There is another thread but this deserves one in chit chat too good night funny man[Edited on June 23, 2008 at 1:32 AM. Reason : link]
6/23/2008 1:31:10 AM
Oh shit That sucks. Thanks for the update.[Edited on June 23, 2008 at 1:33 AM. Reason : RIP]
6/23/2008 1:33:15 AM
i though he died a long time ago, rip
6/23/2008 1:33:45 AM
Rest in peace you funny bastard!!
6/23/2008 1:34:07 AM says it, so I guess it's true. RIP you grumpy funny old man.
6/23/2008 1:34:12 AM
He used to be funny. For the last 4 or 5 years he's just been a bitter, crotchety shithead who occasionally had funny moments. Sucks that he died though.
6/23/2008 1:34:49 AM
loved his stuff
6/23/2008 1:35:05 AM
6/23/2008 1:38:28 AM
ReceiveDeath and jwdeesnuts MVP attempt exposed?? <font color="#00BF00"><b>
6/23/2008 1:45:00 AM