LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
From my Cnn Breaking News...
Quote : | "Singer R. Kelly acquitted in child pornography trial, reports The Associated Press." |
6/13/2008 3:21:01 PM |
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
he's still alive? 6/13/2008 3:21:20 PM |
JTMONEYNCSU All American 24529 Posts user info edit post |
he's still a singer? 6/13/2008 3:21:40 PM |
AlexRebbel All American 15028 Posts user info edit post |
what, you really didn't expect this to happen?
I mean if OJ can get away with murder, R. Kelly should be able to get away with raping underage girls. 6/13/2008 3:21:49 PM |
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post |
On this one though they had the girl he supposedly raped testify that they had never had sex. If I was a juror I would not find someone guilty if the supposed victim said she was not a victim. ] 6/13/2008 3:22:21 PM |
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i heard the decision live..[old] 6/13/2008 3:22:54 PM |
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
gg 6/13/2008 3:23:19 PM |
AlexRebbel All American 15028 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "If I was a juror I would not find someone guilty if the supposed victim said she was not a victimvirgin. " |
[Edited on June 13, 2008 at 3:27 PM. Reason : there, i fixed it for ya]6/13/2008 3:25:56 PM |
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
They played the tape, the legal system is a joke. 6/13/2008 3:26:59 PM |
TaterSalad All American 6256 Posts user info edit post |
Too bad the main witness allegedly tried extort him, losing a lot of her credibility 6/13/2008 3:34:42 PM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
how is it that the legal system is a joke every time a famous or rich person gets away with something...
that's not even the beginning of it, but its the only time anyone talks about it. 6/13/2008 3:36:38 PM |
GGMon All American 6462 Posts user info edit post |
if the dick doesn not piss, then you must acqitt. 6/13/2008 3:37:01 PM |
AlexRebbel All American 15028 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "how is it that the legal system is a joke every time a famous or rich black person gets away with something..." |
[Edited on June 13, 2008 at 3:40 PM. Reason : ]6/13/2008 3:39:44 PM |
mrlebowski All American 9310 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, because white people NEVER get away with anything. Especially rich, white people 6/13/2008 3:41:16 PM |
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "how is it that the legal system is a joke every time a famous or rich person gets away with something...
that's not even the beginning of it, but its the only time anyone talks about it." |
Thats the only time normal people see it in the light.6/13/2008 3:41:18 PM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
ha, i wasn't gonna go there. but i agree, except their economic status plays no role.
some folks just hate to see black people walk out of court free!
AlexRebbel All American 15028 Posts user info edit post |
its all about racism and "all about being black"
I mean shit...I think its about time they go back to Africa....its not like they're being kept here against their will now... 6/13/2008 3:43:50 PM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Thats the only time normal people see it in the light." |
well, if the shape of the legal system concerns you, research the thousands of people who have been ruined by the legal system. i can't speak for you guys, but i'd rather see 5 guilty people walk than one innocent person convicted.6/13/2008 3:44:30 PM |
AlexRebbel All American 15028 Posts user info edit post |
^good pt...I concur 6/13/2008 3:46:40 PM |
Lewizzle All American 14393 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "but i'd rather see 5 guilty people walk than one innocent person convicted." |
The mere fact that we have to think in these terms reinforces the point.6/13/2008 4:59:14 PM |
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
but I saw the tape. it was him. how was it even an argument? money can get you out of sh!t and that's the bottom line folks. 6/13/2008 5:23:28 PM |
PaulISdead All American 8834 Posts user info edit post |
Back again 2/20/2019 4:21:08 PM |
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
He regularly and openly preyed on impoverished, black girls in Chicago--it wasn't unusual to find his limo outside actual middle schools.
Those girls, individually, "consented" to and did stuff--ridiculous sex acts--that most grown women wouldn't consent to without pay.
And he recorded them--as children--enduring it.
And we all laughed at all of it. We'll see what happens in the courts this time around. 2/20/2019 8:41:47 PM |
aaronburro Sup, B 53235 Posts user info edit post |
Come on, Bridget. That piss was digital 2/20/2019 8:45:31 PM |
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
He has victimized dozens of girls, and nobody seemed to care.
Do you care a little though? 2/20/2019 8:53:08 PM |
theDuke866 All American 52894 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ wtf, i didn't know all of that. is that substantiated? 2/20/2019 8:56:13 PM |
BJCaudill21 Not an alcoholic 8015 Posts user info edit post |
I know, and I care. My wife tried to run to remix to ignition and I said "nah" 2/20/2019 9:20:05 PM |
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
^^Yes. That's why he's associated with multiple tapes where he urinates on underage girls. That's why he's also the guy who kidnapped Aaliyah, and they actually got married with forged documents...and then her family undid it in the courts, and none of them spoke of it again...(because it was fucking humiliating to her as a soon-to-be-grown grown singer/performer).
