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 Message Boards » » It's always nice to have suspicions confirmed Page [1]  
76471 Posts
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In this case, suspicions that save you a couple grand (not having to lay a new floor)

I've been telling my bf since we moved in that there are hardwood floors under the carpeting. He always resisted believing me (whether that's because I'm often right in things like this, or just to be difficult...dunno). Granted, I had no way to know what condition the floors were in.

We've been painting this weekend, and the time has come to start tearing up the carpet (yes, the previous residents were shining examples of shitty taste - icky wallpaper, dingy kitchen, this carpet, the BROWN carpets in the bedroom, the nasty bathroom).

And this is what's under there!
We do have to refinish really soon, because while the floors are in excellent condition, the vanish is very brittle, and peeling. That tells you how long ago they put in carpets

Cell phone camera sucks - the green is more a colonial green. It's Behr 330B.

7/6/2008 4:28:43 PM

All American
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nobody needed to know this shit

7/6/2008 4:29:36 PM

New Recruit
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so you guys got back together?

7/6/2008 4:29:54 PM

76471 Posts
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back in april

7/6/2008 4:30:10 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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once you go black....

7/6/2008 4:31:31 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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who gives a shit?

7/6/2008 4:34:19 PM

37709 Posts
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TWW is a blg

7/6/2008 5:08:05 PM

All American
3633 Posts
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TWW is an AWESOME bl g if that is what you mean

7/6/2008 5:09:10 PM

All American
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7/6/2008 5:29:14 PM

Kitty B
All American
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i wish we could rip up our carpet and find hardwood floors.

instead we do things like rip off 4 layers of wallpaper and ruin the drywall

7/6/2008 5:37:48 PM

1004 Posts
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This would have been a better thread if the suspicions were that your boyfriend is really a post op tranny.

7/6/2008 5:43:03 PM

147487 Posts
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7/6/2008 5:43:39 PM

40992 Posts
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anybody who puts carpet in a bathroom i want to slap them in the face with a moldy, pee-soaked carpet sample

7/6/2008 5:43:55 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah i'm not a fan of carpet in the bathroom...bathroom at work has that and its kinda weird

7/6/2008 5:44:54 PM

balls deep
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sounds like you suffer from a major case of I-told-you-so-ism


7/6/2008 5:57:06 PM

All American
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Haha, wow, those look really nice. It makes the wall color look that much better.

I wish I could pull that hat trick off here, but I know underneath this carpet I've got a concrete slab. That's OK though, I'm going to tile this crappy place at some point, and if I get some money before July goes away I just might do it this summer.

7/6/2008 6:04:51 PM

All American
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That's awesome. It's also instant appreciation.

Refinishing isn't a big deal.

Concrete can also look really good just sealed (and some stain it).

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 6:08 PM. Reason : ]

7/6/2008 6:07:58 PM

Double Entendre
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ugh....Jeez a flip...who puts carpet in the freakin' bathroom??!!!!

That is sooooo cool xtine that you have wood floors. I appreciate threads like this.
I would like to tear up our carpet and find wood floors but that is def not the case in our home that was built in 2002.
<------ JEALOUS!!!

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 6:11 PM. Reason : ...]

7/6/2008 6:11:12 PM

76471 Posts
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Matt and I both like older homes. This was built in either 62 or 65 - about the time my parents' house was built.

Quote :
"anybody who puts carpet in a bathroom i want to slap them in the face with a moldy, pee-soaked carpet sample"


In my parent's house, the main bathroom is somewhere in the range of 8-10' long, and except for the tub, 3.5'-4' wide. Carolina blue tile 3/4 up the walls, and when they moved in, maroon carpet.

What the hell kind of rationale is there for carpet in a bathroom?

Quote :
"instead we do things like rip off 4 layers of wallpaper and ruin the drywall "

People who put up wallpaper should have all many of unspeakable things done to them. Including, but not limited to, a force-fed diet of lead chips and wallpaper glue.

Quote :
"It makes the wall color look that much better.

That it does.

Quote :
"It's also instant appreciation. "

As he's pulling this up, he's found remnants of another pad under the current one, indicating that the previous owners had at least one chance to revert to hardwood. But one of the things they were so proud of having done recently was lay new carpet in some areas, so... But, they are older, and of the generation where hardwoods were for poor people, and carpet for the more prosperous.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 6:28 PM. Reason : lkj]

7/6/2008 6:28:17 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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ambrosia is just taking over this poor guy's house hahaha


7/6/2008 6:35:49 PM

76471 Posts
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It's not his fault or mine that he's so color blind, and isn't a shining example of good decorating taste

He has called carolina blue 'green' before.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 6:37 PM. Reason : lkjd]

7/6/2008 6:36:59 PM

All American
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i read about carpet in the bathroom, thats just insane

lets not even think about "normal" water like from the shower and sink, etc... or if a plumbing fuckup occured.

you miss-aim oine time and you have pissy carpet. thats just gross and with all the steam its gotta smell insane. yuck

eww i would have to have that shit out before i moved in

7/8/2008 11:51:30 AM

All American
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I have never understood the putting carpet over hardwoods thing.

