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No really, what are the costs?

The most common mantra for this topic is for the military. Freedom is not free. Because those brave men and women fight for our lives day in and day all the while knowing the sacrifice that can one day be asked of them....their lives for their nation. Powerful stuff. I would be glad to do it myself. But this isn't about that today. This is about us, "Americans.


Everyone is proud to say "I'm from America." "God Bless America." Recite the National Anthem.

But will anyone really stand up and be heard? Will we all reclaim our responsibility in this amazing Republic? Will we even know what out inalienable rights are? Can we know what the true purpose of our government was and realize that the changes (modernization) in this country need to be created to fit our government, not the other way around?

Are you really an American if you choose to do nothing? Do you deserve the right to vote if you don't think it matters anyway? If you let the government run the country, is it still a government for the people and by the people? The first Americans were radical thinkers and very brash. Some may call them crazy. But who doesn't know that this is still the greatest country in the world and it's because some nutjobs were just "crazy" enough to fight for change. By the way those "crazy" people were also very wealthy and unimaginably brilliant. Peter Parker's (Spider-Man's) Uncle says, "With great power comes great responsibility." Cheesy but you get the point. A very good man once told me a man can always get out of a hole he digs himself. But you will more than likely perish in a hole someone else has dug for you. You, my friends, better start eating your Wheaties. Crazy needs to ride again before this country falls into a hole it can't get out of.

Really my huge purpose in posting this was to get people to understand that your freedom here IS NOT free. WE ALL HAVE TO PARTICIPATE. WE ALL HAVE TO PROTECT OURSELVES, OUR RIGHTS, AND OUR COUNTRY.

There is no:
~ The government will do it.

~ The government knows what they are doing.

~ That's not my problem.

~ What can I do to change that? (The pitiful sounding one not the one really asking a question)
~ I don't know what the Constitution really is.

~We need to do it. ~They know what they are doing because we tell them what to think. ~It's forever your problem, just hope it's never your fault [when things go to chaos]. ~There is always something you can do; Just do something.

~Read it. I still need to read it as well, but I know where to go. I will be starting this week.
http://www. law. cornell. edu/constitution/constitution. overview. html

Thank you Miss Judi for posting your blog. It really did get me moving on something that's been weighing on my mind for so long. Check out her blog.

http://www. myspace. com/Modules/PostTo/Pages/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fblog. myspace. com%2Findex. cfm%3Ffuseaction%3Dblog. view%26friendID%3D26793382%26blogID%3D414246610%26Mytoken%3DB1DB81B2-6629-4EC2-99D998C48D04605745493025&t=Myspace. com+Blogs+-+Stop+letting+the+government+strip+us+of+liberties+--+support+the+Second+Amendment.+-+%E2%99%A5+Judi+Sunshine+%E2%99%A5+MySpace+Blog&c=

The Constitution is a living document evidenced by our many Amendments. However, never should an amendment change the soul of this document· Never should WE change the soul of this document· When we try to change it we little by little create an even more dangerous situation, CHAOS. The Constitution was set up to ensure our rights and the right of others who chose and now choose to live here in freedom. Imagine giving that up. If you can't, here's a snippet of a possible scenario. It's based in London, but listen to his words. You will see where many Nations can be heading in this direction.

Me and some friends of mine are opening a school. An amazing concept that relies on the participation of staff and student to complete the student run curriculum, keep the school safe and clean, and to run the everyday logistics.

The basis of this type of school is "Your freedom stops when another person's begins." It's the same with America. But some try to create their own versions of America that does not fit this model. We have rights, traditions, and laws that are set in place to protect our freedoms. When we throw up our hands and refuse to do anything, we give up on our Country, our Children, and worst of all ourselves.

7/13/2008 2:37:26 AM

All American
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7/13/2008 2:37:58 AM

56200 Posts
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soem faggot ass myspace shit

7/13/2008 2:38:17 AM

All American
9157 Posts
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hefty fuckin' fee.

7/13/2008 2:38:26 AM

All American
9157 Posts
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shit, i should have made that a this kind of post




7/13/2008 2:39:57 AM

All American
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7/13/2008 2:41:19 AM

56200 Posts
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awesome thread

7/13/2008 2:42:17 AM

All American
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Freedom costs a buck O'five.

7/13/2008 2:47:14 AM

All American
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are you treading on me?

7/13/2008 2:48:08 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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bout tree fiddy

7/13/2008 2:48:56 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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no, its not free.

7/13/2008 2:49:30 AM

56200 Posts
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awesome thread

7/13/2008 2:51:10 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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If you download it through a torrent.

7/13/2008 2:52:20 AM

All American
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7/13/2008 3:10:51 AM

All American
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7/13/2008 3:28:18 AM

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7/13/2008 3:28:41 AM

56200 Posts
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blasphemour's new tat

7/13/2008 3:33:27 AM

37709 Posts
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tree fiddy

7/13/2008 4:19:00 AM

All American
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^^ I saw a sitcom one time with a guy who got a tattoo of a Chinese symbol that he thought he knew the meaning of (something masculine). But an old Chinese man saw the symbol and translated it for him: "Of two men, you are the woman."

7/13/2008 4:41:22 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Is Freedom Free? Page [1]  
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