data you sent or received rather than the simple flat rate virtually all internet users currently enjoy.

Service with Internet and video or phone at $29.98 per month would give customers pokey downloads at 768 kbps and have an absolutely shameful per month limit of only 5GB. That means these customers couldn’t watch one single typical HD movie with Apple TV without going over their monthly allotment.

The penalty for going over the pathetic monthly bandwidth limit is extreme -- $1 per gigabyte. That means Time Warner plans to charge customers who exceed the bandwidth cap a whopping $6-$8 more per HD movie streamed from Apple TV or a similar service.

Shortened for your convenience:

6/3/2008 1:36:56 PM

All American
9157 Posts
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more like WTC, what the cunt amirite

6/3/2008 1:38:53 PM

Garage Mod
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those bastards!!

6/3/2008 1:39:04 PM

148873 Posts
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fuck so now i'll have to pay $0.60 for every copyrighted movie i illegally download

looks like DivX and XVID will get priority over DVD ISOs!

6/3/2008 1:39:35 PM

All American
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after that damn guide menu change they pushed on us, and the amount of money I pay a month for service (higher than any other bill in our house) I am really really considering switching over to directv

6/3/2008 1:40:49 PM

All American
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^do it, I couldn't be happier with DirecTV

6/3/2008 1:44:02 PM

best gottfriend
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i hope that i never live in an area where i'm stuck w/ something that terrible.

6/3/2008 1:44:52 PM

All American
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do you still get roadrunner through TWC?

6/3/2008 1:45:15 PM

All American
7528 Posts
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We'll get people with disposable incomes and they can dispose of it to us!

6/3/2008 1:45:23 PM

45208 Posts
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I miss my DirectTV!!! My apartment complex made some deal with TWC so we have to pay for it with our rent. I can't wait until my lease is up in August so I can go back to satellite!

6/3/2008 1:45:36 PM

All American
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^?ya, we have Dish - neighbor has DirecTv. If you want regular definition dish all the way, HD - Directv.

These limits are just ludacris - just managing a website I use up 5GB per week uploading and downloading files.

Pulling up network monitor I've got almost a gigabyte in 3 days.... (without downloading torrents or anything!)

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 1:47 PM. Reason : ^]

6/3/2008 1:46:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"fuck so now i'll have to pay $0.60 for every copyrighted movie i illegally download "

ever heard of apple tv and the netflix set top box?

i EASILY use 5gb between these two.. in like two weeks.

6/3/2008 2:06:07 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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i kinda like this, now all you illegal downloaders will have to pay, jhahhaa

6/3/2008 2:16:50 PM

147487 Posts
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i can tell you from first hand knowledge this will suck...i got road runner lite 768 and its hard for me to watch meet the press and face the nation literally skips at least every 10 seconds

6/3/2008 2:19:13 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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gotta get that turbo son

6/3/2008 2:46:39 PM

All American
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to me this doesnt sound like a long term plan, its probably to slow down traffic and raise money to finish building a much faster infrastructure to usher in the future of the interweb

6/3/2008 2:54:56 PM

Garage Mod
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for those of you who have satellite, who do you use for high speed internet?

6/3/2008 2:56:58 PM

All American
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a long term plan for the CEO's to put gold rims on their Ferraris.

6/3/2008 2:57:35 PM

All American
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twc owns the lines here so if you went with another carrier you would pay twc prices + line rent costs

6/3/2008 2:57:47 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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Quote :
"now all you illegal legal downloaders will have to pay, jhahhaa"

even more

6/3/2008 2:59:19 PM

All American
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^^not sure about that, im sure their prices are regulated if they lease it to someone else, because of anti-monopoly laws

but i guess the OP saw the youtube video talking aobut how all ISP's will start having a list of websites that are free and anything else you'll pay each time you visit
its basically a way of censuring the internet and its set for 2012, ironically

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:02 PM. Reason : ^]

6/3/2008 3:01:38 PM

All American
3785 Posts
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[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:07 PM. Reason : .]

6/3/2008 3:07:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^not sure about that, im sure their prices are regulated if they lease it to someone else, because of anti-monopoly laws

I'm just going on what embarq told me when i asked why the same speed service was more with them, as opposed to twc.

