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Symbolic Grunge
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What would you consider a "good" job, based on income? What number would you be able to live off of comfortably? Obviously the more the better, but what could you live with?

6/5/2008 8:10:47 AM

32613 Posts
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need more info

post grad, during school, grad school, family or not, etc

6/5/2008 8:11:35 AM

Symbolic Grunge
2604 Posts
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post grad no family.

Good point...

6/5/2008 8:12:23 AM

32613 Posts
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something in the high 40's low 50's i would consider pretty decent for starting off with a degree... that was normal when i graduated a few years ago (for engineers) but i'm not sure if it's changed much

6/5/2008 8:13:30 AM

All American
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6/5/2008 8:14:52 AM

All American
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I'd be comfortable living off 70K for the rest of my life (adjusted for inflation of course).

Definitely under my goal...but I could make it work investing the correct way.

6/5/2008 8:15:10 AM

All American
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I could probably live on $30k and be happy, especially if I enjoyed what I do and have a favorable schedule.

Which is why teaching appeals to me. I would probably made half of what I'll make in my current path, but damn 3 weeks off for Christmas, a week off in the spring, and two months vacation over the summer is hard to beat.

6/5/2008 8:25:09 AM

32613 Posts
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wouldnt be worth it to me personally

6/5/2008 8:29:36 AM

All American
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Have you ever seen a teacher over 50 who DOESN'T look like suicide is courting them?

6/5/2008 8:31:46 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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lowest I'd be cool with someone paying me would be 50k. the longer I go without someone throwing me a full time offer at or above 50k, the stronger my business gets, the higher my ambitions get, and the higher the salary to wrangle me gets. there's a lot of shit to put up with on your end working for someone else 40+ hours a week, just keep that in mind.

6/5/2008 8:44:33 AM

All American
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This would really depend on where I lived. I'm getting along with 50k in Japan now, so I figure I'd be set with the same amount in Raleigh

6/5/2008 8:49:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I could probably live on $30k and be happy, especially if I enjoyed what I do and have a favorable schedule."

What are your ambitions though sitting around smoking pot all day? Do you realize how little money that is? You can't even take a vacation every year on that much and if you had a family, then going to the movies more than once a week would break your bank.

6/5/2008 8:53:32 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Quote :
"What would you consider a "good" job, based on income? "


Quote :
"What number would you be able to live off of comfortably?"

With a wife, kid, and one income, a minimum of $75k

Quote :
"Obviously the more the better, but what could you live with?"

We could live on much less, as little as $30k, but it would be a huge adjustment for us. Millions of people do it their whole lives.

6/5/2008 8:56:59 AM

All American
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with no children

I want $50k and up so I can pay off my debt and travel

6/5/2008 9:12:50 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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Quote :
"What are your ambitions though sitting around smoking pot all day? Do you realize how little money that is? You can't even take a vacation every year on that much and if you had a family, then going to the movies more than once a week would break your bank."

It depends on where you live, Obviously it would be extremely tough to do in Raleigh, but where I live now it wouldn't be impossible.

Plus this was talking single. It definitely wouldn't be a single income family type job.

6/5/2008 9:16:18 AM

All American
1450 Posts
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on $30k/year you could live pretty comfortably out here

it wouldnt be extravagant, but you could do it without too much sacrifice

6/5/2008 9:19:29 AM

113 Posts
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^ Agreed. Although 40K would be a little more comfortable... I could still live with 30K initially

6/5/2008 9:23:18 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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no family and just a BS/BA?


6/5/2008 9:50:30 AM

All American
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Live off of comfortably means to me: If I choose to go out to eat,movie or drinking every night or out of town every month then I can do it and still save.

6/5/2008 10:15:08 AM

63151 Posts
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[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 10:19 AM. Reason : nm]

6/5/2008 10:19:17 AM

19447 Posts
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I can't imagine trying to raise a family on 30K. Looks like gravy for dinner again, kids.

6/5/2008 10:20:36 AM

All American
12764 Posts
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Ha. I was going to sent you that quote before I realized who posted it.

6/5/2008 10:24:19 AM

19447 Posts
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You're a quick one.

6/5/2008 10:24:53 AM

All American
12764 Posts
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Quote :
"What would you consider a "good" job, based on income? "


Quote :
"What number would you be able to live off of comfortably?"


Quote :
"Obviously the more the better, but what could you live with?"


6/5/2008 10:25:55 AM

45208 Posts
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Good Job/Income - $100K +

Living Comfy - $50K

Could Live With - $35K

6/5/2008 10:29:11 AM

All American
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You couldn't live off of less than 35K???

6/5/2008 10:32:04 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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A thousand a week to make ends meet

Double that to live comfortably

A couple hundred grand to live how I'd want to

6/5/2008 10:36:35 AM

All American
4127 Posts
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the more money i make the nicer the place i move into

therefore i don't have as much money to throw around

i wish i could go back and live in uvillage for $300 a month on my salary right now for a year and save up

6/5/2008 10:46:05 AM

45208 Posts
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Fine...I'm at around $30K right now and thats not really being able to save a dime. So I think $35K would be what I could live on and be able to save a little.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 10:54 AM. Reason : \/ thank you]

6/5/2008 10:50:47 AM

All American
6787 Posts
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$35k you mean?

