statefan24 All American 9157 Posts user info edit post |
just woke from a long's what i remember of this dream. I wanted to write it down before i forgot it, so i'm writing it here.
I was closing at the movie theater I work at, but there were a buncha chairs in the lobby. My GM said we were having a horror movie screening, it was a collection of shorts. the screening would be on our big 50-60 some inch preview screen that's in the lobby instead of in a theater. two of my friends were there for some reason. then in the middle of one of the movies, i noticed one of my miami friends from baltimore was right beside me. he had a buncha weed, and he doesn't smoke. He wanted me to proofread a script.
I was about to do this when my GM told me to go check out this money counting operation that was happening in a theater. For some reason I knew what he was talking about. I pocketed the bag of weed and got up to go check it out.
two of the shorts had played. I don't remember what they were. The shining was supposed to play eventually and i don't know why I accepted this as a short.
anyway I went to check on the money counting thing and everything was cool. I came back and a different friend from chapel hill was there. I accepted that the weed was his without any talk about it. I didn't give it to him or anything.
then the shining started playing, but it wasn't the shining. It was "updated," it had angelina jolie and ipods, i remember i kept thinking, "wtf is this, they're ruining a classic." i think jack nicholson was still in it. people were running from casper style ghosts. they were slamming doors on the ghosts and the ghosts were bouncing off doors, it didn't make sense. so then it was really late and the movie was still playing. The GM talked to some people and said everyone needed to leave. i was like "wtf, the movie isn't over." but then the movie actually ended and it was stupid.
so we headed to a metro-rail, and I guess I got on the wrong thing, my metro-mini-car started going with no one else on it, so i got off, and walked on the rail back to the platform. then i got on the real car and no one else did, so i was like "haha." at some point i threw the guy's weed off the side. I got to the destination. I noticed some women had moustaches. I thought they were real but someone came up and asked where they could get one. then i tried figuring out where my friends were, and they had gone to warped tour. around then i woke up.
and here's another one i had in this sleep cycle. I remember this one less, it happened earlier.
for some reason I was walking through a neighborhood at night. it seemed like a normal suburban neighborhood. I saw a guy just standing there. I think he started chasing me and I ran, hopping fences and stuff. he was like a fast psycho, almost zombie-ish version of the Joker, he didn't talk or anything. then on a different day, i was going through this home base thing to get to the neighborhood at night. I was like, "fuck that, i need a weapon." so i went to some shops and ended up getting a wooden model of a missile that was sharp. someone had a knife and he knew of my fear of this psycho so he gave me the knife. I remember sharpening the wooden missile with the knife. then i found a lighter that worked a little. I tried to find and aerosol can of some sort to use as a flamethrower and i found one. so now i was set and i went off into the neighborhood. I think i saw him again and he chased me through a baseball field. there were two baseball fields side by side. i remember thinking one looked like a major league park and the other looked like a minor league park. but i woke up before anything else interesting happened or i don't remember it.
oh, and one of the short horror films was the second dream as a movie, weird.
I remember fighting with a girl I know. I don't know which girl. I think it was connected with the second dream somehow, it involved a knife as well, maybe she ended up being the psycho. we were fighting in dark rooms, one of them had a pool table. then again, we stopped fighting at some point, i feel like it might have been because the real psycho zombie joker showed up. oh well, i wish i remembered this part like i do the other two.
[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 1:35 AM. Reason : bhbubhu] 7/14/2008 1:32:33 AM