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 Message Boards » » Untactful Lines You've Said Part II Page [1] 2, Next  
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Would have continued to post on the original thread but it's 90 days old, anyways.

Was talking to a female friend, she's a little bit on the heavyset side. We somehow got into the topic about Legends and she was saying how the lesbians just love her there. So without thinking, I asked her after she said that, "What did they like about you? Your personality?"

She didn't take that so well.

Years ago, I was friends with this girl, very insecure with her body. A friend of ours was going to drive us to a pool hall and when walking up to his car. I was just trying to be nice and let her have shotgun because she's taller than me. However, I didn't say it like that, more like "You can take shotgun, you're bigger than me."

6/13/2008 12:58:58 PM

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6/13/2008 1:01:54 PM

All American
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We were at a breast cancer event and there was one pair of women who were wearing cutoff tees and had what looked to be bulldyke haircuts and one of them was kinda muscular looking. I asked my mom if she saw what I saw and I got the shit pinched out of me. In my naivety I didn't realize that that's what all women who survived breast cancer treatment (if they did chemo) tend to do and I had to have that explained to me.

I'm a little wiser than that now, but boy did that seem odd to me at the time, lol.

I'm not sure I can keep coming up with tactless things I've said in public/to people I know... I have plenty of lines from back in the day that make me look like a total jackass though.

6/13/2008 1:02:55 PM

All American
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6/13/2008 1:03:03 PM

All American
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6/13/2008 1:04:24 PM

All American
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I'm full of untactfulness. I don't even need to post in this thread, it's like a constant spew of stupid shit from my mouth 24/7.

6/13/2008 1:07:19 PM

All American
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i saw a girl i hadn't seen since elementary school

and she was basically the same height she was then, but a bit skinnier and with the expected female accoutrements

we talked a little bit and then all i could manage to say was, "you look exactly the same...but you filled out"

6/13/2008 1:07:40 PM

All American
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the last time a cop pulled me over for speeding, and rolled down the window and said:

"what seems to be the officer problem?"

it was great.

[Edited on June 13, 2008 at 1:10 PM. Reason : ]

6/13/2008 1:10:08 PM

All American
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Oh yeah, that reminds me.

"Why are you not wearing your seatbelt?"

"I neglected to put it on."

I mean, what the fuck did he want me to say?

6/13/2008 1:14:08 PM

play so hard
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6/13/2008 1:15:21 PM

Aging fast
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i accidently brought sweet tea out to a table that had ordered unsweet

i said "well, at least you aren't diabetic!"

his wife responded "he is."

while i was working take out, a guy had a large order of shit and noone to help him get it to the car, after he paid, i said loudly "need a hand?"

i hadn't noticed he was an amputee.

the whole take out room burst into laughter. everyone except him and me.

6/13/2008 1:15:32 PM

All American
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this isnt anything I said....but one time I got pulled over (I have tinted windows btw)

I rolled down the window, unbuckled my seatbelt, moved over to the passenger seat, put my seatbelt back on and I was like,

"He was here a minute ago.......I dunno where he went..."

6/13/2008 1:17:17 PM

All American
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I've made the "I neglected to put it on" seatbelt comment before. The cop just laughed and said "Thanks for your honesty", and let me off with a warning.

I sat there for a good three minutes wondering if I had been dreaming or if I really just got off the hook for being a smartass.

6/13/2008 1:19:41 PM

All American
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hey...that reminds me of the bee prank they pulled in that movie Tommy Boy lawlz

6/13/2008 1:21:29 PM

All American
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i was at a tailgate with a friend in iowa and we walked up to some people she knew (i only knew my friend)

a guy comes up to me and says "hey do you want a beer?"

i said "your mom wants a beer"

he says "my mom is dead" (and he wasn't kidding)

i paused

and said "well, i am sorry to hear that. but if she was here, i'm sure she would want a beer"

and he goes "yeah... you're probably right"

6/13/2008 1:22:33 PM

168 Posts
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wow, that is some untactful shit.

6/13/2008 1:26:13 PM

304 Posts
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"Ugh <john doe> acts like such a pussy sometimes"

accidentally sent text to john doe and not my friend
....needless to say he thinks im a bitch

6/13/2008 1:40:33 PM

All American
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first of all...not to be a nazi...but it's 'tactless' not untactful...

and i've had this pounded into my head my entire life because i'm, quite possibly, the most tactless person alive...

so...that being respond to this thread...

