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 Message Boards » » organic II hw help needed, will paypal $$ Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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got a few questions i need explained/answered from my hw...if you have the time and the answers to my questions i will paypal you $$

works that easy

and its not for NC dont worry...and its open note, open book, open person homework...whatever.

pm me

6/29/2008 11:47:40 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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did your kin used to run a used car place off of 581 near old kenly rd?

[Edited on June 29, 2008 at 11:50 PM. Reason : nice to meet you, i'm your stalker]

6/29/2008 11:49:18 PM

All American
9030 Posts
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1. obtain glass jar.

2. fart into glass jar.

3. close lid quickly.

4. you have organic compound.

6/29/2008 11:50:06 PM

All American
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im sorry, this user is not in the country, I cant answer that.

6/29/2008 11:50:16 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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do what?

6/29/2008 11:51:09 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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post the question.

we'll all help!

6/29/2008 11:53:33 PM

37776 Posts
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or we'll make fun of you.....

6/29/2008 11:54:43 PM

All American
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6/29/2008 11:55:56 PM

All American
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you probably wouldn't get as much shit here if you posted in study hall, or at least classifieds

6/29/2008 11:58:28 PM

All American
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ok, good idea about everyone helping

could be fun

id really like to know HOW to do it, as well as the answer of course, more interested in how

the question first off is

addition of Br2 to cyclohexene yields only a trans product:

explain with mechanism why no cis-isomer is formed in this rxn

and its a cyclohexane with a double bond + br2------>(CCl4 on arrow) into cyclohexane with Br at 1 and 2 orrrrrr for you Org freaks trans 1,2 dibromocyclohexane if you know what that is

6/29/2008 11:58:46 PM

All American
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so you just want to know WHY there is no trans isomer?

6/30/2008 12:06:07 AM

warning: not serious
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the double bond on cyclohexene is cis

the bromonium ion goes thru anti-addition so they go to opposite faces

Write this: The bromination of cyclohexene involves the addition of two bromines from the opposite side of the molecule because the mechanism involves a bridged bromonium ion intermediate. Thus, the 1,2-dibromocyclohexane will have the trans configuration.

[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 12:13 AM. Reason : dipolar repulsion]

6/30/2008 12:07:29 AM

All American
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i hated organic chem

6/30/2008 12:08:39 AM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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organic II was the only chem class I actually liked

6/30/2008 12:16:55 AM

All American
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the plane will take off

6/30/2008 12:18:22 AM

All American
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ohhh i see now, it has to do with the nodes and the energy levels that account for the repulsion...the pi bonds therefore, repulsion and it configures it as so.

makes sense, i knew i was close but couldnt get that out like you said it


im trying to load the next question but TWW is givin me hard times, might add it to my facebook or something gay


6/30/2008 12:20:24 AM

All American
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also, Br is huge. Regardless of it being on a ring if you put two of them next to one another its going to be unstable and at a higher energy. Molecules always want to be in lower energy, so it would fall into a trans position, lower its energy, and make it more stable

6/30/2008 12:21:05 AM

All American
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^ take a screenshot and upload the image. That might be easier

6/30/2008 12:21:53 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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goddamn smart girls are sexy

i can't even begin to explain it, but damn there's just something hot about a girl who knows what the fuck she's talking about.

6/30/2008 12:22:58 AM

All American
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the plane will take off

6/30/2008 12:23:17 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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yeah right I hate smart girls

I like them to have Downs Syndrome mental capacity without the Downs Syndrome face

[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 12:24 AM. Reason : x]

6/30/2008 12:24:02 AM

All American
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Quote :
"also, Br is huge. Regardless of it being on a ring if you put two of them next to one another its going to be unstable and at a higher energy. Molecules always want to be in lower energy, so it would fall into a trans position, lower its energy, and make it more stable"

no spelling mistakes or major grammatical errors?

6/30/2008 12:24:27 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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6/30/2008 12:24:47 AM

All American
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i spell better when im fucked up


6/30/2008 12:26:44 AM

All American
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see if this works from my buddies photobucket

help, or at least an explanation of where to find the help to answer them all of course

just to see where to get started, or maybe a walk thru, once i get one i normally can figure the rest out

[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 12:34 AM. Reason : g]

6/30/2008 12:30:16 AM

All American
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so which on did you want help with?

