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All American
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You scored 138 on Tickle's IQ test.

It asks for an email address at the end but it takes to seconds two unsubscribe.

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 9:25 AM. Reason : sd]

6/18/2008 9:23:20 AM

All American
6651 Posts
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YEs, an IQ test named Tickle's IQ test is for real. MENSA uses it.

You scored 138 on Tickle's IQ test. But you actually took time to take Tickle's IQ test, so we deducted 100 points.

You scored 38 on Tickle's IQ test.

This makes you more retarded than Forrest Gump

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM. Reason : .]

6/18/2008 9:26:51 AM

All American
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6/18/2008 9:27:17 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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sounds like bragging...

I mean a 55

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 9:29 AM. Reason : dnl style]

6/18/2008 9:28:33 AM

Art Vandelay
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high enough

6/18/2008 9:29:48 AM

All American
1833 Posts
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Quote :
"It asks for an email address at the end but it takes to seconds two unsubscribe.

Haha, you gave them your real e-mail address

6/18/2008 9:34:26 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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but I do not yet (BE POSITIVE) have a very strong work ethic

so... it matters very little

6/18/2008 9:44:20 AM

All American
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200 (thousand)

6/18/2008 10:46:59 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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200 x(gogol^(gogol^gogol))

6/18/2008 10:49:44 AM

All American
6092 Posts
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i missed one question

but i don't consider this test to be valid.

6/18/2008 10:54:11 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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My parents won't tell me.

I hear it has to be over 130 for you to get in AG.

6/18/2008 11:11:25 AM

All American
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AG was awesome.

We went to Busch Gardens in 8th grade.

6/18/2008 11:12:37 AM

All American
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WTF? We never got to go anywhere exciting for AG

6/18/2008 11:17:49 AM

soup du hier
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hahaha we got kicked out of disney world in AG well not kicked out but asked not to return.. hahahha ohh well..

But i will tell you something... being in AG then Honors Classes then engineering school makes it really difficult to deal with stupid people.... i have absolutely no patience at all for stupidity.

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 11:22 AM. Reason : Ignorance is the lack of knowledge.. not the lack of intelligence]

6/18/2008 11:20:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"being in AG then Honors Classes then engineering school makes it really difficult to deal with stupid people"

just get a customer service job

that's all you do all day, it greatly increased my tolerance for that

though I still make the carl face sometimes

6/18/2008 11:24:01 AM

All American
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going to college in general makes dealing with 'stupid' people a task.

6/18/2008 11:25:05 AM

All American
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^^Customer service only made it worse for me. I hated stupid people before. Now i want them all dead

6/18/2008 11:27:48 AM

soup du hier
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^^ believe it or not there are stupid people in college... i'll not name examples

6/18/2008 11:35:57 AM

All American
2950 Posts
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what the dick? I took the test but it says:

Quote :
"Thank you for your interest in this Tickle service. Unfortunately, we cannot permit you access to this service. Our apologies for any inconvenience."

after the enter your email thing. I entered a fake address, but I'm sure it exists.

6/18/2008 11:36:19 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I hear it has to be over 130 for you to get in AG."

i actually think that it was 120. My mother was a guidance counselor, so i'm fairly certain of this number.

but don't bring up AG, because then the level 3's we get all secretly high and mighty.

you know who you are.

6/18/2008 11:39:50 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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Regular AG was awesome. It got me out of having to do D.A.R.E. in elementary school, with the result that I started using drugs way, way later than everyone else.

AG III was the worst year of my life, and so help me God one day I will see that school burned to the ground and the earth it sits on salted so that nothing will ever grow there again.

6/18/2008 11:52:45 AM

All American
9126 Posts
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missed three

6/18/2008 12:08:32 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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It asks for an email address at the end but it takes to seconds two unsubscribe.

6/18/2008 12:18:38 PM

All American
37009 Posts
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Quote :
"But i will tell you something... being in AG then Honors Classes then engineering school makes it really difficult to deal with stupid people.... i have absolutely no patience at all for stupidity."

wut? AG, Honors, and the first two years of engineering are all full of dummies.

6/18/2008 12:32:13 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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ignorance=/= stupidity...

