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 Message Boards » » Where would you rank NC State in the world's... Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Best Universities/colleges?

Currently its in the top 500 in the world and #63 in the nation for 2007 i believe, but i think with the addition of centenial campus plus all the upgrades, new stadium, research facilities, sidney nvm, but etc we should definately be in top 100 of the world
at least better than UNC

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 12:26 AM. Reason : .]

6/11/2008 12:15:50 AM

All American
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63 sounds about right.

6/11/2008 12:16:53 AM

All American
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the university wants to be in the top 5 for engineering within 10 years, If that happens I can see us moving to the 20's

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 12:19 AM. Reason : ...]

6/11/2008 12:18:59 AM

All American
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ok 63 is for the nation, i think thats pretty low
i think we should be top 100 in the world though

6/11/2008 12:21:03 AM

All American
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63 sounds about right (we are probably a little worse), we will continue to move up with the improvements to all degree programs that our currently taking place. Now if ncsu and raleigh would actually be chill like most large colleges I would be even more happy.

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 12:24 AM. Reason : .]

6/11/2008 12:23:09 AM

All American
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I'd be suprised to see that there are 63 better universities in the country
NC state has tons of money and is a land grant uni, but i think 2008 or 2009 rankings should be a lot better

6/11/2008 2:44:10 PM

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6/11/2008 2:46:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"NC state has tons of money"

Last time I checked, our endowment wasn't really that impressive.

6/11/2008 2:50:12 PM

All American
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6/11/2008 2:51:44 PM

63151 Posts
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Quote :
"Last time I checked, our endowment wasn't really that impressive."

oh ill show you an impressive endowment

6/11/2008 2:53:44 PM

All American
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^ he's taken, bitch!!!!

6/11/2008 2:54:17 PM

All American
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^^ are you the accountant for ncsu? Just curious as to how one would know just how much the university has.

6/11/2008 2:55:07 PM

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6/11/2008 2:56:25 PM

All American
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This country has hundreds (thousands?) of universities.

#63 isn't bad at all, especially considering private universities are included in the list.

BTW, the list doesn't really mean that much, it's pretty arbitrary which college is ranked better than others, and doesn't really tell you who gets the best education, since that's mostly up to the professors and students.

6/11/2008 2:57:34 PM

All American
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All i know is they're building/renovating out the arse, they practically do whatever they want and they have left over for potato chips

say it aint so...

6/11/2008 2:58:04 PM

All American
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Oh i'm well aware, I work for Facility Operations. We actually just spend $texas on water conservation on request of the chancellor. Condensation from the air handlers on biltmore, jordan, and partners II on centennial now feed sprinkler heads i.e. miller fields for biltmore and jordan. Not sure where the water from partners goes.

6/11/2008 3:02:28 PM

All American
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From what I have seen on the internets NC State's endowment is about $500 million dollar bucks.

UNC:CH has about $2 billion

Harvard has about $25 billion

6/11/2008 3:06:17 PM

All American
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yeah, that's what I was referring to

6/11/2008 3:09:34 PM

All American
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^that's probably strictly what's received through housing, donors, tuition and such. I doubt it counts what's received from the state for stuff like construction, renovation, and repair.

6/11/2008 3:10:14 PM

All American
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Best university = much money?

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 3:10 PM. Reason : moar]

6/11/2008 3:10:31 PM

All American
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thats BS, but then again i think we might get a lot of money from corporations since we work closely with tech companies

but still, how is UNC getting 4x more than us?

6/11/2008 3:10:49 PM

All American
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[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 3:12 PM. Reason : achieve campaign]

6/11/2008 3:12:11 PM

All American
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Endowment is obviously not the only measure of a university's wealth. But it is a commonly used one.

And if the stated goal is to be a top 5 engineering school, we're behind our competition in terms of endowment. MIT's is about 10 billion, I believe.

6/11/2008 3:14:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Endowment: $535 million"

6/11/2008 3:16:35 PM

All American
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there seems to be some confusion here

6/11/2008 3:19:56 PM

All American
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This country has about 4000 colleges and universities.

Out of the public schools in the nation, we last ranked in at #83, which sounds about right.

6/11/2008 3:23:51 PM

All American
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^^ How so?

