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147487 Posts
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i thought about this earlier today...what i look for in a woman is basically like the opposite of me...i realized that earlier today

7/8/2008 9:52:21 PM

12921 Posts
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you do alot of thinkin boy

7/8/2008 9:52:50 PM

63151 Posts
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opposites attract me

i'm looking for someone without a penis

7/8/2008 9:53:19 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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i'm very much attracted to men that are nothing like me...

i could never be in a relationship with somebody like me

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 9:54 PM. Reason : ^ have a huge gaping vagina most of the time ]

7/8/2008 9:53:28 PM

23634 Posts
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attract yes

work in a relationship? not necessarily

7/8/2008 9:54:02 PM

147487 Posts
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lol i'm gonna copy what i was gonna put and post it later maybe

7/8/2008 9:54:14 PM

63151 Posts
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^^^DO NOT!

7/8/2008 9:56:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"work in a relationship? not necessarily"

i'm the sort of person that requires somebody opposite of me in order for it to work....

it's the only way i can have balance...

with a personality like mine....there can definitely be way too much of a good (or bad) thing

7/8/2008 9:56:35 PM

147487 Posts
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hes confident not cocky

7/8/2008 9:56:57 PM

All American
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cocky is good....

self absorbed and conceited, however, is not

7/8/2008 9:57:46 PM

147487 Posts
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oh well in that case hit me up LOL

7/8/2008 9:59:18 PM

All American
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7/8/2008 10:00:15 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"i could never be in a relationship with somebody like me"

I used to never think I could date someone laidback, quiet, and sedate.

While some of those traits are frustrating sometimes...I know damn good and well that dating someone who is bossy, a control freak, outspoken, and constantly in motion would drive me nuts.

7/8/2008 10:01:04 PM

147487 Posts
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nah livin(no g)proof...if we woulda bwned by now, the drama that would have ensued would be old news

7/8/2008 10:01:08 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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gays aren't normally attracted to straight people, if that's what you mean.

7/8/2008 10:01:41 PM

21958 Posts
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Yes, they do. My husband and I are COMPLETE opposites.

He's 6 foot 5. I'm 5 foot 2.
He's quiet. I am loud.
He's reserved. I am out going.
He's shy. I am well. . .not.
He's laid back. I am high strung.
He's calm. I am emotional.
He's serious. I am silly.
And on and on and on.

7/8/2008 10:04:23 PM

All American
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yeah...that sounds like me and the dreaded ex...

only you could add

he's a raging asshole and i'm not

however...he did call me yesterday to see how i was doing....funny how that happens when you won't sleep with them anymore

7/8/2008 10:06:43 PM

147487 Posts
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lol was the one with nasty sperm ncsugimp?

7/8/2008 10:07:35 PM

63151 Posts
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that's a weak game

you're supposed to let the girl come back with the booty call

not the other way around

7/8/2008 10:08:14 PM

147487 Posts
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what if you dont like broads that do booty calls often?

7/8/2008 10:08:58 PM

All American
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he didn't speak to me for 3 years....he's been trying to sleep with me again for 2...

i feel sorry for his poor gf

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 10:10 PM. Reason : i can honestly say i've only had two booty calls (two people that is...there were plenty of calls)]

7/8/2008 10:09:19 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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hahaha if so dude you could get soooo much action in a female mensa meeting. hahahha
just kidding b

7/8/2008 10:09:59 PM

63151 Posts
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99 problems...

7/8/2008 10:10:15 PM

147487 Posts
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imo they are just 2 other people doing what they're doing and being happy...cant knock them for that

7/8/2008 10:10:16 PM

147487 Posts
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seems like every chick i ever like is older than is up with that

7/8/2008 10:19:06 PM

147487 Posts
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ok anyone want to know what i was thinking of putting earlier?

