ncsucharlie Suspended 4074 Posts user info edit post |
So are most of the new GPS available already have all the US maps preloaded? I remember I had a garmin I bought maybe 3 yrs ago and I had to plug it into my computer and upload maps and shit to it, which was a pain in the ass.
I'm looking for one that is just ready to plug into the DC adapter and ready to go. 6/24/2008 2:31:08 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
anything made in the past couple of years has all the maps. Flash memory is dirt cheap these days. 6/24/2008 2:35:55 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
if you are getting a garmin nuvi or tomtom yes, they have maps preloaded. they say so in big letters on the front of most boxes.
you must have bought some old bullshit that used memory cards or didn't have enough space to load the entire us on it.
i'm sure with the map updates that are coming out, you would be eligible for a free update, if you asked that is (or there could be a coupon in the box).
you only have to hookup to the computer to get map and software updates.
[Edited on June 24, 2008 at 2:38 PM. Reason : eh] 6/24/2008 2:37:52 PM
ApexDave Veteran 143 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah now they all pretty much come preloaded, but can be plugged into update the maps. Might wanna check the dates on the maps though, a few of the newer highways and stuff might not be on there so you may need to update them pretty soon. 6/24/2008 2:39:01 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
I have a Magellan and it came with all US Maps. They also do updates once a year that you can download for free. I really think they should do them more than once a year, but what can ya do? 6/24/2008 2:39:02 PM
ncsucharlie Suspended 4074 Posts user info edit post |
yeah it was a real POS. The maps were stored on CD-ROMs and it had to copy from those to the GPS. So now I assume that shit is all handled over the internet? 6/24/2008 2:39:06 PM
ApexDave Veteran 143 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah you download the updates from the makers website generally.. some make you pay though. i think tomtom made me pay to update mine but i may be wrong. 6/24/2008 2:40:26 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, mine just has a USB cable that you connect it to the computer. They send me e-mails when updates are available, and I just plug up and download. Pretty sweet 6/24/2008 2:41:20 PM
ncsucharlie Suspended 4074 Posts user info edit post |
another question:
do you know if any of the GPS systems come with a feature that steers you clear from the ghettos? 6/24/2008 2:43:03 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
^ ha ha ha, that would be awesome, but i doubt it. I am sure the NAACP would have an issue with that
Most of them do have options like "quickest route" "only highways" "avoid highways" etc etc.
[Edited on June 24, 2008 at 2:44 PM. Reason : d] 6/24/2008 2:43:53 PM
ncsucharlie Suspended 4074 Posts user info edit post |
lol I would think that should be one of the main features. 6/24/2008 2:49:11 PM