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 Message Boards » » ultimate old school-roller racers Page [1]  
All American
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tell me you didnt get hurt, and you're lying.

6/20/2008 9:27:53 AM

All American
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those weren't near as deadly as Clackers

6/20/2008 9:32:48 AM

All American
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hah, i remember those. i never did really have one. but ive done a clack or two

6/20/2008 9:34:02 AM

All American
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now all they have are those pussy ones connected to hard plastic that doesn't bend...

what fun is that when there is no danger in injuring yourself involved

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 9:37 AM. Reason : i never had a roller racer...but i had 2 big wheels and a sit-n-spin ]

6/20/2008 9:36:18 AM

All American
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how bout a sit-n-spin? bout made myself puke on that bitch.

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 9:38 AM. Reason : ^that's what i'm talkin about]

6/20/2008 9:38:10 AM

45208 Posts
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What are clackers?

Never used a roller racer until 5th grade PE

6/20/2008 9:38:18 AM

All American
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yeah, those roller racers were strictly school PE things. i dont know anyone who had one. although i did try to steal one every time we rode them

6/20/2008 9:42:35 AM

All American
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6/20/2008 9:43:05 AM

All American
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I have a roller racer in my garage that I've had for 20 years probably.

6/20/2008 9:45:54 AM

23634 Posts
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I didn't look like this, but I loved these things

6/20/2008 9:48:31 AM

Bee Hugger
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6/20/2008 9:50:59 AM

All American
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i had one of those too...and i really sucked at it

6/20/2008 9:51:50 AM

Bee Hugger
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i was always too heavy for it. either that or my ball just didn't have enough air

6/20/2008 9:54:33 AM

All American
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maybe that was my problem...i was a fat ass little kid

6/20/2008 9:57:49 AM

Bee Hugger
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i love how dangerous our toys were back in the day. I mean, there was no way to use the pogo ball without twisting your ankle at some point

6/20/2008 10:00:26 AM

All American
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no today are complete pussies...

i thought helmets and pads were only for football players and race car drivers as a kid....

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:05 AM. Reason : they could fill a blood bank with the amount of blood i lost falling off shit as a child]

6/20/2008 10:04:59 AM

45208 Posts
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oh man I ruled at the pogo ball!

My ball was pink with a yellow platform. I think my parents still have it somewhere! I could never do the pogo stick though. My sister was a champ.

6/20/2008 10:06:42 AM

All American
701 Posts
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Jarts FTW!

6/20/2008 10:07:30 AM

All American
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i don't even know what that shit is....

get your new-fangled toys out of this thread....

6/20/2008 10:08:54 AM

All American
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i had all kinds of motorized shit (go-karts, three-wheeler) as a kid and my mom always made sure i wore a helmet...

...some ancient hand-me-down that was like an adult XL and had already been in some crashes and shit. i didn't even hook/unhook the chin strap, i just left it hooked and slid that motherfucker over my head. i think it actually did help the time i flipped the kart though.

6/20/2008 10:09:31 AM

All American
6249 Posts
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quit trying to confuse me with your technology

6/20/2008 10:09:53 AM

All American
10829 Posts
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I don't know if it's old school, but does anyone remember those oversized flying discs that you could skip off the ground and such. Even if you couldn't throw a frisbee straight to save your life, you'd look like a pro with these things.

I had an Aerobie too, but this was different.

6/20/2008 10:12:10 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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even this seemingly safe toy packed a pretty nasty shock if you touched the track in the wrong spot.

6/20/2008 10:12:44 AM

All American
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i sorta wish i had a helmet when my brother threw me off the golf cart..and the dirt bike...and the three-wheeler...and the go-kart....and the....

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:13 AM. Reason : ^haha...yes it did!]

