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 Message Boards » » Attn: People who can't/won't haggle Page [1]  
I'm Eggscellent
12777 Posts
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you're ruining it for the rest of us

Who the hell pays full price in this real estate market?

6/14/2008 10:40:05 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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6/14/2008 10:40:33 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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I have a friend who completely fails at haggling. It's funny/sad to watch her in Chinatown.

6/14/2008 10:40:39 AM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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or for anything else for that matter.

6/14/2008 10:40:46 AM

All American
6787 Posts
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[Edited on June 14, 2008 at 10:41 AM. Reason : fuck noes]

6/14/2008 10:40:51 AM

I'm Eggscellent
12777 Posts
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I come in with a low price expecting to negotiate and some douchbag comes in with a full price offer, this has happened twice on houses I've wanted

6/14/2008 10:41:59 AM

All American
21806 Posts
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full price supports the market

trying to get shit for cheap compromises the market

6/14/2008 10:43:49 AM

All American
8302 Posts
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just hire somebody named Patel.

6/14/2008 10:45:24 AM

All American
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6/14/2008 10:45:55 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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haha, that's why i use my uncle as my real estate agent.

dude got a seriously lowball offer accepted on new construction.

6/14/2008 10:46:57 AM

37709 Posts
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Attn: non-Asians

6/14/2008 11:28:08 AM

6999 Posts
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and black people who actually DONT have the money to pay full pricee

hell yea we can haggle

6/14/2008 11:50:17 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"I come in with a low price expecting to negotiate and some douchbag comes in with a full price offer, this has happened twice on houses I've wanted "


Seriously though you always run that risk when you are negotiating on a property. I always explain that to my clients.

Back when things were really booming I had one house that had three offers come in during a 36 hour window. That one sold for more than it was listed for.

It is a fun game, just with high stakes if you REALLY want a specific property. I am sure you will find another there are plenty of motivated sellers out there right now.

6/14/2008 11:51:48 AM

147487 Posts
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i suck at haggling but i'm glad i do

6/14/2008 11:53:48 AM

All American
4532 Posts
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i'm horrible at haggling.. that's why i'm dreading going car shopping...

6/14/2008 12:01:57 PM

147487 Posts
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prt 454 teacher said best time to buy a car is between dec 26-dec 31...cause after christmas they got to sell a few more cars to get big year bonus's

[Edited on June 14, 2008 at 12:03 PM. Reason : said they will give u ton of free shit like oil changes etc]

6/14/2008 12:02:52 PM

All American
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don't get me wrong, i think haggling when it is on acceptable items. however, the asians who used to come in the grocery store and tried to haggle with me (a cashier) pissed me off. some of them just don't understand. then they get pissed and are like "why you no give me good price? why you no wanna give me good price?" one tried to haggle with me on some chicken feet one day.

6/14/2008 12:04:40 PM

All American
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haggling is where the fun is

6/14/2008 12:04:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"best time to buy a car is between dec 26-dec 31"

i heard that's the best time because they're trying to get cars off the lot so they don't have to pay taxes on them for the next year, or something like that.

whatever the reason, that's when i plan on buying... we'll see *fingers crossed*

[Edited on June 14, 2008 at 12:07 PM. Reason : err]

6/14/2008 12:06:55 PM

147487 Posts
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^^how do you start it? "hey i know you are bullshitting me, take some money off"?

[Edited on June 14, 2008 at 12:07 PM. Reason : ^what u gonna get?]

6/14/2008 12:07:17 PM

All American
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i want a subaru because i'm raging dyke.... duh

6/14/2008 12:08:12 PM

32613 Posts
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if you're going to a dealership, theyre going to win.. no matter what, they're going to win.

if you aren't buying brand new then buy from a private party

6/14/2008 12:10:09 PM

All American
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buying brand new is generally stupid imo.

6/14/2008 12:12:04 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah i'm one of those buy it used type people for about anything

6/14/2008 12:13:06 PM

All American
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if you plan on keeping the car for 10+ years, then you're sometimes better off buying new.. it depends on a lot of things.

but thanks for the generic advice about things that everyone has already knows.

6/14/2008 12:15:09 PM

All American
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6/14/2008 12:16:11 PM

32613 Posts
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no problem

6/14/2008 12:16:50 PM

All American
4532 Posts
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i tend to agree with your opinions though... (both of you)

sorry, my posts have been coming off really bitchy lately

[Edited on June 14, 2008 at 12:17 PM. Reason : sdfa]

6/14/2008 12:16:56 PM

147487 Posts
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^^^^yeah that is a good point

[Edited on June 14, 2008 at 12:17 PM. Reason : .]

6/14/2008 12:17:24 PM

32613 Posts
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it just drives me mad to see someone pay 10-20% more for a used car that they could just as easily find for less if they'd do 10 minutes of looking online.

and it drives me even madder when they think they got a great deal on it because they were able to haggle however much off the original price the dealership wanted

bbbbut you seem to not be a dumbass, so i'll shut up

6/14/2008 12:21:16 PM

147487 Posts
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6/14/2008 12:22:42 PM

32613 Posts
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don't you roll your eyes at me.. i'm right dammit

[Edited on June 14, 2008 at 12:23 PM. Reason : lol]

6/14/2008 12:23:09 PM

All American
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i think sometimes people have to buy from a dealer because some auto loans require you to get the car from a certified used car dealer. and i guess because they feel better if there is a small 30-60 day warranty of some kind. i'm not saying that justifies paying 20% more than the car is worth, i'm just saying, that might be why some people do it.

6/14/2008 12:28:45 PM

32613 Posts
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i figured also it was bc they can get ppl approved for loans that they wouldn't be able to get otherwise

i mean, i've seen ppl that have had cars repossessed before and absolutely terrrrrible credit get nice new cars again a few months later from dealerships

6/14/2008 12:32:40 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"i think sometimes people have to buy from a dealer because some auto loans require you to get the car from a certified used car dealer. and i guess because they feel better if there is a small 30-60 day warranty of some kind. i'm not saying that justifies paying 20% more than the car is worth, i'm just saying, that might be why some people do it."

Most of the "sub prime" loan places insist on only funding dealer purchases. I have never understood that because the LTV ratio on a private party loan is much better but it must have something to do with the quality of the car or something.

6/14/2008 12:43:36 PM

All American
4532 Posts
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hmm... very interesting. i haven't really looked into car loans much, but i will be talking to my credit union, and they're really awesome about helping people out and getting the best rates, info, deal, etc..


6/14/2008 1:05:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Attn: People who can't/won't haggle Page [1]  
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