7/8/2008 11:34:39 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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^^ I'm the opposite

its basically 13-18 for me

7/8/2008 11:36:10 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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i don't think polar opposites necessarily attract. maybe theres attraction but that isn't necessarily enough to sustain a relationship. i think that when you are in a relationship w/ someone you will find that you have many "opposite" qualities. like i'm really loud and impatient. therefore it works better if i date people who are slightly more reserved and patient. but they still have to be outgoing. i could probably not date an introvert.

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 11:55 PM. Reason : successfully date, anyway]

7/8/2008 11:55:17 PM

147487 Posts
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nah i seem to like southern women that are hot and dont do drugs and like all that artsy shit...they are typically more religious than me...aksnoopy can tell u how i like em somewhat religious and pure

thats kinda what i was gonna put earlier after airbag posted

7/8/2008 11:58:06 PM

147487 Posts
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see i told ya opposites attrack thats pretty much the opposite of me

7/9/2008 12:03:23 AM

All American
17913 Posts
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tends to fizzle though

7/9/2008 1:43:04 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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My parents have been married close to thirty years, and they are polar opposites.

Mom's southern protestant (of varying stripes), dad's agnostic with buddhist philosophical leanings.
Mom's high strung about everything. Dad doesn't really give a fuck about anything.
Mom really wanted kids. Dad adamantly opposed it. (He was, fortunately enough for me, eventually beaten into submission on this point)
Mom is very social. Dad dislikes other people on general principle.
Mom has voted Republican in every presidential election she could. Dad has voted democrat in every presidential election he could.
With any other human being on the planet, my mom will start foaming at the mouth in a pro-life way. Dad thinks abortion makes sense a lot of the time. For most people, this wouldn't necessarily be a big issue, but I really do mean "foaming at the mouth."

And even with these and myriad other differences, I have never once, in my entire life, heard them really fight about anything.

Of course, what happened is that their situation gave me hope that opposites really could work, when in reality they represent the one and only case I can point to where this is the case, and my experience has not mimicked theirs in any way.

7/9/2008 3:50:41 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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Being attracted to an opposite can be very powerful

But it takes a lot to make it work, especially if you're very different in terms of introversion and extroversion

7/9/2008 3:52:59 AM

45912 Posts
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at least for magnets they do

7/9/2008 6:27:46 AM

All American
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7/9/2008 7:04:43 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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Opposites do not attract me. My boyfriend and I agree on almost everything, it's great!

7/9/2008 7:47:04 AM

All American
1340 Posts
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Quote :
"i thought about this earlier today...what i look for in a woman is basically like the opposite of me...i realized that earlier today"

This is either because you want variation and balance in your live... or you realize youre a huge piece of shit and youre looking for a way to improve your life.

7/9/2008 8:18:57 AM

All American
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^^ i would hate that

7/9/2008 8:25:49 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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*sigh* since nobody else has done this yet:

7/9/2008 8:28:31 AM

All American
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^^ Why?

There are some things we don't agree on, but it's just a few things. We like the same hobbies, food, music, and other stuff I will not mention on this forum. Doesn't mean there is any co-dependence though. I don't give him problems about wanting to go out with the guys or drag him out shopping, and he doesn't expect me to get all excited about comic books.

7/9/2008 8:52:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ i would hate that"

me too...i can't think of anything more boring

arguing is one of the most stimulating things in my creates more excitement and more passion for me than just about any other non-sexual activity...

i don't like arguing for the sake of arguing...but i like to be challenged...and i like sharing my knowledge with people as long as i know what i'm talking about...

i dated a boy in college for a few months that was a lot like me...we got along great...liked the same things...hung out with the same sort of people...blah blah blah...he told me he loved the fact that we always had fun and we never fussed, we never fought, we never had any disagreements, etc, because that's all he and his ex ever did...then a while later he got pissed at me because we still never fussed, fought, had any disagreements, etc...

i basically had to tell him the reason we never did any of that was because i didn't care enough one way or the other to get that emotionally charged with was all about having a good time...there was nothing deeper to it...he was too predictable, or at least he was for me because he was so much like me...the good time would always outweigh anything more important...

there was never any stimulating conversation...never anything new that i hadn't tried or at least considered trying before...never any situation that was thought provoking or original...never guessing what he was thinking or what was going on with was always "yeah...we'll do whatever" and whatever always ended up being something that either of us could or would have done on our own anyway and doing it together really didn't make it more enjoyable...

if you want me to stick around you definitely have to keep me on my toes...

