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All American
15134 Posts
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seems kind of a silly idea now. i got rid of mine back in 2002 after realising how inefficient it was. i never ever went off road with the thing.

my neighbors complaining about how he pays a $120 bucks a week in fuel. he can't get rid of it cause he coaches kids soccer so he has to haul stuff around.

any of you guys still own them? and how much of a pain is it . . . ?

7/2/2008 1:46:54 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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also been noticing those guys are driving extremely slower on the highways now.

7/2/2008 1:47:22 PM

All American
8846 Posts
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about as painful as these threads

7/2/2008 1:47:49 PM

All American
43429 Posts
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tell your neighbor to get a station wagon.

7/2/2008 1:48:27 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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most SUV drivers bitch about the price of gas because they have a $500 car payment to go along with it

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 1:50 PM. Reason : asdf]

7/2/2008 1:50:26 PM

All American
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the guys drives a Lincoln Navigator. its like a big boat.

7/2/2008 1:51:42 PM

All American
2869 Posts
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no one said you had to buy a big fucking car just like no one told you to go buy a pink polo shirt. now you just have to deal with it.

7/2/2008 1:53:33 PM

All American
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yeah I got an SUV. its not bad, I do go offroad (a lil bit) with it, and use it when i need to take the dog somewhere, or when I just don't feel like driving the sedan.

its not bad on gas as long as I don't "pedal to the metal" it, and its still fun to drive. plus (to me) it still is BALLER AS FUCK

7/2/2008 8:38:04 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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I have a smaller SUV. I've thought about selling it, but not in this market! If I could get a decent trade, that would be different.

I've been minimizing my driving this week. Last week we the first time I've driven it in 5 weeks though, but I went from: Greensboro - Raleigh - Greensboro - Charlotte area - Myrtle Beach - Greensboro - Charlotte area - Greensboro all in about 6 days. I've not been anywhere since Sunday.

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 8:59 PM. Reason : ]

7/2/2008 8:56:56 PM

All American
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ive got a grand cherokee. it doesnt get great mileage, but i dont drive nearly far enough every week for it to matter. if i traded it in it would take many years to make the trade worth it.

plus i like the convenience. i want to buy a boat when i get a house so the towing is nice. i can carry all kinds of shit in it. right now have all my bowling gear, all my soccer gear, and assload of other stuff, and can still carry 4 people comfortably. the convenience is worth the extra cost.

7/2/2008 9:08:48 PM

All American
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Had a Nissan Spec V ~ 34MPG, then a GMC Envoy ~ 19MPG, and now I'm driving a new GMC Sierra ~ 16MPG... I'm def goin the wrong way.

A truck is a nice think to have when u actually need it, but 75% of the time I dont.. but I'm paying for it all the damn time

7/2/2008 9:20:54 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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I've got a mazda tribute, pretty good gas mileage, I dont complain about gas. I dont tote that much around-- but I cant go back to a car ever since mine was RUN OVER my a jeep cherokee! -_-

7/2/2008 9:21:27 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"plus (to me) it still is BALLER AS FUCK


7/2/2008 9:53:56 PM

266 Posts
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even though I have a sentra that gets close to 30mpg I drive around an 86 F-150 more... I guess I like the sound of a v8 to much.

7/3/2008 1:11:00 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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^because its BALLER AS FUCK

7/3/2008 6:08:34 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"tell your neighbor to get a station wagon."

7/3/2008 6:32:33 AM

45912 Posts
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can someone stop this idiot?

7/3/2008 7:04:31 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"about as painful as these threads"

7/3/2008 7:17:00 AM

355 Posts
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I just sold mine for a MINI Cooper - but more because I wanted a MINI than because I wanted to get rid of the SUV....

7/3/2008 7:18:59 AM

All American
1738 Posts
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Quote :
"my neighbors complaining about how he pays a $120 bucks a week in fuel. he can't get rid of it cause he coaches kids soccer so he has to haul stuff around."

How much stuff can you have for soccer?

7/3/2008 9:33:23 AM

Drunk yet Orderly
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I still love mine... but it does suck to fill up. I think it is worth it though to be BALLER AS FUCK

even though it is an explorer

7/3/2008 9:39:24 AM

All American
10023 Posts
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there is absolutely nothing BALLER about an exploder.

7/3/2008 9:41:57 AM

Drunk yet Orderly
14177 Posts
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jealousy is an ugly thing

7/3/2008 9:44:22 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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7/3/2008 9:44:33 AM

All American
33197 Posts
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I do haul/move alot of stuff, and I do go offroading

i just think that it is funny that all those people who bitch and moan about my "gas guzzler" come to me first when they want something moved, go camping, or there is a tailgate they want to go to

7/3/2008 9:46:41 AM

All American
4474 Posts
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^ so true

carry you're own grill bitch.

7/3/2008 9:55:07 AM

All American
28213 Posts
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Quote :
"there is absolutely nothing BALLER about an exploder."

Mine is.

7/3/2008 10:05:56 AM

All American
5543 Posts
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Quote :
"carry you're own grill bitch."

7/3/2008 10:08:05 AM

35780 Posts
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Quote :
"most SUV drivers bitch about the price of gas because they have a $500 car payment to go along with it "

7/3/2008 10:10:31 AM

All American
1193 Posts
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I like to kill the planet.