6/30/2008 12:32:42 AM

All American
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6/30/2008 12:42:36 AM

All American
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b- e are all easy. They are Diels- Alder rxns

hold on sec. Ill do them

[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 12:46 AM. Reason : do them]

6/30/2008 12:44:36 AM

All American
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Quote :
"goddamn smart girls are sexy"

doing someone else's work for them for free when they said they'd pay for the help doesn't qualify as smart (no offence Jen, more power to you with your whole good samaritan deal)

[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 12:52 AM. Reason : )]

6/30/2008 12:52:07 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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she's just being nice and helping the guy out. he seems to genuinely want to learn the shit.

TWW at its best right here:

1) people interacting in a socially acceptable manner and helping one another
2) people hating on it

6/30/2008 12:54:44 AM

All American
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i've offered to still pay her, and I will pay her back in some way

whether its money or whatever

Im a loyal guy and I do want to actually know the stuff

its not doing my work for me, shes been pming me along with others to help me understand it

something I guess is hard to comprehend

shes a good girl for that.

6/30/2008 12:58:01 AM

All American
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ahah here i was thinking jen was some kind of super-idiot and this shit comes up.

gg jen

6/30/2008 1:00:24 AM

All American
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holy crap, i have a new appreciation for Jen

6/30/2008 1:18:22 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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jen's skill with organic sounds like a candidate for the tww talent show to me

6/30/2008 1:20:08 AM

All American
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its not about the money

I just spent the last 5 weeks and a few hundred dollars on a tutor myself to learn this. This isn't for him, i just want to see if i can do it. Which, comparitivly this seems pretty easy (ACCEPT FOR THE BULLSHIT FUCKING GODAMN COMPUTER THAT KEEPS SHITTING ON ITSELF)

so when im done, ill post it and let someone thats actually smart and good at point out what i did wrong

6/30/2008 1:24:25 AM

All American
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i'll help you with your computer if you hang a cd off your nipple

6/30/2008 1:26:52 AM

848 Posts
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i can check over your work

6/30/2008 1:26:58 AM

All American
14538 Posts
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don't worry

i'll pay her back for you

6/30/2008 1:27:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"she's just being nice and helping the guy out. he seems to genuinely want to learn the shit.

TWW at its best right here:

1) people interacting in a socially acceptable manner and helping one another
2) people hating on it"

6/30/2008 1:32:31 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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Quote :
"TWW at its best right here:

1) people interacting in a socially acceptable manner and helping one another
2) people hating on it"

6/30/2008 1:33:33 AM

All American
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on e, is that a double bond the c 5 and 6 of the cyclohexane that isn't aeromatic?

6/30/2008 2:09:16 AM

All American
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for anyone thats up late tonight

heres the rest of them in no particular order

if you get bored

I'll compare my answers on these and some of them that I dont have answers to, i'll try and figure out

6/30/2008 2:31:31 AM

All American
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6/30/2008 2:33:30 AM

All American
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Dude.... your 5 pt e is drivin me fricken nuts

6/30/2008 2:55:37 AM

All American
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Alright, its not my work but its irritating me. Somone who is smarter then me plz explain to me something....

this is the best answer i could imagine but i know its wrong bc the why wouldn't the dienephile attack the cis double bond of the first cyclohexane in red? I mean, without doing any other steps to make the rings aeromatic can't figure out how to attach it. The part in black ive pretty much decided is right bc the funky trio-oxy cyclopentane (yes i realize thats not the right name) needs to be on the 1 -4 position of the diene . This will bother the crap out of me

JESUS, this is why i quit playin sudoku

[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 3:58 AM. Reason : ad]

6/30/2008 3:54:03 AM

All American
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6/30/2008 9:28:04 AM

All American
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no, i srly just got online to see if somone had done ^^ . This is STILL pissing me off

plz somone smart answer so my little brain can rest

6/30/2008 10:14:11 AM

All American
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so far so good it looks like from what I have seen

anyone that knows about E tho?

but the others are good

6/30/2008 4:49:50 PM

All American
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bttt for you people bored at work

7/1/2008 1:37:17 PM

Bee Hugger
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set em up

7/1/2008 1:43:16 PM

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