6/11/2008 3:24:37 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"the university wants to be in the top 5 for engineering within 10 years, If that happens I can see us moving to the 20's"

i just dont see this happening

it is going to be tough to knock out mit, ucb, stanford, gatech, and illinois-cu

6/11/2008 3:24:51 PM

All American
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Its funny how a lot of uni's that have a high ranking but dont have a matching reputation
like wake forest, ga tech, university of chicago? what? i never heard of university of chicago
but its top 5 in the world

6/11/2008 3:27:44 PM

All American
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my school's endowment is $200,000,000 for 8,700 students

^ University of Chicago is a fucking great school

where are these rankings coming from??

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 3:29 PM. Reason : -]

6/11/2008 3:27:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"what? i never heard of university of chicago"

I had almost forgotten that this is a lafta thread.

6/11/2008 3:31:11 PM

22518 Posts
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us news and world report

oh and university of chicago = fermi

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 3:32 PM. Reason :

6/11/2008 3:31:42 PM

All American
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is there a link for some sort of search option?

6/11/2008 3:32:09 PM

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this is what i used to make my statement about nc state in the top 5 and it not happening

6/11/2008 3:33:19 PM

All American
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we could have a smaller endowment because we don't have as many grad schools like UNC-CH to support. It costs alot to support a hospital on campus, a law school and such.

^ I think if tech companies continue to invest in centennial like they have been and it fulfills it's potential, we could be in the top 10, but you're right, no way we're overtaking those top 5.

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 3:37 PM. Reason : ...]

6/11/2008 3:34:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I had almost forgotten that this is a lafta thread."

go ask 5 random people and see what they say, i say 1 out of 5 knows

^yeah, I think the hospital is a major difference

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 3:37 PM. Reason : .]

6/11/2008 3:37:13 PM

All American
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^ cmon man, that's where Tucker Max was an undergrad.

6/11/2008 3:38:36 PM

All American
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okay so I don't want to pay $15 to look at the rankings

can someone please look up some schools for me?

6/11/2008 3:38:47 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
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Quote :
"what? i never heard of university of chicago"

University of Chicago is the Harvard of the Midwest

As for NCSU's ranking, we have an excellent engineering rating, but more money needs to be invested in other areas, like CHASS. Getting a medical school or law school would really help bump up the ratings.

6/11/2008 3:42:50 PM

All American
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I'd like to see how UNC-Asheville ranks as an undergraduate school

and how the graduate programs in the fine arts and humanities rank at The New School

6/11/2008 3:45:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"University of Chicago is the Harvard of the Midwest"

I'm sure it is, im not knocking its credentials, just its name recognition
everyone knows Harvard, MIT, yale, Princeton, cal tech, etc

but some just dont have that mass appeal which comes in handy when you're looking for a job or trying to get laid

6/11/2008 3:49:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"go ask 5 random people and see what they say, i say 1 out of 5 knows"

Go ask 1,000 Businessmen and all 1,000 will know about their MBA program being top 3

6/11/2008 3:52:03 PM

All American
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ncsu is ranked 83 in the top 100 national universities

personally if a school is in the top 100 I don't really give a fuck

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 4:11 PM. Reason : k]

6/11/2008 4:09:40 PM

All American
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so we're speaking exclusively about engineering programs here?

6/11/2008 4:13:34 PM

All American
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No, NC State is apparently #30 in engineering, #83 overall.

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 4:26 PM. Reason : You also have to keep in mind these rankings don't mean much]

6/11/2008 4:25:57 PM

All American
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no doubt

this thread even demonstrates that it is possible to go to the #83 school in the country and to have never heard of the #3 school

the "best" school I think is the one that fits you best
and it helps if it has some sort of name recognition in the field in which you plan on working

6/11/2008 4:47:43 PM

Bee Hugger
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Top 100 in the world is a stretch, at best, for just about any state university.

6/11/2008 4:50:37 PM

All American
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it seems as though these academic rankings come out, but the same schools always hover around the same area. if we went to MIT and slapped NCSU on it, and swithced MIT's name to our campus, the rankings would stay the same. i believe everyone has become accustomed to seeing certain names at the top, and its tough to break the cycle. its not like athletics where a clear winner* is defined.

6/11/2008 4:55:45 PM

All American
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6/11/2008 5:15:54 PM


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set em up

6/11/2008 5:32:17 PM

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