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:14 AM. Reason : asdf]

6/20/2008 10:13:01 AM

All American
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yall nigs were rich dayum

6/20/2008 10:13:12 AM

All American
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we didn't have any of that shit...but our neighbors and cousins did....

so my brother (who was in high school at the time) would ride that shit wide ass open...and i (who was like 5 at the time) always wanted to ride with him.....and every time a turn came it was always the same result....

i would go flying off the side, back, front, etc of whatever it was we were riding on at the time because i only weighed like 45 pounds

6/20/2008 10:16:46 AM

All American
3093 Posts
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This is what it was all about

plz 2 embed

6/20/2008 10:17:06 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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i never had any motorized vehicle. all i ever had were big wheels

6/20/2008 10:17:45 AM

All American
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edit post too...big wheels and a tricycle...

6/20/2008 10:18:58 AM

All American
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^^^my best friend had crossfire, i was so disappointed when i played it realized how lame it was

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:19 AM. Reason : .]

6/20/2008 10:19:17 AM

All American
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you have lost your mind

6/20/2008 10:19:53 AM

All American
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i had to go off-roading with the big wheels though so they didn't work too well...

i lived in the country so there wasn't anywhere paved to ride them

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:21 AM. Reason : this isn't about cool toys from your's about toys that would injure you ]

6/20/2008 10:20:11 AM

Bee Hugger
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the front wheel only ever lasted about a week on my big wheels because I loved to get going really fast and just lock up the wheel to leave skid marks.

wow, that was a run on sentence

6/20/2008 10:22:14 AM

All American
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i wasn't too rough on mine...

but i had a black and red one with flames and shit on it...

and i had a pink and purple one with flowers and tassels and stuff...

6/20/2008 10:24:21 AM

Bee Hugger
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plastic wheels and concrete don't mix. My nephew just got a big wheel type thing for his birthday last weekend and that shit had a rubber wheel on the front. i was so jealous

6/20/2008 10:25:24 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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Quote :
"rubber wheel on the front"

wtf mate?

6/20/2008 10:26:23 AM

17379 Posts
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holy crap!!! roller racers!!!!

i had been trying to remember what they were called for a while now.

i scraped both wrists pretty badly on one of those. both times i was going down a driveway and i somehow ended up rolling over the front side and tearing the top of my wrist to hell. i still have the scars

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:30 AM. Reason : ]

6/20/2008 10:28:30 AM

Bee Hugger
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this is what my nephew is rollin' in.

I even had to use a bicycle pump to pump up the tire

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:32 AM. Reason : f]

6/20/2008 10:28:56 AM

All American
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thinking back..i think the worst injury i ever sustained as a child was related to a bicycle...and not because i was riding it...

i was at my aunt's house with my mom and the newspaper came out listing all the classroom assignments for the upcoming school devil spawn, hell bitch of a cousin started crying because she wasn't in the same class with some boy...

i was probably all of 6 and she was 8 or 9 and i asked "are you sad because he's your bf" or something equally as innocent...i didn't know any better....i wasn't trying to be mean....

she proceeds to tear ass out of the kitchen and chase me out of the house....all around the yard...lapped the house a time or two and back through the yard....

this is where i made my fatal mistake...

i should have continued left to make one more lap around the house but instead i went right...this turned out to be my demise in this situation....

i only had one place to run and that was under the swing set and around the shelter in the back yard....but her bike was parked under the swing set...and i ran straight into it....and tripped...fell on the ground and gave her plenty of time to catch up to me...

she jumped on top of me and beat the ever loving dog shit out of me....scratched my face up...beat me all about the head...just generally fucked me up... mother peeled her off of me and proceeded to beat her within an inch of her life....but the damage had been done...

i may still have the scars on my face if you look close enough

[Edited on June 20, 2008 at 10:36 AM. Reason : ^that thing is cooler than my car]

6/20/2008 10:35:11 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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Does that thing have a front mounted water cannon?

6/20/2008 10:35:46 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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^ shit yeah it does. and it steers with those 2 levers that move the back wheels. I had to put that shit together with no instructions, took me like 2 hours

6/20/2008 10:37:31 AM

35780 Posts
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Jarts? We always called them Yarts

6/20/2008 10:37:41 AM

148877 Posts
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Quote :
"tell me you didnt get hurt, and you're lying."

word up...i didn't have one of those roller racers but they had them at camp or'd go down a gentle incline and rip the skin off your fingers...good times

6/20/2008 10:42:08 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » ultimate old school-roller racers Page [1]  
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