Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |

WOW! I'll have to go buy this tomorrow. I didn't know about this until now. It came out June 3, 2008. The Lego Star Wars video games are awsome too. They are easy, but really fun.
6/24/2008 1:53:17 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148878 Posts user info edit post |

6/24/2008 2:19:35 AM
Flying Tiger All American 2341 Posts user info edit post |
hooray for you 6/24/2008 2:57:51 AM
Lutra All American 12588 Posts user info edit post |
I have the StarWars ones, but my husband would never play it with me and I ended up getting stuck at the beginning with the switches.  6/24/2008 6:35:09 AM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
I have both guides. I haven't played them in a while, so I have no clue what you are talking about, but if you do a google search I am sure you can find a webpage that explains how to beat the game.
[Edited on June 24, 2008 at 9:59 AM. Reason : .]
[Edited on June 24, 2008 at 10:08 AM. Reason : .] 6/24/2008 9:59:22 AM
Spyami All American 1340 Posts user info edit post |
wow 6/24/2008 10:06:11 AM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
^That's what I said when I saw it too. The Star Wars series games were great too. What makes me mad is that, WHY DIDN'T THE FREAKING LEGO COMPANY HAVE INDIANA JONES LEGOS, STAR WARS LEGOS, AND SOCCER STADIUM LEGOS WHEN I WAS 10 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  6/24/2008 10:10:12 AM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
I bought it today and have played 2 levels in Raider of the Lost Ark. It is really fun. It's just like the Lego Star Wars video games, only is is based on the Indiana Jones movies. 6/24/2008 2:59:41 PM
icyhotpatch All American 1885 Posts user info edit post |
wait wait wait... why can't they just make an indiana jones game without the lego aspect? 6/24/2008 3:06:52 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
^They did for PS2 and it sucked. I have no clue if the other systems have one though. The lego games are great. They are fun, easy, and you can replay the levels in free play mode with different characters including the bad guys. The first Lego Star Wars was awsome. You could play as General Grievous in free play mode when you had to fight against General Grievous 6/24/2008 3:17:49 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I really wanna play this also. 6/24/2008 3:20:42 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
^The box says 60 unlockable characters. 6/24/2008 3:32:27 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
i LOVE LOVE LOVE this game (on wii). i'm about 1/3rd of the way through. i LOVE lego star wars too.
i can't wait for lego batman in november(?) too
the lego series games are some of the best out there imo. one of very few games i won't trade back in. 6/24/2008 3:38:50 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
^WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEGO BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6/24/2008 3:47:39 PM
fatcatt316 All American 3895 Posts user info edit post |
Oh mama, I just got the two Star Wars games, I shall have to get this one posthaste 6/24/2008 4:22:43 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
This game is pretty cool. I bought the guide today and it says you can unlock some of the lego star wars characters and santa claus. 6/25/2008 5:46:13 PM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
I can't wait till Lego Indiana Jones The Video Game: The Movie comes out 6/25/2008 5:48:42 PM
damosyangsta Suspended 2940 Posts user info edit post |
people who buy these crap games are the ones who's ruining the gaming industry. 6/25/2008 5:51:20 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
^The lego series games are actually pretty fun. The people in the game stores have told me they are popular with all ages. Lego games aren't ruining the video game industry. You don't have to have lots of blood to have a good game. 6/25/2008 5:57:06 PM