baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
because i forgot to sign a renewal agreement at a "3rd party" sprint store
but this was a year ago.
stupid 3rd party dealers and telling you lies  6/25/2008 4:18:55 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
neat 6/25/2008 4:19:24 PM
Grandmaster All American 10829 Posts user info edit post |
email eCare. try and get some free perks. 6/25/2008 4:19:58 PM
terpball All American 22489 Posts user info edit post |
I got $300 from Sprint by filing a claim with the BBB - it's easy, you'll get your money in like 3 weeks. 6/25/2008 4:31:39 PM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
BBB here i come! 6/25/2008 4:36:57 PM
AlexRebbel All American 15028 Posts user info edit post |
send them an e-card 6/25/2008 4:39:43 PM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
this is odd.
i called sprint to complain about my phone/service.. they offered the mogul to me at a convenient price of $399, but they'll do an instant rebate of $100.. so for only $299 i can get it.
but my local store (3rd party) can get it to me for $299, but the rebate is mail-in.
i thought she was doing me a favor from the headquarters.
im kinda nervous cuz i dont wanna go through the same thing as last year and send my rebate in and not get it. 6/26/2008 9:15:25 AM
Nerdchick All American 37009 Posts user info edit post |
Home Depot cheated my mom out of a $50 mail in rebate. she swore to never shop there again 6/26/2008 9:37:27 AM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
oh snap! I got my rebate from my blackberry in like 3 weeks. 
what's BBB? 6/26/2008 9:40:33 AM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
big butt beotches? 6/26/2008 9:41:40 AM
OmarBadu zidik 25081 Posts user info edit post |
baonest - you can get the phone cheaper through SERO - that's why they aren't worried about giving it to you for 299 - you were able to get it through SERO when it came out for 288... 6/26/2008 9:42:18 AM
TroopofEchos All American 12212 Posts user info edit post |
better bidness bureau 6/26/2008 9:45:41 AM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
^^so who's email do i enter for the sprint employee email address?
in all honesty, $200 isnt bad for a new mogul through a dealer. of course, cheaper is always better. 6/26/2008 10:06:05 AM