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All American
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Searched but didn't see it.

This is perhaps one of the funniest blogs I've ever read. It reminds me a lot of the "ask the frat guy" thread a while back. After living in Raleigh for 5 years i definately appreciate this.

7/7/2008 10:53:11 AM

All American
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7/7/2008 11:00:29 AM

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I read a little bit of it, and it is indeed funny for now. I imagine the novelty will eventually wear out though.

7/7/2008 11:11:07 AM

All American
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^^ Hahahaa, just a giant, rambling Word document

7/7/2008 11:20:07 AM

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Not gonna lie...this made me laff a little!

Quote :
"Miss NC isn't ITB

Amanda Watson was just named Miss NC. Unfortunately for Amanda, she's from Garner. I repeat, she is from Garner. To whoever chose the winner of the Miss NC Pageant; What the hell are you doing? How the hell is NC supposed to win anything with someone from Garner representing us? I can already see the results of the Miss America pageant now. And the winner is……..not Miss NC. Are we actually trying to lose the Miss America pageant? Is this a make-a-wish? This girl looks pretty healthy to me, which is surprising since she's a product of Garner, where people are still regularly infected with dysentery. How can you have a non-Raleigh non-Deb serving as Miss NC? You better hope there isn't a literacy test or even a speaking portion of the pageant. If so, we're dead. I don't even want to refer to her as "we." I'm sure she's a nice girl and meets all the criteria of becoming Miss NC. However, nice doesn't make up for being OTB. "

7/7/2008 11:27:11 AM

All American
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this is cracking me up

7/7/2008 11:36:47 AM

All American
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I didn't think it was the funniest of things I have read today. I giggled a time or two, but not much.

7/7/2008 11:39:09 AM

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I guess it's more funny to me because I hang out at Nelsons/Fosters, and I know a lot of girls like the ones he describes.

7/7/2008 11:40:44 AM

All American
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A lot of the earlier stuff is pretty funny as well. The western blvd of broken dreams had me rolling.

7/7/2008 11:45:01 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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7/7/2008 11:54:27 AM

All American
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Sounds like he's stuck in high school. One of those people who never get over their "glory days".

7/7/2008 12:13:56 PM

All American
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The Shroud of Turin part of this actually made me lol.

Quote :
"Dorm rats attend Sammy's Bar and Grill and Jax Sports Bar religiously and have memorized all of the wing specials and student discount nights at each of these "bars". They lack personal hygiene, never showering on consecutive days, and change their sheets once a year, resulting in them having to sleep on a Shroud of Turin type rag by the end of spring semester."

Quote :
"For reasons unknown, many foreign settlers have chosen Method Rd.(which intersects with Western Blvd.) as their new homeland. One reason may be the availability of an open field, which these hunter-gatherers use as a place to kick around a half inflated "ball" in an attempt at recreation. Drive down Method Rd. and you'll think you were in South America working for National Geographic. It's as if tribal community leaders decided that being located close to a Subway, gas stations, a Food Lion, and an open field would be a Utopia."

[Edited on July 7, 2008 at 12:26 PM. Reason : l]

7/7/2008 12:24:51 PM

All American
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^^ I'm under the impression its a joke. I mean a few of the earlier posts are about how he drives around the beltline (but never outside it) so he can lower the supply of gas and make it unaffordable for "commoners" to drive. It's definately a joke.

7/7/2008 12:44:14 PM

All American
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I didn't figure it was serious, like the ask the frat guy stuff.

7/7/2008 12:49:32 PM

All American
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Just making sure. If you read the comments section you can tell that plenty of people do think it is.

7/7/2008 1:15:05 PM

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