Quote :
"i don't have enough time or allowable posts on tww to answer this question"

6/13/2008 1:47:21 PM

begonias is my boo
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Quote :
"i don't have enough time or allowable posts on tww to answer this question"

Quote :
"it's like a constant spew of stupid shit from my mouth 24/7."

etc etc

[Edited on June 13, 2008 at 1:49 PM. Reason : etc etc]

6/13/2008 1:48:19 PM

All American
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Geeks have feelings too!

6/13/2008 1:49:50 PM

All Amurican
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Quote :
"this isnt anything I said....but one time I got pulled over (I have tinted windows btw)

I rolled down the window, unbuckled my seatbelt, moved over to the passenger seat, put my seatbelt back on and I was like,

"He was here a minute ago.......I dunno where he went...""

gabriel iglesias said that in one of his stand up bits

6/13/2008 1:51:24 PM

Garage Mod
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the other day i told this lady it work that she looked good for her age. she asked how old i thought she was. i said 48 but i was wrong, she's 42.

6/13/2008 1:55:05 PM

All American
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Girl comes over to my room half drunk and we have a make out session. roommate walks in just as we are about to get farther into it. We politely leave and I walk her to her room... I was going to invite her to hang out again sometime, only the words somehow came out as "Do you do this often?"

GG Didn't hang out with her much after that...

6/13/2008 1:56:15 PM

soup du hier
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Dude i go foot in mout all the time... hell ask joie but i still say how i feel.

6/13/2008 1:59:06 PM

All American
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Soon after I started dating the girl who is now my fiancé, I had said something stupid and she got playfully upset, asking me, "Do you like to make me sad?"

My mouth spoke too fast for my brain when I said, "Of course not. I'm not happy unless you're not happy."


6/13/2008 2:01:08 PM

All American
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To the OP, which friend? I go there lots, I probably know her...

6/13/2008 2:01:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the other day i told this lady it work that she looked good for her age. she asked how old i thought she was. i said 48 but i was wrong, she's 42.

Seriously, if you're a 28 year old man and you don't know that you'd be better off not saying any of that shit to a woman ever, you've been living under a shit-covered rock for most of your life

6/13/2008 2:15:50 PM

1227 Posts
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-my grandma died yesterday

-- so you gonna rent out her house or what?

6/13/2008 2:19:25 PM

Bee Hugger
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one of my coworkers got asked by a customer how far along she was the other day

she's not pregnant

6/13/2008 2:22:07 PM

All American
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girl i was on a date with: "I need to have sex."

me: "When was the last time you had sex?"

girl: "3 weeks ago."

me: "I had sex with a 17 year old a few days ago."

6/13/2008 2:25:06 PM

All American
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^the question is...did it work?

6/13/2008 2:27:31 PM

All American
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she said i can't believe you did that - i was 23 at the time

and i was thinking why the fuck did i just say that - i should have said i'll fuck you right now

i wish i wasn't so stupid

6/13/2008 2:30:10 PM

All American
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I didn't say this personally, but it was a hilarious and un-tactful thing one of my good friends said. This guy is an App State fan, and was wearing some of the gear at a restaurant somewhere, when an LSU fan came up to him.

LSU fan: An App fan huh? Man, we crushed y'all this year, it wasn't even close.

App fan: I would hope so, we are 1AA.

LSU fan: Is that the only excuse you have? It was complete domination, Y'all should be ashamed.

App fan: Yeah, well at least we still have our houses.

6/13/2008 2:33:10 PM

All American
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everytime i see a virginia tech fan i want to walk up right to them and ask them if they heard about virginia tech

dead week came a week early

i wonder if they would even get it

6/13/2008 2:36:27 PM

All American
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Said the wrong name in bed, twice in the same night

6/13/2008 2:49:33 PM

All American
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djeternal, that happened to my former co-worker at Outback.

This chick was 16 and had a HUGE gut...and didn't even try to hold it in at all. Didn't care, but this bitch was obese and was VEGAN and worked at a steakhouse. ANYWAY.

