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All American
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My latest source of confusion is something you have already seen many times: the bluetooth headset. Everytime I see somebody with one of these on I can't make up my mind whether they are insane or complete idiots judging by the fact they are usually talking to themselves and have this alien piece of equipment on their heads. Maybe they are just lonely.

Really, though, it's the earpiece that always gets to me. Whenever I see people with those, I tend to think of them less as humans and more as mechanoids. Mechanoids poised on taking over the planet. I wonder if one day these things will be surgically implanted into human tissue so that we might be able to communicate telepathically through our brain waves, or perhaps, if there is somebody with a sick sense of humor, we can all have cell phones surgically implanted into our wangs. Nothing would be more satisfying than talking to your best friend and taking a piss at the same time. It's a new dimension in multi-tasking! Imagine all the crazy looks you would get from people seeing you talking to your private quarters in public! "Can I get cheese on that? No, I'm allergic to anchovies...."

There's no doubt in my mind that the technology is available and someday there will be people doing this. They will be walking around shopping malls or grocery stores giving orders to their crotch, even though I'm sure people do this already. Personally, I can't wait for that day to arrive. The world is already getting crazier by the minute, so why not? We wouldn't be a very interesting species if we didn't fully utilize our resources for our own amusement, and even more, once humans have bit the dust and a new species become the overlords, we can all cackle with glee in spirit form as we watch aliens from the future muse over our remains and wonder why people suddenly decided to put keypads on their crotch.

The future is coming.........are you ready?

6/9/2008 3:15:45 PM

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6/9/2008 3:16:23 PM

All American
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I always call them "cyborgs"... if they're talking all loud, I'll start talking back to them. They usually get quiet after that.

6/9/2008 3:23:34 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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I hope you copied and pasted that from somewhere

6/9/2008 3:24:53 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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Skack will not get a headset implanted in his head.
Skack does not like talking on the phone and prefers to turn it off fairly often.

6/9/2008 4:01:19 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » machines Page [1]  
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