Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |

what do you think?
thats still overweight for her height of 5'10.
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:18 AM. Reason : l]
7/6/2008 12:17:09 AM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |

7/6/2008 12:17:42 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
think you missed the [image] tags.  7/6/2008 12:18:03 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
10 beers] 7/6/2008 12:18:34 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
you guys are too quick! 7/6/2008 12:18:40 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i'm not sure what to think... 7/6/2008 12:18:44 AM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |
Lawls 7/6/2008 12:21:32 AM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ srly?
i think shes totally hot 7/6/2008 12:21:58 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
<3 thick women 7/6/2008 12:22:07 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
I just don't like her attitude. its not about sizes its about being a healthy size or not and she is not a healthy size yet she thinks its ok. i don't like when bigger girls has this type of attitude. 7/6/2008 12:26:55 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
put it this way...she wouldnt be my first, second, or third choice
but i dont find her ugly 7/6/2008 12:27:40 AM
Mr Grace All American 12412 Posts user info edit post |
shed get it if she wasnt 7 feet tall 7/6/2008 12:28:24 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
some people just have the genes to be 'overweight' (which is fucking bullshit most of the time) and be healthy. 7/6/2008 12:28:36 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |

same girl when she was skinny. but she said she likes being bigger.
7/6/2008 12:29:38 AM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "its about being healthy" |
i agree 110%.
Quote : | "she is not a healthy size" |
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:31 AM. Reason : ^ i don't see a difference other than photograph angle]
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:33 AM. Reason : wait, same girl as the girl in the OP? i don't believe that] 7/6/2008 12:30:46 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
damn that chick is tall...seems like her boobs would be bigger since shes kinda chubby 7/6/2008 12:30:55 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
no way that's the same girl 7/6/2008 12:31:01 AM
Mr Grace All American 12412 Posts user info edit post |
that girl is like 15 stories tall
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
whoa thats different. 7/6/2008 12:31:07 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
i can look at her and tell that in her skinny pix she was on a diet and could hold off the weight without starving, so she accepted herself for what she is and went back to being thick and toned her body to adjust and it worked out perfectly  7/6/2008 12:31:37 AM
Mr Grace All American 12412 Posts user info edit post |
TITTIES LIKE FAT 7/6/2008 12:32:20 AM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
you can tell from the skinny picture that shes not one of those naturally skinny people
i like her bigger, she looks unheathy skinny in the other pics but thats just me 7/6/2008 12:33:18 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
agree...i think she looks way happier/healthier as a fatter woman 7/6/2008 12:34:09 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
i'd take her, no questions asked, and without a warranty  7/6/2008 12:34:10 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
no that was her when she was younger. she was skinny and then balloned.
fyi she was the current winner of America's Next Top Model 7/6/2008 12:35:16 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
if that is the same girl i def like her bigger. 7/6/2008 12:36:16 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
not my type
either one 7/6/2008 12:36:40 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
haha snewf, yuo can't be serious? you can be picky? or are those pics i seen of you are not really you hahaha 7/6/2008 12:37:23 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |

same attitude as the above chick.
7/6/2008 12:39:57 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
no thanks 7/6/2008 12:40:43 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
she ain't that bad. i would def hit tho 
^ you are saying no thanks like you get puss on the reg son. whats really good?
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:41 AM. Reason : asrf] 7/6/2008 12:40:57 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
meh, I'd be afraid that last one would squash me.  7/6/2008 12:42:01 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
yeah she is kinda big there, but... you wouldn't mind that squashing or would you?
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:43 AM. Reason : we] 7/6/2008 12:42:51 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
the last woman might be confident, but she's obese and extremely unhealthy 7/6/2008 12:43:25 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i think its her hips that are bugging me out...makes her bottom half too big 7/6/2008 12:43:36 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
if she gets those thighs around your head, you're screwed.  7/6/2008 12:43:48 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "fyi she was the current winner of America's Next Top Model
" |
i'm confused. she was the current winner? when was the last season of this? i haven't watched in awhile. so she won america's next top model recently? 7/6/2008 12:44:13 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ i would not say obese, or extremely unhealthy, but i would say grossly overweight and relatively unhealthy.
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:44 AM. Reason : asdf] 7/6/2008 12:44:44 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
yea she may not be as fat as the lard asses you see at wal-mart, but im sure she would definitely be considered obese 7/6/2008 12:45:53 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
UGH what about my question  7/6/2008 12:46:20 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
^^naw bruh, you need to look up what obese actually means. shes nothing even close to it.
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:46 AM. Reason : asdf] 7/6/2008 12:46:36 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i bet shes winded after like 3 minutes of heavy walking 7/6/2008 12:46:38 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
i may be wrong, but either way i wouldn't want to sit next to her on an airplane 7/6/2008 12:47:31 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
at least she pretty. somebody will take her, but not me! but the first girl, i would take her just as long as she isn't an asshole.
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:47 AM. Reason : er] 7/6/2008 12:47:32 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
the first girl looks totally healthy to me-pretty sexy actually. The last two are the ones that look unhealthy. Seeing ribs or being able to grab a handful around the mid section is not too appealing to me.
I guess it is also how fat is distributed around your body. 7/6/2008 12:48:50 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
^lol second pic is the same woman as first pic...dont know if you know that but it sounds like you dont 7/6/2008 12:49:38 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
^^ well put.
but as long as we're ragging on people and no one has answered my america's next top model question, i'm just going to go ahead and say the second girl (as in the second fat girl not the second picture of the same first fat girl) has a pig nose to me. which i notice more than her "obesity" or whatever. plus the girl in the first picture is wearing a more flattering suit for her size. and looks more flattering in general.
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:50 AM. Reason : .] 7/6/2008 12:50:34 AM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
I guarantee that you'd be able to grab a big handful around the midsection of the girl in the first pic if she wasn't stretching her torso out like that. 7/6/2008 12:51:01 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
I knew that (even though I have a hard time believing that). Maybe I should have said picture 1, 2, 3.
^Well I still think she is DAMN sexy.
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:52 AM. Reason : ^] 7/6/2008 12:51:10 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
^^^i typically notice noses quick on broads and her nose aint that bad
[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:51 AM. Reason : .] 7/6/2008 12:51:38 AM