jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
today i'll make all music threads
went to one of my best friends 30th birthday party last week
i'll be 30 in 6 weeks 
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i'm going through this like mid 20's crisis now
feel like some changes better happen with a quickness or life is just gonna suck forever 7/12/2008 1:16:51 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
to be quite honest
i'm in a much better place than i was a year ago
back to rock 'n' roll ftw 7/12/2008 1:18:14 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
im pretty sure this came out the year i graduated high school
hahah i had no idea that something like weezer would actually get more relevant 
and NAS 7/12/2008 1:19:50 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
there are a number of albums from '96-98 that are way more important now than they were then
pinkerton in the aeroplane over the sea being there
etc. etc. 7/12/2008 1:24:15 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
how bout maladriot
[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 1:25 PM. Reason : i mean everyone is on pinkertons dick (not to say its not the shit)] 7/12/2008 1:25:22 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
maladroit sucks 7/12/2008 1:26:36 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
you just need the UK release, BITCH
7/12/2008 1:27:49 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
the alternate versions of "dope nose" (aug. 3) and "keep fishin" (video mix) are okay 7/12/2008 1:32:49 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i'll be 30 in 6 weeks 
7/12/2008 1:34:30 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
actually those are the 2 i was talking about vinyl. i downloaded the UK, and bought the US (obviously, i guess)
and i was kinda disappointed with those 2 changing... but i like the CD anyways. then again ive seen weezer multiple times, probably the band ive seen the most besides the pumpkins 7/12/2008 1:37:49 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
and i actually really like "love explosion"
but the album as a whole sucks
and the version of "dope nose" i like was never on an album
it was a mix that karl put on the website before the release that had much crunchier guitars and no "whoa-ah-ahohoh"s 7/12/2008 1:39:58 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
i must say that it was kinda shitty to be at the last weezer show i went to, and some 12 year old band opened for them
i went with a girl my age, friend from HS, and we had to be the oldest 2 there
but the 2 hour version of holiday was the shit 7/12/2008 1:44:50 PM
tschudi All American 6195 Posts user info edit post |
that "living without you" song on the UK maladroit is pretty good 7/12/2008 2:10:10 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Almost all of the Maladroit demos were better than the album versions (remember when demos and studio mixes were uploaded to weezer.com daily?). That's the reason I don't like Maladroit very much.
Also, they left off a bunch of great songs. In Your Room was the the shit. The whole HBO Goat Punishment show was the shit. That's the first time I realized those guys make some really terrible decisions regarding their releases.
[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 2:15 PM. Reason : ] 7/12/2008 2:14:31 PM
tschudi All American 6195 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "(remember when demos and studio mixes were uploaded to weezer.com daily?)" |
that was great. i remember waking up everyday and going to the website to download all the new shit. the instrumental version of "burndt jamb" was ftw.
it was even cooler when they did that with the "album 5" songs. even though most of those songs sucked. MO BEATS 7/12/2008 2:16:30 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, there were a bunch of great "Album 5" songs that didn't make the cut. I remember liking Booby Trap a lot before they gayed everything up with keyboards. 7/12/2008 2:18:02 PM
tschudi All American 6195 Posts user info edit post |
best weezer song from that era...
THE DAWN 7/12/2008 2:27:28 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39554 Posts user info edit post |
<------------ 7/12/2008 2:44:49 PM