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 Message Boards » » Camel Crush (non/menthol cig.) Page [1]  
All American
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it's either. Depending on what you want. I did a market research focus group with Camel yesterday and they let us try a couple of new products that won't be out for months or years.
One was the camel crush. which is a non menthol cigarette that can instantly become mentholated when you crush the gel cap like ball in the filter. it's a neat concept and the menthol was pretty good. I know there are some people that like both menthol and non's depending on their mood or what they are eating/drinking. I guess this would be ideal for them.

Also, sticks and orbs. basically a smokeless tobacco product that completely dissolves.

Anyways, just felt like saying Camel paid me $150 cash and a free steak dinner (drinks provided) just to tell them what I do and don't like about their packaging and marketing efforts. Why can't I do that shit for a different company like every day!?!

6/12/2008 7:36:14 PM

New Recruit
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poopface gave me one of these, perfect for people who like a menthol every now and then

6/12/2008 7:37:15 PM

148876 Posts
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Quote :
"a non menthol cigarette that can instantly become mentholated when you crush the gel cap like ball in the filter."


6/12/2008 7:37:39 PM

All American
24387 Posts
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this was out last summer

i bought a pack

6/12/2008 9:40:12 PM

All American
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you would

6/12/2008 9:41:29 PM

147487 Posts
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if i smoke anything other than camel menthol i smoke the pack in about 6 hours so i can buy a pack of what i want

6/12/2008 9:42:31 PM

All American
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↑ ↑ post stalker

6/12/2008 9:42:39 PM

All American
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I want camel to give me a free dinner

6/12/2008 9:42:39 PM

All American
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oohhh.... ghost edit... fancy

6/12/2008 9:43:35 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah i was about to be like dude you replied in 8 seconds...thats way more post stalkerish than me

6/12/2008 9:44:57 PM

All American
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6/12/2008 9:45:53 PM

All American
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there is absolutely no why to be more stalkerish than you

6/12/2008 9:46:22 PM

balls deep
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cigs. won't exist in the next few years. they just went up in price by about $2.00/pack here at every store. there's also a state min.

6/12/2008 9:46:30 PM

All American
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I tried telling people about these months ago (I think I saw a thread about them) and always got "you're crazy" looks. There was no packaging for them, it was just a small circular sticker on a pack of lights that said "Menthol Ball" or something of that nature.

It's also good for when you primarily smoke camel lights, but some chica at the bar wants a menthol.

[Edited on June 12, 2008 at 9:51 PM. Reason : .]

6/12/2008 9:49:55 PM

All American
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6/12/2008 9:52:14 PM

114 Posts
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thats a brilliant do we sign up for an evening like that?

and cigs are about $11-12/pack (in US dollars) in Australia, but people still smoke like chimneys down there, I dont think smoking is going out of style here, and they put gross ass pictures on their packs like of dead baby's, someone having open heart surgery, the inside of a smokes lung right on the package, and other shit that smoking can do to you.

6/12/2008 9:52:50 PM

balls deep
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haha, that's awesome

6/12/2008 9:53:35 PM

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yeah i had a friend do a study abroad in australia and she said she basically almost quit cause of how expensive they were

6/12/2008 9:54:51 PM

All American
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This cigarette is a pretty good concept. I primarily smoke a pipe and chew tobacco, but I still like cigarettes sometimes, but not always menthol. Cigarettes aren't going away by any stretch of the imagination. There is even a worldwide shortage of Burley tobacco, which is about 30% of most cigarettes. I grew up with flue-cured, but I planted my first Burley crop this year.

6/12/2008 10:05:03 PM

All American
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i dont care for the non menthol part of the cig... but once you crush it's pretty good. it's a sweet "asian" menthol they said.

I will say that crushing the actual "gel cap" or whatever was a bit tricker and more difficult than I had imagined.

And no, it wasn't just me, the other people agreed.

6/12/2008 11:36:18 PM

All American
10829 Posts
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did you get some coupons and/or free packs?

Hook it up

6/12/2008 11:45:11 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Camel Crush (non/menthol cig.) Page [1]  
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