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 Message Boards » » VERIZON BUYS ALLTEL :mad: Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Dangit, all that great customer service 'bout to circle the drain...

6/5/2008 7:48:57 PM

All American
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tech talk thread

6/5/2008 7:49:35 PM

All American
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i cant wait to see the new Chad commercial

6/5/2008 7:49:50 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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^^oops. Only searched the CC. My bad.

6/5/2008 7:50:59 PM

40981 Posts
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no bad. there's no reason this can't be discussed in both.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 7:53 PM. Reason : not everybody wants to talk about it from a tech talk perspective]

6/5/2008 7:53:20 PM

All American
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i would have never seen it in Tech Talk

6/5/2008 7:54:34 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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Oh man! I love Alltel! So, this had better mean free mobile to mobile to both networks! And I hope izon adopts Alltel's customer service!

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 7:55 PM. Reason : ]

6/5/2008 7:55:32 PM

All American
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yea no bad. i was just pointing you to an additional topic of discussion

6/5/2008 7:55:56 PM

All American
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Well, from what I've heard Verizon service is absolute CRAP out here in Randolph Co. Pretty much if you're not in a major city (Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington) you can forget it. Therefore I'm not to pleased about this.

However. Verizon did purchase a significant part of the recent FCC auction - hopefully they'll be putting up a bunch of HDSPA towers so their data rates will finally get up into the decent range (both V & Alltels')

6/5/2008 7:57:11 PM

Tom Joad
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6/5/2008 7:58:47 PM

All American
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I'm from Randolph County too, and pretty much its either Nextel or Alltel. I have service anywhere I go back home. (I have Alltel.) I'm in Montana right now, and have service almost anywhere I would expect to have it.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 8:00 PM. Reason : ]

6/5/2008 8:00:01 PM

All American
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maybe alltel will get some cell phones worth a shit now

6/5/2008 8:00:49 PM

All American
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Oh, fuck! Here we go. . . .

First, Time Warner Cable started sucking even harder and now Alltel probably will, too?

6/5/2008 8:02:28 PM

All American
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bethaleigh Where you from? Lets start with a school district?

6/5/2008 8:05:07 PM

All American
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6/5/2008 8:07:15 PM

All American
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Climax. I went to Eastern Randolph High.

And you?

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 8:14 PM. Reason : ]

6/5/2008 8:14:43 PM

All American
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guys I'm sorry to say, when VZ buys Alltel, that's the end of Alltel....

The only thing to do would be to try and hold on to the rate of your service plan as long as you can, because lets face it, Alltel had cheap shitty service.

6/5/2008 8:42:43 PM

All American
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the service is fine. my family has been with alltel for 12 years. the only thing that's been a negative is the shitty phones that alltel gets. the razr was like a toy version of verizon/at&t's

6/5/2008 8:44:26 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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yeah, alltel has some shitty phones.

i've had some sub-par service in the past, but haven't been pissed off enough to switch carriers.

6/5/2008 9:23:26 PM

15126 Posts
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yeah, other than ^^ the service has been GREAT everywhere i go, for the most part

Quote :
"Well, from what I've heard Verizon service is absolute CRAP out here in Randolph Co. Pretty much if you're not in a major city (Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington) you can forget it. Therefore I'm not to pleased about this."

umm.. you have this backwards. just because Verizon is buying Alltel doesn't mean that all of Alltel's towers go away. This means everyone with Verizon will be able to get service where Alltel has it now.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 9:27 PM. Reason : ]

6/5/2008 9:26:53 PM

All American
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6/5/2008 9:27:31 PM

All American
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I really don't see any negatives at the moment. except having to change my contract or something

6/5/2008 9:47:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Climax. I went to Eastern Randolph High.

And you?"

Grays Chapel Area, also attended ER. When did you graduate? (2004 here)

6/5/2008 10:28:19 PM

Sup, Brahms
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^^ why would you have to change your contract?

6/5/2008 10:29:31 PM

All American
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Per the phone conversation... I have a Nokia 6255i and it's the best phone Alltel has ever sold.

Too bad they choked and didn't renew Nokia.

6/5/2008 10:31:40 PM

All American
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^^ I assume eventually they will be using verizon contracts and all the contracts on alltel will be converted to verizon somehow once they expire

6/5/2008 10:45:15 PM

All American
17605 Posts
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^^psst, Nokia got out of the CDMA biz

6/5/2008 10:45:54 PM

Sup, Brahms
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^^that would piss me off. but why the assumption? why wouldn't we all get alltel contracts? (just a question, not trolling)

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 10:46 PM. Reason : ^s]

6/5/2008 10:46:20 PM

All American
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I mean I have no concrete proof or basis.. but it just would make sense for a business to get rid of two completely different sets of contracts and use the normal verizon ones. the customer service would just have to be trained in verizon issues rather than both

6/5/2008 10:49:21 PM

Sup, Brahms
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but why verizon? why not alltel?

is this just because verizon bought alltel?

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 10:50 PM. Reason : ]

6/5/2008 10:49:55 PM

All American
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because verizon is the owner of the company. why would they get rid of their stuff for a company that they own?

^ yes pretty much. i mean I could be 100% wrong. so take what I say with a grain of salt. =/

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 10:51 PM. Reason : .]

6/5/2008 10:50:31 PM

Sup, Brahms
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fair enough.

just curious where your thoughts were coming from. i hope we don't get verizon contracts, i've heard some shady shit from them...

6/5/2008 10:52:07 PM

All American
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^^^^ & ^^

I work for Verizon Business (formerly MCI) and we still do things like MCI in some cases. It's usually a long process to change policies and get departments which are profitable to change how they do things.