Someone came up to her while we were at the host stand, and asked her how far along she was. HAHAHAHAH She took off to the bathroom in the kitchen crying her ass off! AH HA!!!!!!

6/13/2008 3:57:18 PM

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Some people are freaking retards. You don't ask a chick if she's pregnant.

6/13/2008 3:59:39 PM

All American
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my mom went to my brother's high school open house thing an made a comment about how his teacher was going to be out soon, and everyone looked at her like they were confused, then she pushed it by saying, "well, she's gonna have a baby!" the teacher was totally not pregnant, nor amused.

the next year she actually did get pregnant, but mom refused to bring it up, even if she went into labor right infront of her. hahaha

6/13/2008 4:06:10 PM

All American
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my wife had been having really bad stomach pains for about 60 days. we were at the doctors office and the doctor (a lady) told christina that she wanted to do an colonoscopy and endoscopy. christina then replied that she was not going to be looking forward to the colonoscopy but would do it if needed. i immediately looked at her and said louder than i should have, "i guess that means no anal that night". she smacked the shit out of me as he doc gave me an eat shit look. hell i thought it was funny. damn women.

6/13/2008 4:07:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
""What was up with Dr. Doolittle back there and the unrestrained llamas??""

6/13/2008 4:08:51 PM

All American
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ahahah stone, that is funny as hell

seems like you'd only deserve the slap if you really did go for the gusto that night

6/13/2008 4:09:05 PM

All American
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^^^ Some women need to learn how to joke and have fun! Hell, I'd have laughed and thought it was funny as "shit".

6/13/2008 4:10:29 PM

All American
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when I was in high school, I was standing around talking to some guys at work when this big girl came in, dressed real slutty like. the conversation turned to her, and I said no thanks not for me. well one of my coworkers said "fat chicks need love too" to me. to which I responded "kind of like your wife?" (completely without thinking) It didn't go over too well.

not to mention all the tactless shit I've said when drunk, but luckily I don't remember that stuff too much.

6/13/2008 4:21:42 PM

All American
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^^^ Wednesday is day. i will report back the out come of actually trying...

6/13/2008 4:32:34 PM

All American
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i went to school with this girl who always bragged about all of the things she had - jewelry, clothes, on and on and on. one day it was how much better her car was than mine (which it was, but she didn't pay for hers, i paid for mine, whatever) and i was just like whatever mine gets better gas mileage and she said "what do i care, i don't pay for my gas" and she was just so snobby and bitchy...well, as i walked away i said something about having daddy pay for everything.

her dad was dead...

also, when i worked at hooters (yeah, for like 3 weeks) this kid came in (in a wheelchair) with his dad. when their waitress went up to the table she was like oh what happened to your legs (thinking that one was broken or something)...the kid didn't have legs. She felt horrible and decided that everyone was going to sing a song for him. SO she decided (without thinking) that we were going to sing the baby shark song b/c everyone loves that song..i.t's fun.

in one verse of the song the shark bites off your leg and you have to hop up and down on one leg...she ran off to the bathroom in tears b/c she felt so bad.

[Edited on June 13, 2008 at 4:41 PM. Reason : type]

6/13/2008 4:37:28 PM

32613 Posts
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^thats prettty bad

6/13/2008 4:40:29 PM

All American
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hey WolfpckGrl17, which one of the girls at OB was it that got called pregnant? i don't remember talking to one that had a huge gut... but i didn't talk to the bitches.. was she a bitch with a big gut? lolol

6/13/2008 4:51:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i went to school with this girl who always bragged about all of the things she had - jewelry, clothes, on and on and on. one day it was how much better her car was than mine (which it was, but she didn't pay for hers, i paid for mine, whatever) and i was just like whatever mine gets better gas mileage and she said "what do i care, i don't pay for my gas" and she was just so snobby and bitchy...well, as i walked away i said something about having daddy pay for everything.

her dad was dead..."

If you talk like this in real life I sincerely hope I'm never in your general vicinity.

6/13/2008 4:51:47 PM

All American
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^ if she got any kind of inheritance from her dad's death, then yeah, he probably still paid for it. that sounds horrible, but she sounds like a bitch

6/13/2008 4:52:58 PM

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set em up

6/13/2008 4:53:16 PM

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