6/18/2008 12:33:04 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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138 here too.

I missed 7, 21, and 27. Well excuse me for not eating a lot of goddamn plums and apricots.

6/18/2008 12:37:29 PM

Flying Tiger
All American
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Quote :

but I do not yet (BE POSITIVE) have a very strong work ethic

so... it matters very little"

Same here. I could join Mensa, for all the good that would do me.

6/18/2008 1:21:17 PM

soup du hier
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helps on a resume..

if you could actually join.

6/18/2008 1:23:17 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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^^ all of us could join Mensa too

6/18/2008 1:31:39 PM

All American
6092 Posts
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Quote :
"plums and apricots."

thats the same one i missed.

i really don't eat plums or apricots, nor do i eat cherries. it was a really hard question for me. i chose peach because i figured all the other items were small.

6/18/2008 1:33:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"It got me out of having to do D.A.R.E. in elementary school"

definitely did not happen at my elementary school

6/18/2008 1:56:32 PM

soup du hier
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One would thing a mensa brain would want to be challenged by something more than history...

Most people with a high iq do not like just memorizing facts for regurgitation.

6/18/2008 1:58:17 PM

45208 Posts
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Quote :
""It got me out of having to do D.A.R.E. in elementary school""

Man we had to take D.A.R.E. Although, I did win the essay contest, and I got to read mine at my graduation haha.

6/18/2008 2:06:32 PM

17379 Posts
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we had AG and TIP, then AP and IB classes in high school. i hated IB
with TIP (i think), we took the SAT in the 7th grade. i scored higher then than my high school average (which, i mean, it was RMSH...that's not hard to beat). lol
when i took the SAT for real, i only scored 170 points higher. high school was a waste.

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 2:12 PM. Reason : ]

6/18/2008 2:07:57 PM

All American
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I got a 142 because i said even the most noxious rose has thorns instead of tempting because for some reason my brain associated a word having to do with smell, and a word that means a flower that smells good, as pleasant.

6/18/2008 2:09:16 PM

All American
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i wonder what it gives you if you don't miss any.

6/18/2008 2:10:18 PM

All American
4474 Posts
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i did it again after looking at the right answers and it's 144

6/18/2008 2:10:39 PM

All American
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I got a 138 on the Tickle one.

6/18/2008 2:19:59 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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man you all must be so smart.

6/18/2008 2:22:28 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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everyone on the internet, especially TWW, is a genius.

6/18/2008 2:23:34 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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They say the average for the tickle test is 112 for North Carolina, looks like it ranges from 110-115 for all the states listed.

6/18/2008 2:24:13 PM

All American
4518 Posts
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my IQ is 2005

6/18/2008 2:33:16 PM

All American
7327 Posts
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6/18/2008 2:37:01 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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Congratulations, Casey!

Your IQ score is 136

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

6/18/2008 2:40:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"They say the average for the tickle test is 112 for North Carolina, looks like it ranges from 110-115 for all the states listed."

yeah, i really wondered about that as no one on here has mentioned anything below 130, i think.

the questions seemed really easy to me so i don't know if they're valid at all, but regardless maybe we only see the high numbers on here because those who would score low wouldn't post their scores.

someone make drunknloaded take it and we'll get a sense of this things validity

6/18/2008 2:41:44 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"someone make drunknloaded take it and we'll get a sense of this things validity


6/18/2008 2:50:31 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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ahaha i scored in the 60th percentile for visual/spatial.

Quote :
"Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results.

Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel:

* Writer
* Translator
* Publisher
* Attorney
* Poet
* Politician
* Journalist
* Lecturer"

6/18/2008 2:57:54 PM

147487 Posts
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lecturer lol

6/18/2008 2:58:39 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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I missed 2 on ADD-related issues apparently.

One of them was that fucking symmetrical thing at the end. Who the hell misses that? Ahaha.

Oh, and the other was 50th best, 50th worst thing. Durrr.

6/18/2008 2:59:36 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"we had AG and TIP, then AP and IB classes in high school. i hated IB"

I was in IB from 5th grade until I went away to NCSSM, but I really liked it

6/18/2008 3:02:28 PM

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