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 7:52 AM. Reason : a]

6/6/2008 7:52:12 AM

All American
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i left verizon to get alltel

6/6/2008 8:08:51 AM

All American
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there are only minimal "new tower" plans for both Alltel and Verizon in the next couple of months. Verizon is working on their data network and with the new HSTX radios, they will crush clearwire in no time. Alltel customers should expect to lose their great contracts as soon as they are up. The reason Verizon wanted Alltel was for their southern towers and user base.

6/6/2008 8:41:15 AM

68205 Posts
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ive had alltel ever since the company was created and never had any issues with the service...esp. in western NC of all places.

but for some phone gets horrible service around the Rex area where i live. and yeah, they do have the shittiest phones on the market IMO

6/6/2008 8:45:33 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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Quote :
"Alltel customers should expect to lose their great contracts as soon as they are up. The reason Verizon wanted Alltel was for their southern towers and user base."

IF verizon buys alltel (and it's looking like they probably will since alltel's been a losing venture for a few years now), alltel customers will either 1.) get to keep their contracts until they go out or 2.) will be given the option to terminate without penalty

and you're right...alltel is the missing piece of the puzzle for verizon, so it makes sense

it just pisses me off...alltel is the only CDMA company WORTH having (as long as you don't want new phones as soon as they hit the market ), and verizon will undoubtably fuck it up...i've been an alltel customer for about 5 years now, and they have been absolutely fantastic

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 8:49 AM. Reason : .]

6/6/2008 8:48:34 AM

All American
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i don't get this "alltel has shitty phones" thing...I love my LG and have never had a problem with it. I never even had a problem with the shitty "free" phones they give you. (at least not that I can remember...I've been with alltel for ~10 years.

I've always had great service with alltel...but everyone I know that's had verizon has had good service too. I've never had to call alltel's customer service to know if they have good CS or not.

I'll guess I'll see how I feel about it when the switch is made. *shrug*

if I really hate it, I suppose I'll just go to AT&T and make my bf's dream of my having an iPhone as well come true

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 8:58 AM. Reason : ]

6/6/2008 8:57:40 AM

Sup, Brahms
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my understanding was that the selection is shitty. which is true. i've never had a problem with a phone, but compared to other providers, alltel's phones are bland and their options are limited.

6/6/2008 8:59:27 AM

41759 Posts
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alltel users pwnd

6/6/2008 8:59:43 AM

All American
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^ no, for causal cell users they have a great selection, albeit it could be a little better, but for smartphone user, especially for windows mobile, they have a weak selection.

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 9:08 AM. Reason : asdfg]

6/6/2008 9:00:18 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but why verizon? why not alltel?

is this just because verizon bought alltel?"

Probably because VZW has 65 million subsribers and paid $5 billion for your company. Chad is about to be the red shirted guys bitch, and he's going to be taking his name. Then Chad and Alltel will be AllGone.

Nothing will happen till the end of the year. We have been told that at work (VZW Retail). Redundant Alltel stores will be closed, and ones where a VZW store isn't already located will be converted to Verizon stores. All the Alltel branding will be out. Perhaps incorporating some of their plan features is a possibility, to help appease current Alltel customers, but I wouldn't hold my breath on much. As we understand it, you'll likely be able to keep your current phone plan, but if you have to upgrade or make changes, you'll be looking at converting to a Verizon plan. Again, this is just prelim stuff, shit could change in a hurry.

^For phone comparison, my friend is looking a texting phone with a QWERTY keyboard. The only thing he could find was the Scoop, without going to Smartphones at Alltel. With Verizon you could go with 4 different nonsmartphone keyboard phones; the Glyde, EnV, EnV2, Alias, and Voyager. So yea, thats quite a difference in selection.

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 9:06 AM. Reason : ]

6/6/2008 9:04:25 AM

All American
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at least now you might be able to leave the state and still use your alltel phone!

6/6/2008 9:18:18 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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my alltel phone works everywhere.

6/6/2008 9:30:04 AM

All American
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same here.

only time i haven't gotten service is on a ship in the middle of the gulf of mexico

6/6/2008 9:36:04 AM

All American
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maybe it's different now, but i remember their coverage being for only NC SC and surrounding areas.

maybe that was just a certain plan. but the rest of the country was paid roaming or something.

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 9:46 AM. Reason : +]

6/6/2008 9:42:08 AM

All American
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My family has been an alltel customer for 10 years.
Granted, their phone selection is lacking, but we love our plan.
On the flip side, the bf's fam has been with Verizon for just as long.
In most places he has better reception (read:more bars) that I do, but my services reaches further. Alltel has been losing A LOT of calls lately (i.e. call someone 20 times & they have no record of it), so maybe this will help. Damn us all & our dependence upon cell phones

6/6/2008 9:51:54 AM

All American
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^I have found the opposite. since switching from Verizon, I have had MUCH better service and far fewer dead zones.

6/6/2008 9:53:14 AM

All American
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I've been with Alltel for the past year (contract runs up in a week). I've been considering a switch to Verizon because of better phone selection and better coverage in the area I'm currently in (Norfolk, VA) from what I've seen. Alltel's been leaps and bounds better than the Sprint I had before them, which basically didn't work if you stepped foot outside of city limits or off an interstate, but from what I've seen Verizon seems to work a little better in the areas I frequent most often.

How's Alltel coverage vs. Verizon coverage in Raleigh? I'm going to end up there sooner or later.

6/6/2008 10:10:35 AM

All American
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i'm more of a fan of alltel, but to be honest they are both good.

6/6/2008 10:12:22 AM

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