parsonsb All American 13206 Posts user info edit post |
This stuff got me through soda being expensive in germany when i went
surprisingly good for 40% apple juice and 60% carbonated mineral water
definitely one of the things i really miss from germany, really wish i could find it here in the states
anybody else had it? 6/26/2008 9:38:01 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
I had it when I went over there. It was pretty good after you got used to it, but the first time you try it it's freaky. 6/26/2008 9:39:09 PM
StayPuff All American 5154 Posts user info edit post |
they might have it in a Mr. Dunderbaks if there is one there...
and i know i can't spell
[Edited on June 26, 2008 at 9:40 PM. Reason : is slowly catching up to skwinkle's post count] 6/26/2008 9:40:33 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
I'mma beat you! 6/26/2008 9:41:55 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
ape chortle?
 6/26/2008 9:42:53 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "definitely one of the things i really miss from germany, really wish i could find it here in the states" |
Uh, make your own?
Especially since you know the ratio. 6/26/2008 9:42:54 PM
parsonsb All American 13206 Posts user info edit post |
i've tried and failed a few times
and i'm lazy i'd prefer to just buy it pre made 6/26/2008 9:44:04 PM