Though it is like finding a sports car that was driven by a grandma only to church on Sunday.

7/8/2008 11:54:44 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"I have never understood the putting carpet over hardwoods thing."

Hardwoods used to be much cheaper than carpet. Some people are still in the mindset that hardwood is low-class and cheap, and elect to show their class and/or money by having carpet - especially in older people.

7/8/2008 12:08:34 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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Quote :
"This would have been a better thread if the suspicions were that your boyfriend is really a post op tranny."

7/8/2008 12:12:47 PM

148880 Posts
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looks like the padding came up pretty cleanly (at least so far)

i've seen some floors where i've removed carpet and padding and the clue from the padding is all over the floor...i guess thats a little more common with a concrete slab underneath though

7/8/2008 12:14:46 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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the floors were awsome. I mean, the whole redo looks super but i was surprised at how nice the floors are under those carpets. Cant wait to see it when the living room is done and you got books on the shelves. The wayne's coating behind ..... nice!

7/8/2008 12:19:17 PM

All American
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my place is in a neighborhood of townhouses built in the 60s. apparantly in its day it used to be the shit, because its only a couple miles from downtown and there used to be nothing else out here, so it was out of the way yet close. very cool neighborhood, with old natural landscaping mixed in with manmade shit. point is, there were a few for sale, so i saw inside 3... and they were all very well maintained, but they all had some kind of crazy decoration that came with the place.
but yeah, old people have some crazy ass taste. one of them looked insane. hard to describe, thats why i mention how well they took care of their house. it wasnt dirty or nasty, just UGLY. 2 had hidden wood foyers... there were crazy colors that looked like they didnt match (to me).. and crazy shaggy big carpet. not that i wanted generic flat stuff. but this was like a bathmat all over the downstairs (minus kitchen and bathroom - but they both had stupid wallpaper)

long story about nothing... im high strung i just neeed to ramble ignor me!!1

7/8/2008 12:21:56 PM

21958 Posts
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"Wayne's coating."


7/8/2008 12:23:22 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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ahahahahahahah wayne's coating.

7/8/2008 1:05:21 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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wainscoting period lol

7/8/2008 1:06:46 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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What a nice surprise! It does make the paint color look MUCH better.

Quote :
"anybody who puts carpet in a bathroom i want to slap them in the face with a moldy, pee-soaked carpet sample"

good call.

7/8/2008 1:38:55 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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For future reference, just pull up a floor vent if you need to know whether or not there are hardwoods under the carpet (assuming it has floor registers.) There are no carpet tacks around the vent, so once you pull it out you can lift up the carpet and see. It won't give you an idea of the condition though. Sometimes people put carpet on top of hardwoods because it allows them to hide cupping and discoloration from water damage.

For a few decades carpet was marketed for it's sound deadening, comfort levels (softness), etc. It really shouldn't be a surprise when you find hardwoods covered up by carpet although it is a nice find.

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 2:09 PM. Reason : a]

7/8/2008 2:06:16 PM

17148 Posts
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^ air registers are in the wall

Quote :
"This would have been a better thread if the suspicions were that your boyfriend is really a post op tranny."

Quote :
"ambrosia is just taking over this poor guy's house hahaha "

That implies i'm not allowing it
I swear i must be some kind of color blind, I need someone's input

7/9/2008 12:09:45 AM

76471 Posts
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7/11/2008 1:17:30 AM

All American
12966 Posts
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that green looks like a really nice color!

your place looks really cute

7/11/2008 1:19:42 AM

76471 Posts
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It s a very nice color...those pictures are soooooooooo off it's not even funny. I have sooooooo many things to take pictures of, and this is on the list


Especially after peeling off the painter's tape...the colonial effect is strong. Until you notice the bigass TV
We're gonna go with a somewhat contemporary couch, too

7/11/2008 1:21:26 AM

All American
11291 Posts
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7/11/2008 1:23:05 AM

17148 Posts
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gonna have to have a party to show it off soon

7/11/2008 1:25:11 AM

All American
2991 Posts
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Quote :
"clue from the padding is all over the floor"

in the library, with the candlestick

7/11/2008 1:25:24 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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Quote :
"colonial effect"

7/11/2008 1:27:12 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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that plaid couch has to go

7/11/2008 1:28:30 AM

17148 Posts
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no kidding

refinish floors, new couch/coffee table

7/11/2008 1:33:10 AM

76471 Posts
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I hate that fucking couch

...But I do hate it less than the other one he used to have

7/11/2008 1:35:57 AM

All American
26447 Posts
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In about 30 years, people are going to be mocking hardwood floors the same way yuppies mock carpeting.

7/11/2008 1:42:39 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » It's always nice to have suspicions confirmed Page [1]  
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