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8 Types of Creepers You’ll Find On Facebook

Guy Who Promotes The Club He Goes To

Remember when you had way too many Jack and Cokes and spikey-hair-tank-top-guy asked to be your Facebook friend, so he can hook you up with sweet deals. Of course you don’t, he was so tan it was like an extension of the wood bar was talking to you. Now he writes mass wall posts inviting you out every Thursday night for “wet t-shirt contest, girls get in free, 18 party 21 to drink, $1 bud lights 10pm-11pm, message me for directions” encounters. At least he will provide awkward conversations when your kids are your Facebook friends and ‘Sir Creeps A lot’ is still writing about body shots on your wall.

Guy From Work

“Guy From Work” knows you as the go-getter in the office; the hard worker who’s trying to get ahead in the world while he is on Facebook wondering how to spell your last name and which network you belong to. He got the nerve to friend you one day, and ever since he saw your spring break 2006 pictures he’s never really looked at you the same way.

Guy Who Was Your Professor in College

Ok, you went up to this guy’s desk one time just to ask again how many sources your paper required just so you could use the sources from the Wikipedia page you copy and pasted, and suddenly he’s your friend on Facebook three semesters after you took his class? Invasion of privacy? Maybe, but just because he has your first, middle, and last name as well as date of birth, social security number, and GPA doesn’t mean he isn’t allowed to poke you.

Guy Who Updates Too Often

You don’t even remember where you know this guy from. Is he from 7th grade summer camp? Or that winter break job you had in the mall? All you know is that this guy’s status updates are so revealing and provocative that there is no need for him to write an autobiography just check his news feed. You haven’t clicked on his profile in…ever, yet he dominates your Recently Updated Friends like the ‘Monstars’ on Bill Murray.

Guy Who Shows Off His Abs In All His Pictures

There he is–yet another profile picture updated–with his black tank top pulled up showing his abs off while making a kiss face (not the band, like actually a kissing face, although face paint would be better). Hey, he worked hard for those abs, what with all the sit-ups, leg raises, egg whites, and Hydroxycut–but do we need to see them in every picture? At this point, there should be an album just for the abs–abs at the beach, abs on a rollercoaster, abs at the bar, abs at baby cousin Mikey’s Baptism. They dominate your news feed like Hip Hop Abs dominates weekend television.

Guy Who Pokes You

Poking is to Facebook as the typewriter is to the computer world. It’s a forgotten language, like Latin. You caught Guy Who Pokes You’s eye though, and instead of messaging you, writing on your wall, sending you a bumper sticker, commenting on your photos, sending you a gift, or inviting you to add an application (this sentence is certifiable pathetic), he poked you. Now you have to return poke right? Except he poked back, and now you’ve been in a 2 year poke war with the guy who was your high school field hockey teammate’s boyfriend. Poke back my child, poke back.

Guy Who Tags You In Pictures You Didn’t Even Know Existed

Sometimes you’ll head out to the bar and meet up with friends unexpectedly, almost like an impromptu high school reunion. Sometimes you take pictures with these people, laugh-off a few beers, and go home thinking ‘that was fun’. And sometimes you are standing next to this group of people, only one of which you went to school with, and even he wasn’t really your friend just the guy who got off four bus stops before yours. He got the side of your head in one shot that night, and faster than you can say ‘remove tag’ he’ll be posting the 6th grade class picture. Cool turtleneck by the way.

and at #1…

Guy Who You’ve Never Really Met

One time you went to the mall with your friend Jill, and she ran into a friend from high school who worked at Starbucks and who rang you up for a Grande Mocha Latte. You never talked to him, remained in full text mode on your phone, and barely grazed his hand when he gave you the thirty cent change you were owed. Three hours later he ‘add requested’ you on Facebook, now you get to look at his brooding status updates every 16 minutes. He knows your favorite caffeinated beverage and has his blackberry programmed to remind him when your birthday is. Please change the privacy settings for your Facebook profile, stat.

7/14/2008 2:43:09 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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i'm "Guy Who's Too Rad For Facebook".

7/14/2008 2:43:48 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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only guys?

7/14/2008 2:43:56 PM

All American
2668 Posts
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faceook is the devil

7/14/2008 2:44:59 PM

All American
1753 Posts
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whoever wrote this is way too engrossed in Facebook in the first place to be talking shit about the people that use it

7/14/2008 2:45:08 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i'm "guy who forgets he has a facebook account and rarely logs into that shit"

7/14/2008 2:46:48 PM

22518 Posts
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← Guy Who Has No Account

7/14/2008 2:48:30 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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Quote :
"whoever wrote this is way too engrossed in Facebook in the first place to be talking shit about the people that use it"

7/14/2008 2:49:16 PM

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7/14/2008 2:49:24 PM

Tom Joad
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i'm the guy who's too cool for the people who are too cool for an account

+ infinity + infinity + etc

7/14/2008 2:49:47 PM

All American
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i'm "Guy Who Only Has FB Friends He Actually Knows and Hangs Out with IRL"

7/14/2008 2:49:49 PM

All American
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i've never changed my account picture (oct 2005)

i'm a bad ass

7/14/2008 2:50:03 PM

Tom Joad
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that and you ain't gettin any better lookin

7/14/2008 2:50:18 PM

All American
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7/14/2008 2:50:43 PM

All American
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I fit into none of those categories. I demand you make a #9 so that I can be included.

7/14/2008 2:51:00 PM

Tom Joad
72868 Posts
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let me write his retort for him

"you can't improve on perfection"

7/14/2008 2:51:20 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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7/14/2008 2:52:00 PM

Tom Joad
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7/14/2008 2:54:27 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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i know a #2 but i'm def not a go-getter in the office

i'm just the young guy

7/14/2008 2:59:24 PM

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#9 Novicane

7/14/2008 3:54:28 PM

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