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 Message Boards » » Why must we glorify unbalanced people? Page [1]  
12937 Posts
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I mean, you just know that he is going to be the best WoW player ever.

6/5/2008 4:59:08 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"His parents encourage his studies and seem to have just one taboo activity for their prodigy son — no video games. “It’s a waste of time,” Moshe said."


Oh, and he's asian. I think being gifted at math was a given.

6/5/2008 5:06:23 AM

All American
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As long as the kid is able to do what he wants as far as playtime and what not, I don't necessarily see anything wrong with this.

I also have to wonder though how a professor handles a situation like this.

6/5/2008 5:06:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"There’s 6.5 billion people on this earth, and every one is smart in his or her own way"

can't be that smart if he believes that

Quote :
"he sits in a booster seat when his mother drives him to school "

Booster seat at 10? What a fag...

6/5/2008 8:43:18 AM

All American
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What the hell is he going to do between when he graduates and when he will actually be taken seriously at job interviews?

I feel like they are depriving this kid of key elements of his life.

6/5/2008 8:46:40 AM

45208 Posts
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Quote :
"Booster seat at 10? What a fag..."

The child safety seat thingy has a weight requirement. It doesn't matter how old you are if you're under a certain weight. You still have to have the seat!!!

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 8:51 AM. Reason : e]

6/5/2008 8:51:40 AM

All American
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he is 4'7...

what 5th grader rides in a booster seat?

Do tiny gymnastics athletes need to ride in a booster seat?

6/5/2008 8:55:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"There is 6.5 billion people on this Earth"

Fucking genius.

6/5/2008 8:57:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"His father is Jewish-Italian, his mother Chinese, and Moshe’s Chinese given name, Kai, means “obedient tiger.” The name recognizes that he was born in the Year of the Tiger and also seems fitting to his eager devotion to learning."

Rocky III was the first thing that popped into my had after reading that, along with an 80's montage.

6/5/2008 9:00:19 AM

All American
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first thing i thought of from reading ^that line.

6/5/2008 9:24:44 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"The child safety seat thingy has a weight requirement. It doesn't matter how old you are if you're under a certain weight. You still have to have the seat!!!"

That's not true. It's 7 years or 80 lbs, whichever comes first.

At least in NC.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 9:30 AM. Reason :]

6/5/2008 9:28:30 AM

All American
2668 Posts
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Quote :
"His mother says that when he’s not studying, he goofs off and jumps around like any other 10-year-old."

Quote :
"“I don’t really goof off that much,” he explained. “Except eating and sleeping, mostly I study. Just very, very tiny breaks.”"

slave driver parents depriving this kid of middleschool/highschool socialization.

6/5/2008 9:33:43 AM

19447 Posts
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All the child safety things I see say you're supposed to use one for kids under 4'10". I almost qualify

6/5/2008 10:00:43 AM

63151 Posts
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i do it for the shorties?

6/5/2008 10:01:53 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"What the hell is he going to do between when he graduates and when he will actually be taken seriously at job interviews?"

I hear kids like this usually go to med school or law school, they're old enough to be taken seriously when they get out.

6/5/2008 11:11:39 AM

All American
687 Posts
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It's this kind of thing that shows how our society values sheer academic acheivement, rather than the knowledge to apply that acheivement. A.K.A. the 22 year-old college graduate Captain makes more money and orders around the 40 year-old Sergeant Major who has spent those last 22 years in combat situations, but only got a high school degree. Fucking stupid.

6/5/2008 11:21:06 AM

All American
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^ not true... look up military pay charts

6/5/2008 12:08:13 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"I think being gifted at math was a given."

I always feel really weird around an asian that sucks at math... it's like, really weird

6/5/2008 12:09:17 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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i hope he moves out and becomes a fat happy WoW player. a shitty one, at that.

6/5/2008 12:10:36 PM

All American
1260 Posts
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wonder how long it'll take this kid to get laid

6/5/2008 12:20:44 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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fleshlight is in his future

6/5/2008 12:22:37 PM

All American
13206 Posts
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hey he also has the jew part going for the math

really its no surprise

only surprise is he isn't going into accounting

6/5/2008 12:27:50 PM

41759 Posts
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my kids are not having a bunch of video games to sit on their ass and play all the time

6/5/2008 12:49:23 PM

All American
687 Posts
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Quote :
"^ not true... look up military pay charts"

Wow, okay. That shut my ass up. Bad analogy, then. Sorry, I wasn't in the military long enough to actually get paid...

6/5/2008 1:42:23 PM

All American
5543 Posts
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Quote :
"It's this kind of thing that shows how our society values sheer academic acheivement, rather than the knowledge to apply that acheivement. A.K.A. the 22 year-old college graduate Captain makes more money and orders around the 40 year-old Sergeant Major who has spent those last 22 years in combat situations, but only got a high school degree. Fucking stupid."

That isn't quite how it works...

6/5/2008 1:45:13 PM

All American
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^ O-1s are officers but are viewed like teenagers. They are around to learn and pick up on things.

6/5/2008 3:35:10 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Why must we glorify unbalanced people? Page [1]  
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