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All American
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Spike Lee jabs back at Clint Eastwood

Quote :
"And the war of words between Spike Lee and Clint Eastwood goes for one more round.

After the 78-year-old Hollywood legend lobed a Dirty Harry-esque one-liner at the pint-sized director - telling him to 'shut his face' over criticisms that no African-Americans appeared in Eastwood's drama 'Flags of Our Fathers' - Lee has offered up a response.

'First of all, the man is not my father and we're not on a plantation,' Lee told 'The thing about it though, I didn't personally attack him. And a comment like "a guy like that should shut his face" - come on Clint, come on. He sounds like an angry old man right there.'

'Flags of our Fathers' tells the story of three men - one of whom was Native American - who appeared in the famous photo of the flag raising on Iwo Jima. The film cuts between their experiences during the battle, how they ended up in the photo, and how they were treated as heroes stateside.

In the interview, Lee also extended his complaints about 'Flags' to include its companion film, 'Letters from Iwo Jima,' which was told in subtitles and featured a mostly Japanese cast to tell the story of the battle from their perspective.

'It's just that there's not one black in either film. And because I know my history, that's why I made that observation,' Lee said.

The dust-up between the two directors started when Lee, 51, reportedly criticized 'Flags of our Fathers' during a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival in May. He was there to promote his own World War II film, 'Miracle at St. Anna,' which tells of an all-black infantry division that fought in Italy.

'He [Eastwood] did two films about Iwo Jima back to back and there was not one black soldier in both of those films,' Lee reportedly said at Cannes. 'Many veterans, African-Americans, who survived that war are upset at Clint Eastwood. In his vision of Iwo Jima, Negro soldiers did not exist. Simple as that. I have a different version.'

Although Eastwood was initially reluctant to respond to the remarks at a press conference of his own at Cannes for his upcoming Depression-era drama, 'Changeling,' he apparently let loose sometime later when questioned about it by a reporter from The Guardian newspaper.

'The story is "Flags of Our Fathers," the famous flag-raising picture,' Eastwood told The Guardian. 'If I go ahead and put an African-American actor in there, people'd go, "This guy's lost his mind." I mean, it's not accurate.'

Eastwood may have a few more choice catch-phrases for Lee, but the 'Do The Right Thing' director indicated to that he was finished with the heated exchange he started last month.

'Even though he's trying to have a Dirty Harry flashback,' he said. 'I'm going to take the Obama high road and end it right here.'"

I report, you decide.

6/9/2008 3:46:20 AM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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best i could do.

6/9/2008 3:52:05 AM

All American
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Spike Lee is black.

6/9/2008 3:52:36 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I hate those criticisms. Yes, the armed forces were segregated during WWII. There is nothing racist about making a WWII unit all white.

Quote :
"In the interview, Lee also extended his complaints about 'Flags' to include its companion film, 'Letters from Iwo Jima,' which was told in subtitles and featured a mostly Japanese cast to tell the story of the battle from their perspective.

'It's just that there's not one black in either film. And because I know my history, that's why I made that observation,' Lee said."


Again, Clint is not racist, he is just portraying the segregated military that existed in 1945.

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"The dust-up between the two directors started when Lee, 51, reportedly criticized 'Flags of our Fathers' during a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival in May."

I had no idea that Spike Lee is 51.

FYI, somebody could make a pretty decent film about the all black work crews that built the highway to Alaska during the war.

6/9/2008 3:53:37 AM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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that picture is even funnier now that i think of it in a racist connotation. i just always think of chimps when i think of eastwood.

6/9/2008 3:54:39 AM

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6/9/2008 3:57:48 AM

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Quote :
"The dust-up between the two directors started when Lee, 51, reportedly criticized 'Flags of our Fathers' during a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival in May. He was there to promote his own World War II film, 'Miracle at St. Anna,' which tells of an all-black infantry division that fought in Italy."

Quote :
"He [Eastwood] did two films about Iwo Jima back to back and there was not one black soldier in both of those films,' Lee reportedly said at Cannes. 'Many veterans, African-Americans, who survived that war are upset at Clint Eastwood. In his vision of Iwo Jima, Negro soldiers did not exist. Simple as that. I have a different version.'"

Quote :
"And because I know my history, that's why I made that observation"

now if he only knew his geography

6/9/2008 3:59:53 AM

All American
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damn it dnl

read more thoroughly

6/9/2008 5:58:39 AM

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taking things out of context

6/9/2008 6:01:58 AM

All American
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Eastwood owns Lee in every way imaginable.


6/9/2008 6:51:52 AM

All American
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Haha, what a retarded thing to call him out on.

If I wanted to put a *chan spin on this (because it's the only thing that I can think of right now) I'd call his comment The Cancer that is Killing /b/ Hollywood.

He'd be better off criticizing Mystic River for having such an awkward ending that defied the logic of the many human beings that were at work there.

Oh it didn't have any black people as the main characters, either.

6/9/2008 6:55:07 AM

best gottfriend
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6/9/2008 6:58:58 AM

All American
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let it go spike......let, it, go

6/9/2008 7:54:02 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Eastwood owns Lee in every way imaginable.


6/9/2008 7:54:51 AM

All American
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Letter from Iwo Jima - Battle of Iwo Jima From the perspective of the Japanese, therefore no blacks.

Flags of Our Fathers - Battle of Iwo Jima from US perspective w/a focus on the men involved in the famos flag raising. No black men were involved with said flag raising, therefore no black main characters.

