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 Message Boards » » So the dog just ate a bunch of grass... Page [1]  
All American
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Then came back in... Then tried to eat the carpet and half threw up, then went outside and ate more grass and did both parts of his business, then came back in. Then started licking the couch and half threw up again.

I think his dinner didn't agree with him. It's fascinating how he's trying to communicate with me, and unfortunate that I can't do anything for him besides give him water and a place to puke. :/ This has been an odd round of dog sitting.

7/6/2008 1:03:39 AM

All American
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7/6/2008 1:04:20 AM

All American
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Keep it outside until it stops puking, once it's finished bring it back in.

7/6/2008 1:04:20 AM

All American
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Thing is, he has stopped puking. Or rather, he hasn't started. He's a rather small fellow. Sort of. 16 pounds of muscular dachsund. He's a tough little cookie, but whatever this is has been bugging him for a while. I'm going to wait and see if he starts getting sick again or if it was just a bad case of #2 for him (I mean, I could see him being nauseated and having diarrhea).

I just have to stay up and keep an eye on him now and that kind of sucks a bit, haha. I don't want him to throw up inside, but I can't just leave him outside (hates the rain, has been known to be an escape artist so I'd have to watch him outside while he does nothing). I'll give him til 2am then I'll just go to bed with my ears open.

I wonder what he ate, cause I sure didn't see it. Eats the same food as his larger sister (75 lbs of shepherd-rottie mix) and she's been OK.

7/6/2008 1:11:33 AM

All American
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How old is he?

7/6/2008 1:13:06 AM

All American
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aww rub his belly

7/6/2008 1:13:54 AM

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my neighbor has a dog that tries to eat grass sometimes...she punishes it when it tries and it doesnt really try to anymore

7/6/2008 1:15:11 AM

All American
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THAT is tough to say, we rescued him from a family who found him in the street (literally in the middle of a busy intersection, so they opened the door and he hopped in and came home with them). He had been on the street a while even then, and his muzzle didn't have any white on it then. I think it's been about five or six years now that my brother (who owns the dog, I'm just feeding and entertaining them for the weekend) went and got him. If I had to put a guess on how old he was, I'd say about 11. Again, I don't even remember exactly when we got him, just that he's graying around the muzzle.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 1:16 AM. Reason : ^ Yeah I read that they do that when they want to throw up/have an irritated stomach.]

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 1:21 AM. Reason : Round 3 of eating grass, still has an upset stomach.]

7/6/2008 1:15:35 AM

All American
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Welp, he's sleeping now, so whatever problem he had is slowing down. I guess I'll try to get some sleep now.

I have a feeling i'm going to be woken up in 2 hours...

7/6/2008 2:01:05 AM

All American
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poor doggy. my dog gets into things all the time when im not watching, and then goes through this cycle of grass eating too.

sometimes he does it if he eats too much of his bone as well.

poor little thing.

7/6/2008 2:05:21 AM

All American
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He's doing alright. Dog's tough as crap considering. He's a knot of muscle and has longer legs than a normal dachsund. He was probably on the street for a while before he was rescued, too, and we think he came from a rather bad household (if you make a fist or grab somebody he'll start barking and kind of try to bite you or defend you depending on who's doin the grabbing).

I know he's happy now that he has friends...

And he's stirring now. I'm going to clean stuff up and sleep.

7/6/2008 2:07:57 AM

All American
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what the FUCK is up with dogs licking grass

i always yell at mine and stomp at the ground near him to make him stop

am i retarded for thinking he's gonna make himself sick?

7/6/2008 2:10:07 AM

All American
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I just got back from the doggy emergency room with my roomates dog.

She was eating dinner, starting choking on the food and almost died Had to try and give her a doggy heimlich(sp?) manuever and sticking my finger down her throat to get her to cough. Luckily she pulled through and I think she's fine now.

When we got back home she ran STRAIGHT for her vomit and started eating it I had to push her away and throw it out

7/6/2008 2:10:59 AM

All American
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^^ it tastes sweet.

7/6/2008 2:11:39 AM

All American
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what does

dog urine???

b/c i've seen him stop and lick the concrete steps the same damn way

7/6/2008 2:16:30 AM

All American
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grasses, or so says my vet sis.

but then again some dogs will eat whatever is in reach.

7/6/2008 2:22:34 AM

All American
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from what ive read, dogs eat grass because they have an upset stomach.

as for licking it, i think that a dog of the opposite sex may have piddled on that grass. Because my male dog will sniff and lick a patch of grass forever and then finally mark on top of it. its weird.

7/6/2008 2:23:19 AM

All American
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it was my understanding that ^ is a common myth. often dogs eat the grass and then later become sick - vom.

7/6/2008 2:24:36 AM

All American
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so wouldnt grass be like a natual doggy remedy to induce vomiting and make them feel better?

i dont know. my dog is a bastard.
for as tiny as he is, he sure knows how to take up an entire bed at night and fart death.

7/6/2008 2:28:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"fart death."

i'd be lying if i didn't say i lol'd

7/6/2008 2:33:15 AM

All American
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my cat does the same cool shit. i love cleaning it

7/6/2008 6:43:48 AM

All American
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my dog threw up a few days after i got him a few months ago because he ate his food too quickly. he's learnt since then

7/6/2008 10:12:09 AM

All American
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My sister's dog does this too. She'll graze like a damn cow and then vomit it back up. I just stay outside with her for the extra fifteen minutes or so that it takes for it to come back up, and then she's good to go.

7/6/2008 10:15:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"(if you make a fist or grab somebody he'll start barking and kind of try to bite you or defend you depending on who's doin the grabbing)."

my sister's miniature dachsund does the same thing. if her boyfriend grabs her or pretends to punch or kick at her then her dog will bark and growl at him, but if she does the same to him the dog doesn't care at all and just walks off, it's kind of funny really.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 10:21 AM. Reason : .]

7/6/2008 10:21:12 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » So the dog just ate a bunch of grass... Page [1]  
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