6/5/2008 10:53:20 AM

All American
12764 Posts
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You realize Bobby has a wife and kid and he too said he could live off 30K?

6/5/2008 11:11:01 AM

19447 Posts
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You guys just have different definitions of "could live off of"

6/5/2008 11:12:24 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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i can tell you know that have of you have not experienced a real job yet. if you don't think a single person could live comfy off 30-35k you have no clue what you are talking about. albeit, more money is better in general, but if you know how to be handy and fix shit yourself, shop online for deals, and know how to save money in general, you can do a lot with this 'little' money.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:18 AM. Reason : hyoi]

6/5/2008 11:15:25 AM

45208 Posts
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That's Bobby....not me

6/5/2008 11:17:25 AM

All American
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i see lots of 'ignorant' people spend money on shit that i could fix for myself in my sleep. you have to know how to save money in order to see your money. if you live on 30k and can't save a dime, you are living outside or your means, and/ or are bad at personal finance.

6/5/2008 11:18:10 AM

19447 Posts
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Quote :
"i can tell you know that have of you"


Quote :
"but if you know how to be handy and fix shit yourself, shop online for deals, and know how to save money in general, you can do a lot with this 'little' money.

I think many, many people are far too lazy and apathetic about their financial futures to bother

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:20 AM. Reason : .]

6/5/2008 11:18:28 AM

All American
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i can tell you i know that most of you have not

damn how did that happen

oh and females are such impulse buyers... you have to resist the urge!

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:21 AM. Reason : afg]

6/5/2008 11:19:39 AM

45208 Posts
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I have done a lot better in the past year and a half with not buying random shit. I still impulse buy when I'm upset though

6/5/2008 11:22:15 AM

All American
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well as a rule, if i am going to impulse buy, it will be something easily returnable within a reasonable time, or i can sell it off to recover most of the funds if i feel i really don't need it. also as another rule, whether i impulse buy or not, i think about how much am i going to use it, and what percentage of my monthly income it is. it has to be within a certain guideline for me to buy, unless i just got to have it, and then i still think of ways to cut back on other stuff for the month to make up for some of the cost.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:26 AM. Reason : xfgh]

6/5/2008 11:24:42 AM

45208 Posts
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I don't have buyers remorse though. I don't do that return shit, unless it doesn't fit. That's the only case. Impulse is just that though. You don't think about anything, you just do it.

6/5/2008 11:26:21 AM

All American
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in other words, don't impulse buy those thongs or make up, but impulse buy that coffee maker, or dvd player.

6/5/2008 11:26:52 AM

All American
12764 Posts
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Quote :
"That's Bobby....not me"

So Bobby has enough financial sense to care for three with a budget of 30K yet you can not care for one with that same budget.

6/5/2008 11:27:27 AM

All American
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^ its really easy. you just have to think before you spend. its just as simple as that.

6/5/2008 11:28:26 AM

45208 Posts
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^^I said I'm making it work right now, but not really saving anything at the moment. I could do it just like I'm doing it now.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:29 AM. Reason : why are you ganging up on me?]

6/5/2008 11:28:38 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"if you live on 30k and can't save a dime, you are living outside or your means, and/ or are bad at personal finance."

No kidding.

Is "financial fitness advisor" an actual job?

6/5/2008 11:29:00 AM

50085 Posts
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Depends on the location really...

I would say out here 65k-70k is a good job for someone in their first 5 years in the job market. In NC that is probably around 40k-45k...

Quote :
"if you live on 30k and can't save a dime, you are living outside or your means, and/ or are bad at personal finance"

Haha, maybe in Raleigh... but 30k salary even in Raleigh will make you need to pinch pennies...

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:31 AM. Reason : x]

6/5/2008 11:30:01 AM

45208 Posts
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ugh I can save, I'm just not right now!!

anyways I stand with my statement.

6/5/2008 11:30:16 AM

All American
1665 Posts
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If I worked full time at my current job I could make right around $25k a year.

But I'm still very much in my undergrad, so I'm living very comfortably.

I think to live the way I want to I'd need $150k/year (with a wife, kid).

To live comfortably (single, post-grad) I'd need about $65k/year.

And to survive (single, post-grad) I'd need $40k/year.

6/5/2008 11:30:22 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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if you have been making 30k for at least 2 years, you should have at least 1500 in your savings. and with 30k+ for at least 5 years, you should at least have 2x your monthly salary stacked or you are slippin.

Quote :
"And to survive (single, post-grad) I'd need $40k/year."

wow, this is why america is slowly losing.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:32 AM. Reason : asdfg]

6/5/2008 11:30:47 AM

All American
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[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 11:32 AM. Reason : zfs]

6/5/2008 11:31:59 AM

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