Mr. Joshua had it right. The military was fucking segregated 65 years ago! If you want movies that recast history to appease America's new found politically-correct sensability, I recommend you watch Kingdom of Heaven. GTFO, Spike Lee!

6/9/2008 8:16:18 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Lee shouldn't be demanding African-Americans in Eastwood's next picture, either. Changeling is set in Los Angeles during the Depression, before the city's make-up was changed by the large black influx. "What are you going to do, you gonna tell a fuckin' story about that?" he growls. "Make it look like a commercial for an equal opportunity player? I'm not in that game. I'm playing it the way I read it historically, and that's the way it is."




6/9/2008 9:25:23 AM

All American
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Spike Lee is more racist than most white people. People should be able to make a film with everyone painted blue if they feel like.

Fuck him and his momma.

[Edited on June 9, 2008 at 10:19 AM. Reason : asd]

6/9/2008 10:18:08 AM

All American
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Japs cant see the color black.

6/9/2008 10:21:43 AM

12280 Posts
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Who the fuck cares if there is a black guy in the movie. I'm sure there were tons of African Americans working on the set.

6/9/2008 10:47:33 AM

All American
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6/9/2008 10:53:10 AM

All American
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We watched Do the Right Thing in intro to film. I have to say that the movie touched on a lot of shit but as far as plots go I preferred Lee's Inside Man over Do the Right Thing.

6/9/2008 10:55:43 AM

35780 Posts
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spike lee is such a tool

6/9/2008 10:55:46 AM

All American
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I liked School Daze....but only because of the 'roll out'....

and they played Doin' Da Butt

6/9/2008 11:00:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"'I'm going to take the Obama high road and end it right here.'""

what the fuck does that even mean?

6/9/2008 11:01:17 AM

All American
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You won't be able to get it unless you're black.

6/9/2008 11:02:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"In his vision of Iwo Jima, Negro soldiers did not exist. Simple as that. I have a different version."

And in my version, there are ONLY negroes!

6/9/2008 11:02:20 AM

Double Entendre
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I was so angry with Do the Right Thing. Nothing was done right in that movie.

6/9/2008 11:02:45 AM

All American
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What? Do the right thing was pretty well done.

6/9/2008 11:05:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I was so angry with Do the Right Thing. Nothing was done right in that movie."

The movie showed how you're not supposed to act in civilized society.

[Edited on June 9, 2008 at 11:07 AM. Reason : ^]

6/9/2008 11:07:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"'I'm going to take the Obama high road and end it right here.'"

--Spike Lee

Quote :
"what the fuck does that even mean?"


It means Spike pulled a two-fer: (1) He folded like a cheap suitcase in the face of some pushback, and (2) he managed to sneak in a plug for his candidate. You know, keepin' it real.

6/9/2008 5:44:51 PM

Tom Joad
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6/9/2008 5:47:10 PM

All American
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6/9/2008 5:53:54 PM

Tom Joad
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lolz topical

6/9/2008 5:54:16 PM

All American
3186 Posts
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fuck Spike

6/9/2008 5:55:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Spike Lee has responded to Clint Eastwood telling him to "shut his face," saying the "Dirty Harry" actor "sounds like an angry old man" and "we're not on a plantation."",2933,364488,00.html

I wonder if there's something like Godwins Law for Spike Lee that says that the longer he talks the probability that he mentions slavery approaches 1.

6/9/2008 8:18:57 PM

All American
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I wish people like Spike Lee would go back to Africa

6/9/2008 8:24:24 PM

All American
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I haven't seen any of these movies, but what I'm getting from these posts is:

#1) ooooh, look at me, I can be a racist bad-ass on the internet. This doesn't make me a little bitch in real life at all!!!

#2) These racist divisions in the military resulted in 2 forces, one black, one white, and neither saw each-other.

#3) Clint Eastwood's squads definitely never saw any blacks - at least the way he portrayed the battles in his movies.

6/9/2008 9:10:19 PM

All American
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6/9/2008 9:11:05 PM

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6/9/2008 9:17:34 PM

All American
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6/9/2008 9:18:02 PM

All American
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Spike Lee is pissed at how African Americans are portrayed in that flash.

6/9/2008 9:22:26 PM

All American
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And that scene in flags of our fathers where the guy gets thrown out of the bar for being Native American... WTF was that?! BLATANT RACISM

6/9/2008 9:27:53 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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But Clint made Bird!

He also made High Plains Drifter though.

I'm so confused.

6/9/2008 9:32:04 PM

All American
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Do The Right Thing is a fantastic movie.

That's all.

actually that's not all.

I like Spike Lee a lot but this is just a silly fight to pick.

[Edited on June 9, 2008 at 9:33 PM. Reason : jfds]

6/9/2008 9:32:27 PM

All American
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Clint Eastwood isnt a racist.

6/9/2008 9:58:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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110,000 American servicemen.

800 of whom were black.


6/10/2008 3:13:24 AM

All American
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spike lee is a tool.

6/10/2008 4:41:09 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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Clint Eastwood's wife is part black.

Spike Lee is just a dumbass. Remember when he said that Charlton Heston should get shot in the face? Of course Heston was one of the most passionate civil rights supporters in Hollywood, long before it was cool to do so.

6/10/2008 5:26:20 AM

All American
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uhhhh Charlton Heston is was a tremendous asshole.

6/10/2008 5:29:00 AM

12937 Posts
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Do the Right Thing is shit imho.

Quote :
"Of course Heston was one of the most passionate civil rights supporters in Hollywood, long before it was cool to do so."

Not true. Have fun being misinformed though

6/10/2008 6:08:33 AM

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