7/3/2008 10:44:26 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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its called what goes around comes around

for years big SUV drivers have been making us feel inferior on the roads, and turning simple fender benders into life and death situation & they used to say we were bitching about it cause we were jealous

hahhaa, well now who's jealous, a big suburban driving twat is jealous someone driving a geo metro
hey no passenger big SUV drivers........hows my rear taste

7/3/2008 10:44:35 AM

35780 Posts
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i've driven nothing but large automobiles and have never once felt jealous of a smaller more economical car. even today in the changing economy i dont regret my decision in buying my truck. The only thing i've ever been envious of is having a fast sports car, classic sports car, and being able to fit in tiny parking sports.

Maybe i'm fortunate in my present situation where the gas prices haven't had the negative effect on me as it has to others.

7/3/2008 10:53:03 AM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"SUV drivers have been making us feel inferior on the roads, and turning simple fender benders into life and death situation & they used to say we were bitching about it cause we were jealous"

True. I never understood the Excursion driver though. its like "WHY?" even my neighbor who's like a 5'2" woman and she drives in Escalade.

7/3/2008 10:53:33 AM

148878 Posts
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opinions are like escalades

7/3/2008 10:54:37 AM

All American
9963 Posts
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The Excursion has never made any sense to me

7/3/2008 10:57:20 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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I converted a Peterbuilt truck into the world's largest suv. It runs on polar bears. I'm getting about 2 miles a bear.

7/3/2008 11:01:29 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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Quote :
"but I cant go back to a car ever since mine was RUN OVER my a jeep cherokee! -_-"

If gas prices keep going up I think you'll change your tune.

On the bright side, the increased cost of gasoline has made it even less of a difference to get premium over regular. My car only takes 91 octane or higher, and has the price of gas has gone up the percentage cost difference compared to regular has only gone down

Last time I filled up my car was May 23rd

[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 11:02 AM. Reason : k]

7/3/2008 11:01:43 AM

35780 Posts
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^^^yeah im not a big fan of them. But my friend's parents have one. They have like 6 kids so they take the damn thing on all family vacations and tow their boat with it as well.

It has been awesome for us on spring breaks and beach trips with all the guys as well.

But yeah, if you didn't have a large family the excursion is beyond a waste. I think ford realized that finally as well

[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 11:01 AM. Reason : ^]

7/3/2008 11:01:47 AM

All American
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yeah, nothing irritates me more than small women in the largest private vehicles on the road, by themselves
yeah lets give the worst drivers the biggest cars

you cant say that an excursion is necessary cause you have 6 kids, you can get a minivan, and for towing you boat you can rent a car instead of paying $15,000 to use it once or twice a year for towing

[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 11:04 AM. Reason : .]

7/3/2008 11:03:04 AM

35780 Posts
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^family's recreation activity habits differ. As do style preferences.

i'm ready for this go green fad to end

7/3/2008 11:07:29 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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^agreed. Soon as the climate shifts back to being a little cooler people will forget about it.

7/3/2008 11:10:07 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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well with all these garage scientist hard at work at solving our energy crisis
i actaully believe one of them will invent something that will give us like 200mpg and all will be well

7/3/2008 11:11:39 AM

35780 Posts
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the way i look at it...i'm gonna be long gone before any of it really affects me. So fuck it, i'm gonna live how i fuckin feel like it.

7/3/2008 11:14:28 AM

All American
23086 Posts
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its not saving the planet that people are worried about, its saving their wallet

7/3/2008 11:16:14 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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^^im sure your kids will be happy to hear you dont care about their future

7/3/2008 11:17:20 AM

All American
15858 Posts
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^ It's OK, they'll all be killed off in a nuclear holocaust anyway.

7/3/2008 11:20:33 AM

All American
3164 Posts
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i'm one of these women that everyone complains about, i guess. i have an escalade. i don't have kids. i have it because i love it, for towing (which we do regularly), and for hauling around my dogs (which i also do regularly). knock on wood, i've never had an accident, never gotten a ticket, etc. i'm an extremely cautious driver due to the serious accidents my other family members have been in- one almost dying from one, one dying from one, and one having serious injuries for the rest of their life. but i don't complain about gas prices. i chose to get an suv and i love my car. i know it's going to cost a shit load to fill up and that was my choice to get a big ass vehicle. yes it would be nice if it only cost $40 to fill up but oh well, life sucks, move on. it just sucks that there's so much hate for women that drive bigger vehicles. i mean wtf?

7/3/2008 11:23:05 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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Quote :
"I drive a cruise ship so my dogs are comfy."

7/3/2008 11:32:38 AM

50085 Posts
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Quote :
"^agreed. Soon as the climate shifts back to being a little cooler people will forget about it."

No they won't. It's in the consciousness of the American people now... it won't shift away from that in our lifetimes I wouldn't think.

7/3/2008 11:33:51 AM

All American
3164 Posts
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it's not so much about their comfort, its about their size and that they didn't fit in the back of my 2 door accord. given, i've changed vehicles several times since then but i can afford to do that. there are lots of people that fit this "stereotype" that's been described but i don't think any woman driving an suv should be put in that category. i don't have a 500/mo. car payment and i don't complain about my gas and i love my vehicle, what's the big deal?

7/3/2008 11:38:44 AM

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