[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 8:55 AM. Reason : dfgs]

7/9/2008 8:53:45 AM

All American
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^^ i mean i'm SIMILAR in that respect but what i mean is while i agree pretty generally with my boyfriend on say something like...political philosophies or something, there's also a lot we don't agree on and we have pretty engaging discussions (well borderline arguments). i don't know i just don't feel like theres a lot of room for growth (self and otherwise) when everyone agrees all the time. well i'd get bored i guess we can just put it that way. i mean its good to agree on certain things and to not expect one another to like fall in love with EVERYTHING the other likes, i think a little tension in some areas is healthy.

^ yes!! it is good to be engaged and emotionally stimulated. and it definitely helps with growth. i mean i want someone that points out my flaws and i'm going to get mad about it because i'm stubborn. and its just nice to have those engaging discussions. i always get bored with people who just agree with whatever i say. i don't like arguing for the sake of arguing either...well yes i do, and that is one of my flaws. BUT a little arguing not for the sake of arguing is healthy.

[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 9:02 AM. Reason : .]

7/9/2008 9:00:13 AM

All American
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Hehe, not THAT similar.

I'm a jap bike girl, he's a euro bike snob.

If I want to be challenged, I can challenge myself. I don't need someone else to do that to me. I've spent enough time with someone trying to change me into what they want, it's great to not have to deal with that BS anymore and I'll never go back to that. There are things we've both wanted to try that we've done, and a bunch more to add to the list.

I'm already aware of my flaws and they bother me more than anyone else. That's probably the difference. I'm motivated enough that I'm already trying to deal with something before anyone mentions it, so all the bitching while I'm trying to fix it just pisses me off.

[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 9:07 AM. Reason : ...]

7/9/2008 9:02:16 AM

All American
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i didn't say anything at all about somebody trying to change me or point out my flaws...f that...i am what i am and i'm not going to apologize for it or change for anybody but myself....

i meant idea wise...or experience wise....

someone that challenges me to think about things differently and want to experience new or different things...

i'm pretty adverse to change for the sake of change when left to my own devices...but it's refreshing and stimulating when somebody comes along that incites a desire and want for change and new experiences

7/9/2008 9:13:35 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"arguing is one of the most stimulating things in my creates more excitement and more passion for me than just about any other non-sexual activity..."
mother-fucking-signed. God, a woman who can hold her own in an argument is such a turn-on.

7/9/2008 9:15:46 AM

All American
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i don't want anyone to change me but i highly doubt that anyone is so self reflective that they know EVERYTHING about themselves. i don't want someone to say "hey you are ____" but if you have a relationship with someone you LEARN things about yourself and discover your own weaknesses or strong points and figure out other things about life/yourself. no one knows who they are 100% probably ever in life. i think growth is good. maybe pointing out flaws wasn't the best way to put it but being with someone who is different from you helps you to grow as a person and realize things about yourself and others and life in general that you might not have realized on your own. it has nothing to do with needing to be motivated by other people or anything like that or people changing who you are.

7/9/2008 9:17:42 AM

All American
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but considering i only really argue when i'm 99.4% certain that i'm correct kind of defeats the purpose of arguing...

at that point i'm basically just saying "you're shut up and listen to me and admit that i'm right"

[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 9:20 AM. Reason : asdf]

7/9/2008 9:18:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
""you're shut up and listen to me and admit that i'm right" "
which puts you in the company of 99.4% of the women in the world

7/9/2008 9:19:07 AM

All American
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and 100% of men

7/9/2008 9:21:39 AM

All American
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7/9/2008 9:25:44 AM

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