He's a seriously bad dude who preys on poor girls and then pays off their families, so they won't testify. And there's an army of them who could tell the truth about what happened...but there's a whole other army of people who want to write off his victims as black whores and 14. 2/20/2019 9:22:26 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
He is indeed a sick fuck.
Hopefully the courts get it right this time. 2/20/2019 10:07:40 PM |
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28381 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah R Kelly is basically Michael Jackson, except he preys on little girls instead of little boys and is less talented.
This has been common knowledge for like 20 years.] 2/20/2019 10:21:12 PM |
A Tanzarian drip drip boom 10996 Posts user info edit post |
He was even abused himself, just like MJ. 2/20/2019 11:04:46 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
Avenatti taking this on is odd. Is he still working on the Stormy case? 2/20/2019 11:29:58 PM |
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
He is the worst. 2/20/2019 11:34:21 PM |
0EPII1 All American 42554 Posts user info edit post |
This is the greatest country in the world, a place where blacks, especially poor ones, and especially young females, have no value. And that's how he gets away with it, even though he himself is black, but he is rich and is a rapper, which basically makes him a god.
Imagine for a second the victims were white. Now imagine they were rich white girls. Now imagine they were beautiful rich white girls.
Would he be walking around?
P.S. Actual child pornography was found in his house in 2004, but he was acquitted (see OP). 2/21/2019 2:24:02 AM |
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28381 Posts user info edit post |
R Kelly isn't a rapper. 2/21/2019 4:35:48 AM |
EMCE balls deep 89855 Posts user info edit post |
He beat the case before because the police completely fucked up collecting evidence, and much of it wasn't allowed in court.
^^ and this has nothing to do with R. Kelly being a rapper, which he isn't. Or being black. Black people, including entertainers, get locked up all the time. This has to do with R. Kelly being wealthy enough to afford to turn these girls out, intimidate their families, and gain legal representation. And it has to do with black people in this country being on the bottom of the social totem pole, especially black women.... Making it easier to deny them their innocence as children.
R. Kelly is a predator that is well aware no one is going to stick up for black women.
[Edited on February 21, 2019 at 6:12 AM. Reason : J] 2/21/2019 6:11:43 AM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18975 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "wtf, i didn't know all of that. is that substantiated?" |
yeah man, i've even seen the tapes2/21/2019 7:21:23 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
I don't know why, but it seems the masses don't classify the R. Kelly tapes as full-fledged child-pr0n when in fact, it is. Like, it's easy for people to say "I watched the R. Kelly video", but you wouldn't say "I watched child pr0nz". 2/22/2019 9:02:09 AM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
2/22/2019 9:49:26 AM |
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28381 Posts user info edit post |
smoothcrim = geniusxboy exposed 2/22/2019 11:53:05 AM |
BJCaudill21 Not an alcoholic 8015 Posts user info edit post | 2/22/2019 2:40:44 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
here we go!
[Edited on February 22, 2019 at 5:20 PM. Reason : ] 2/22/2019 5:20:03 PM |
PaulISdead All American 8834 Posts user info edit post |
The father daughter dance featured "step in the name of love".
I thought it was in poor taste. 2/23/2019 11:15:16 AM |
ShawnaC123 2019 Egg Champ 46681 Posts user info edit post |
It's the remix to indiction hot and fresh out the kitchen
[Edited on February 23, 2019 at 11:36 AM. Reason : hot then fresh] 2/23/2019 11:35:39 AM |
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
close ya eyes show me yo face, 2/23/2019 7:56:58 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
this goes all the way up to the highest levels of government...
2/25/2019 9:12:38 AM |
BubbleBobble EUPHALO.COM RIP JK 114575 Posts user info edit post |
^lol omg 2/25/2019 5:11:33 PM |
ShawnaC123 2019 Egg Champ 46681 Posts user info edit post |
Seriously is nobody gonna call me out about that horrible attempt at a rhyme? 2/25/2019 8:09:02 PM |
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28381 Posts user info edit post |
Bless your heart 2/25/2019 8:15:07 PM |
ShawnaC123 2019 Egg Champ 46681 Posts user info edit post |
T dub gone soft 2/25/2019 8:40:28 PM |