6/3/2008 3:07:58 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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What would be the major difference in the regular rr to the new 768kbps one? We just browse and use it for xblive.

6/3/2008 3:09:45 PM

All American
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you need turbo rr to see a difference
rather than 512kb/sec you get 1.2mb/sec actually bandwidth

6/3/2008 3:10:22 PM

All American
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I pay 35 so I think I have the turbo, its not the lite. Would my gaming be laggy? thats really all I care about (We have intarnet phones as well)

6/3/2008 3:12:20 PM

All American
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turbo is 50

in counterstrike source i usually have a ping of like 15-20 (the lower the number the better)
tnx rr turbo
you're the shit

6/3/2008 3:12:38 PM

All American
8846 Posts
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so this means Im getting DSL then

6/3/2008 3:13:22 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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DSL sucks dick

6/3/2008 3:13:58 PM

Garage Mod
12301 Posts
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so seriously, does anyone know any more about the differences b/w the different road runners? is it worth paying for regular over lite or 768?

6/3/2008 3:14:08 PM

All American
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I've had both, I def like cable better. The fact is though if i have to pay for bandwith, I'm gonna go to DSL. It's not that much worse and I don't have to worry about going over my limit.

6/3/2008 3:14:45 PM

All American
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lite is NOT fine for gaming

6/3/2008 3:15:01 PM

All American
8846 Posts
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^^^I've had both....lite is fine for gaming.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:15 PM. Reason : ^^]

6/3/2008 3:15:08 PM

All American
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Ima switch to that 768, I could use that 20 for gas ya heard?

6/3/2008 3:16:25 PM

Garage Mod
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oh and can could i have road runner and direct tv? seems like it would create a conflict on the cabling.

6/3/2008 3:16:26 PM

All American
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Should be fine, direct has their own thang.

6/3/2008 3:16:54 PM

All American
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btw if you get just roadrunner they put a blocking thingy in your cable line at the box to block basic cable
pop that off and you have rr and* cable

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:18 PM. Reason : .]

6/3/2008 3:18:06 PM

35217 Posts
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if cable ever makes it to where I am, I'm using our dish for target practice. And the hughesnet thing that directv advertises also has download limits and you get throttled back if you download over a certain amount in 24 hrs.

6/3/2008 4:28:35 PM

148873 Posts
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Quote :
"for those of you who have satellite, who do you use for high speed internet?"

some friends of mine who are in remote areas where they cant get cable and have DirectTV get satellite internet from a company called Hughesnet / Direcway

6/3/2008 4:33:33 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"lite is NOT fine for gaming"

gaming is all about response times, and has almost nothing to do with overall bandwidth.

That being said, there should be no noticeable difference between any of the TWC offerings in terms of gaming.

6/3/2008 4:39:58 PM

35217 Posts
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yeah, is the link to prices. they have a fair access policy where your download speeds are reduced like 50-75% for 24hrs.
Quote :
"Home 200 MB

Pro 375 MB

ProPlus 425 MB

Small Office 500 MB

Business Internet 1,250 MB"

right now we're using alltel's unlimited wireless internet for like 59.95. says about 800kb-1mbps down and 100 up. hooked up to xbox live and played a game of ncaa 08 just for shits and giggles and the lag was noticeable but game was still playable.

6/3/2008 4:49:53 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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^ my parents use the $29.95/month data plan and have my gf's old RAZR tethered via USB to their computer...for them, it works well...they get about 190kbps down and 80kbps up...they got rid of their landline and use skype for free to call when they need to (otherwise they use the cell phones)...overall, it was $10/month for dial-up and $25/month for basic they see it, they're saving $5/month

6/3/2008 5:02:01 PM

All American
10829 Posts
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wasn't this brought up in tech talk months ago and then again days ago?

6/3/2008 5:09:41 PM

El Nachó
special helper
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yes it was. The whole topic is old and stupid. It will never be implemented on a large scale.

6/3/2008 5:14:27 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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This is an effective way for a telecom company to commit suicide.

6/3/2008 5:22:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » TWC: trying to steal yo money (again) Page [1]  
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