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 Message Boards » » [Blog] I had sparkling sake for the first time Page [1]  
balls deep
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the other night. it was quite delicious.
I want to know where I can pick it up in the stores.
again, quite delicious

7/10/2008 8:18:14 PM

12921 Posts
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they had that stuff when I was working at capital city grocery

7/10/2008 8:18:53 PM

Sgt Hartman
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must have. now. where?

7/10/2008 8:19:06 PM

balls deep
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Well, I ordered two for Wordsworth and I at a hibachi restaurant. Shit was like $9 a bottle

I hope I can find it locally though. Maybe a farmer's market would have it?

[Edited on July 10, 2008 at 8:28 PM. Reason : d]

7/10/2008 8:27:50 PM

Sgt Hartman
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Have you experienced

7/10/2008 8:29:19 PM

balls deep
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nah, I haven't had that yet

I try to stay away from liquor that comes in black bottles
ever since I had Blavod black vodka once....and it tasted like liquid DEATH

is that stuff any good?

7/10/2008 8:30:55 PM

Sgt Hartman
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pretty much the best sake i've ever had, and I'd say I've had ~25

apparently they sell it at world market now.

7/10/2008 8:32:21 PM

balls deep
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hmmm, I'll look for it

there's a specialty liquor store here. I'll check it out and see if they have it
I honestly am a sake noob though

7/10/2008 8:33:56 PM

63151 Posts
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here's a word to the wise i learned last night

when you're going out to dinner in china with a bunch of chinese

and they ask if you want beer, chinese wine, or both

dont say both.

next thing you know you'll be doing shots of "chinese wine" which is really a ~80proof rice liquor, many at a time at a pretty fast rate.

granted they use like a 1oz. shot glass, but the quantity and speed is stunning.

7/10/2008 8:37:26 PM

balls deep
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I thought that a lot of Asians were allergic to alcohol
it's weird to think they would have drinking PERFECTED

7/10/2008 8:38:45 PM

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yeah the asian purple glow was pretty evident last night

but three crates of tsingtao liter bottles and 3 bottles of "chinese wine" later (during dinner)

i'd have to say these doods know how to drink.

they also love during toasts to yell some word that begins with a g that stands for "bottoms up"

and a toast turns into a chugging contest.

our "celebration dinner" last night got a little out of hand ahaha

[Edited on July 10, 2008 at 8:40 PM. Reason : e]

7/10/2008 8:40:26 PM

balls deep
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oh lawd

where exactly are you Mr. Shoes?

7/10/2008 8:42:47 PM

63151 Posts
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for the next few hours i'll be in ShenZhen in the Guangdong Province of China.

then hong kong for a few hours then ill be flying home.

doesnt feel like i've been over here for over 2 weeks already.

7/10/2008 8:45:21 PM

balls deep
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oh wow. sorry I'm behind on the times, haha

well I hope you had a great trip. it sounds like you did it right!
have a safe trip home
try not to get kidnapped too

7/10/2008 8:47:29 PM

63151 Posts
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thanks man.

the first week here, one of our group got her purse (passport, visa and wallet) jacked

that was a fiasco

7/10/2008 8:52:08 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » [Blog] I had sparkling sake for the first time Page [1]  
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