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All American
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they should have online ATM card payment. i guess they couldnt do it over the phone cause you gotta put your pin in.

ooo check by phone, i dont use checks. i would if i went to the grocery store and i was an 80 year old woman.

have a great day wolfweb

6/10/2008 3:11:48 PM

63151 Posts
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cash only is stupid

6/10/2008 3:12:20 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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Get a credit card you felon.

6/10/2008 3:13:06 PM

All American
1496 Posts
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cash only is a bitch. hell if a mcdonalds can take a card everyone else should

6/10/2008 3:14:22 PM

All American
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have a great day Jackleg

6/10/2008 3:15:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Get a credit card you felon."

go look up 'cash only' and 'felon' fag0t

6/10/2008 3:18:15 PM

All American
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I use cash everywhere, I even pay bills and order stuff with money orders purchased with cash. As much as people pick on me for it, I always laugh when I'm out somewhere with friends and the place only takes cash. This way my purchases aren't tracked and analyzed by marketing firms, and it's a lot easier to keep track of how much money I have. No credit cards means no debts or surprising bills.

6/10/2008 3:29:41 PM

63151 Posts
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cash just evaporates from my pockets

i keep a better handle ont hings using cards, less just random "oh yeah i need a pack of skittles and a coke"

6/10/2008 3:34:11 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"i dont use checks. i would if i went to the grocery store and i was an 80 year old woman."


6/10/2008 3:39:11 PM

All American
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I try to carry at least $100 to cover things that might come up during the day like gas or groceries. BTW I do use a debit card sometimes, if I'm ordering something I want sooner. I used the hell out of my debit card for print quota in design school. I did pay for a week's vacation entirely in cash ($4000) at the AAA office.

6/10/2008 3:42:00 PM

All American
7117 Posts
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so you basically waste money on money orders? that's smart.

6/10/2008 3:48:16 PM

All American
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save some money, get a card, come over and we can watch SEX AND DA CITY

6/10/2008 3:49:22 PM

All American
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I never carry cash unless I am going to a bar. Otherwise I use my card everywhere

6/10/2008 3:50:49 PM

All American
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you can't really imply that he's stupid because he gets money orders. i used to get them at the post office back when i had a cash paying job

but my point was that they're like 75 cents each, maybe 4 bills a month. 3 bucks. now subtract the fees he doesn't pay the bank.

when i need a check, i just call my account rep and have them draw me up a counter check or bank check or whatever it is, and i come pick it up later. its not worth having a bank account just for checking. I'M IN IT FOR THE LOLLIPOPS YO

6/10/2008 3:52:35 PM

All American
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Cloos FTW

6/10/2008 3:52:53 PM

All American
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No, I do think it is stupid. I don't pay any fees to my bank, for anything.

Also, one wouldn't have to make a trip to buy these money orders. It just seems inconvenient to me. I mean, if I bought money orders at the post office, it would be so annoying in my opinion. The post offices in my area are always swamped, and I would have to go there twice a month because I pay my bills in 2 separate batches.

[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 3:59 PM. Reason : ...]

6/10/2008 3:56:17 PM

All American
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I have free checking but I think there's a limit on how many checks I can write per month. I mostly use the account for cashing checks.

Overdraft fees can be highway robbery, and it's hard to keep track of your balance when people take money out of your account at weird and unpredictable times. Checks can take over a week to get processed, and sometimes debit card purchases don't go through right away either. Cash-only living eliminates having to play this stupid game.

6/10/2008 3:57:54 PM

All American
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the only thing i use my bank account for is billz, gas, and groceries.

cash all for all else, just get money back when i deposit my check/grocery it up.

i like to physically watch my money disappear.

6/10/2008 3:59:49 PM

All American
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I don't have overdraft fees, because my checking account is linked to a line of credit. I don't overwithdraw on my account anyways.

I understand why you do it, my dad still buys money orders too. For me, it just seems like a pain in the ace though.

6/10/2008 4:00:45 PM

All American
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Wow I use a free credit card and get paid cash back for using it. I am an idiot.,

6/10/2008 4:01:20 PM

All American
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thats how i got paid today. got a stub and all. i was like umm. who pays on a tuesday and in cash. no taxes ftw

6/10/2008 4:02:08 PM

148873 Posts
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i usually carry around about 10 or 15 k with me just in case

6/10/2008 4:03:52 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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Quote :
"No credit cards means no debts or surprising bills.

It also means you won't be able to finance anything through your credit line when you're on your own.

And carrying that much cash around is sketchy; that's why people still get mugged. If I've got a credit card, it's easy just to call and cancel it post-mugging. If I was carrying cash, I'm SOL.

6/10/2008 5:50:42 PM

All American
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if i was a mugger i would take your phone 2........ fyi

6/10/2008 6:00:28 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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I hate cash. Never carry it.

6/10/2008 6:08:49 PM

All American
6195 Posts
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i never carry cash

when i do have cash, i tend to spend it on stupid shit

6/10/2008 6:36:15 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Always cash

Anything less than 40 dollars on me and I feel naked

I prefer a couple hundred

6/10/2008 6:37:20 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » i hate cash only Page [1]  
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