TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
Bring the pain, dammit!!!  6/16/2008 5:30:12 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, have fun with that. I've got 2 or 3 more sessions left and then I'm done. It's a good pain though. If you aren't a pussy you'll breeze through. 6/16/2008 6:42:27 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
oh's gonna suck for Pat then  6/16/2008 6:47:49 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
every physical therapist ive dealt with has been fucking stupid/crazy
for example MunkeyMuck's mother 6/16/2008 6:48:56 PM
mienutzich All American 4300 Posts user info edit post |
pt is knee always feels alot better when i leave there 6/16/2008 6:50:10 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
^^^you bitch!
2 sessions deep and I'm already past my Dr's end of 2nd week goal (only 5 days after surgery).
Also, only 46 more sessions to go  6/16/2008 9:11:23 PM
furikuchan All American 687 Posts user info edit post |
Oh god. Go to the Raleigh Rehabilitation clinic, kinda close to Kildare Farm Rd. It is a magical happy land of incredibly knowledgeable people. I either pinched or strained something in my neck to the point I couldn't turn my head or even hold it straight, and those guys have helped SO MUCH. I haven't even needed much of the painkillers after they're done with me. FANTASTIC people. 6/16/2008 9:57:04 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
Not in Raleigh but I'll keep that in mind. I'm already almost to the point where i don't need any painkillers. But that seems like a horrible waste of a vicodin prescription i can refill 4 times
[Edited on June 16, 2008 at 10:00 PM. Reason : k] 6/16/2008 9:59:24 PM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
i gotta call and get my physical therapy scheduled for next week. 6 weeks of it 6/16/2008 9:59:26 PM
mienutzich All American 4300 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ what type of surgery ... tomorrow will be 3 weeks after having my acl reconstructed
i've definitely been pleased with Raleigh Orthopaedic for anybody needing to setup pt somewhere 6/16/2008 11:10:19 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
Looks like we're in the same boat, I had my ACL reconstructed as well! 6/17/2008 12:47:26 AM
Mr Grace All American 12412 Posts user info edit post |
PT=pain and torture 6/17/2008 12:50:17 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
true, but PT = me skiing again come winter 6/17/2008 12:54:19 AM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i ♥ you patrick  6/17/2008 12:59:40 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
I miss you Casey!
Find me a job so I can move back. 6/17/2008 1:04:59 AM
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
no more pt for me plz 6/17/2008 1:05:38 AM
riverdawg New Recruit 33 Posts user info edit post |
What about the Student Health physical therapy department? Thoughts? 6/23/2008 1:32:39 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
ACL PT kind of sucked.
PT for my broken ankle wasn't bad though. 6/23/2008 1:34:30 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Find me a job so I can move back." |
At this rate, I'm going to be back in Raleigh before you...
Are you using 6/23/2008 1:54:57 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
^Never heard of that site! But I'll be using that tomorrow. 6/27/2008 3:25:06 AM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
you need a hot chick physical therapist.
we had a hot trainer at my highschool when i tore my pec. the massages were nice.
come to think of it, i wonder if i could've boned her...
if i dropped the ball and missed that chance.
[Edited on June 27, 2008 at 4:23 AM. Reason : of course, your PT prob won't have lots of massages and stuff] 6/27/2008 4:23:17 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
i started this today
first time i got to see if my elbow will move again. it barely did but they think with therapy it's going to move a lot more
my therapist wasn't a hot chick therapist, but she was very nice and sweet. 3x a week is going to kill me. i was in tears it hurt so bad today 6/30/2008 9:45:50 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
I HATED putting my hand in the sand machine when I had physical therapy 6/30/2008 9:46:42 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Wow, losing function in one of my arms would be bad enough. I can't imagine what joe#s must be going through. No offense meant. 6/30/2008 9:48:01 PM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
its all good. it aint that bad once you get used to it
hopefully ill get used to the pt 6/30/2008 9:56:13 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
I can't feel the surface of my knee on the left side of the main incision. Its been this way for a few days. Eek, can't be good. Seeing the Doc today, hopefully he can shed some light on that. 7/1/2008 11:21:29 AM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I miss you Casey!
Find me a job so I can move back." |
i completely missed this post...
i miss you too patrick....
i'll hire you as my man servant but i can't pay you in money  7/1/2008 11:24:14 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
PM me how you would pay me  7/1/2008 11:25:29 AM
Spyami All American 1340 Posts user info edit post |
^&^^  7/1/2008 1:46:02 PM