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 Message Boards » » I did something mean to one of our interns Page [1]  
All American
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So this broad sent our new intern a forwarded email with a pdf attached. He forwarded the pdf to our entire company. The pdf was from our county sheriff that said "You need to hit the CLEAR button after you pump gas or thieves will steal your credit card information." I saw this on Snopes a couple days ago and called him out. (BTW Gordon is a friend of mine and I am Logan)

Quote :
From: Ginger - STG
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: Fraud At Gas Pump.pdf - Adobe Reader

Hope this makes us all a little smarter and more alert. (See attached from Sheriff Robinson)

Ginger Parietti

Gordon wrote:
[Fwd: FW: Fraud At Gas Pump.pdf - Adobe Reader]
Another thing to worry about... >:o

Subject: Delete that last email
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 15:29:11 -0600
From: Logan
To: All Employees

Hey everyone-apparently Gordon is new to the World Wide Internets

Subject: Re: [Fwd: FW: Fraud At Gas Pump.pdf - Adobe Reader]
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 15:32:17 -0600
From: Gordon
To: All Employees

OK... We can all get suckered once in a while... Put this in the hoax category. :-)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Fwd: FW: Fraud At Gas Pump.pdf - Adobe Reader]
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 15:35:01 -0600
From: Logan
To: All Employees

Actually, I'm gonna put this in the STFU Gordon, pick up your phone and call somebody, and quit forwarding messages to our entire company category.

7/14/2008 5:54:24 PM

37709 Posts
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intern pwnt

send him home

7/14/2008 5:58:14 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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way to "kick down" there, guy

7/14/2008 5:58:42 PM

All American
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The Sheriff definitely got pwnt. Apparently, he sent this email PDF to every business email address he had on file.

7/14/2008 6:00:39 PM

32613 Posts
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the sheriff is a fucking idiot

7/14/2008 6:02:36 PM

All American
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I wish I could post the pdf, dammit

7/14/2008 6:07:30 PM

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7/14/2008 6:09:59 PM

All American
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7/14/2008 6:12:58 PM

All American
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I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy

7/14/2008 6:16:05 PM

All American
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Well, I gotta go but here is the body of the text. This was written on official Sheriff's letterhead, lol.

And a big lol at Joe #'s

Credit Card Fraud Alert

Heads up if you “Pay at the Pump!”

The price of gas is high enough without the added expense of credit card fraud. If you are like most people, you probably use a credit or debit card to pay for your gas at the pump. With gas prices continuing to set record highs, the temptation for someone to use your credit card to pay for their gas is growing.

A scenario might look like this: You use your credit/debit card to purchase gas at the pump. Next, you received a printed receipt at the pump showing the amount of your gas purchase; however, when you receive your credit card statement, there are additional charges for gas purchases made on your card, at that station, that you did not buy!

To keep this from happening to you, press the CLEAR button on the transaction key pad after you take your printed receipt. Unless you press the CLEAR button, your credit card information is stored in the machine until the next customer inserts their card, enabling someone to buy gas using your credit card information.

Be careful and always CLEAR out your transaction information when you are done pumping gas.
For further information please call Sheriff Robinson at 720-874-4165.

7/14/2008 6:19:46 PM

445 Posts
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Wow you sure are a hero, sd2nc. Don't tear your rotator cuff patting yourself on the back.

7/14/2008 6:20:26 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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lol, I'm guessing thats in reference to the charge from some stations for using credit rather than cash or debit?

7/14/2008 6:21:37 PM

All American
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yeah, I guess when you pay at the pump w/ a CC

7/14/2008 6:26:16 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"Unless you press the CLEAR button, your credit card information is stored in the machine until the next customer inserts their card, enabling someone to buy gas using your credit card information."

god he's a fucking idiot.. this is wrong, period.

Not to mention the credit card companies pay for any fraud charges, not the gas station. The extra cost for using credit cards is just to cover processing fees that the gas station incurs

7/14/2008 6:30:46 PM

All American
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Yeah, I'm guessing he got this forwarded to him in an email (probably from another county) and decided to Protect and Serve

7/14/2008 6:31:58 PM

445 Posts
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I bet he is posting on a separate message board about your misgivings.

7/14/2008 6:37:38 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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Interns get coffee. They do not get internets.

7/14/2008 6:38:05 PM

All American
8743 Posts
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who the fuck comes up with these fake scares and why? What could possibly be gained from creating crap like that for people to email around and around?

7/14/2008 6:44:11 PM

37709 Posts
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that is the mystery of the internet

7/14/2008 6:46:29 PM

32613 Posts
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i can say one real possible scam is ppl putting skimmers on gas pump credit card readers.. I haven't found any news articles about it.. but it's def something to watch out for.

So yeah, if there's a weird looking thing on top of the credit card slot.. might wanna look around and see if the rest of the pumps have one.. or see if you can rip it off

7/14/2008 6:46:53 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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my dad was taking that "new cell phone law" scam email all serious. he mentioned it in a real serious conversation talking about someone talking on the phone while driving. i looked at him and said all casually, "oh, that email's fake. there are no new laws." he was all and i was all :carlface:

7/14/2008 6:48:43 PM

All American
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One person hears an unsubstantiated rumor from another, tells someone else, they send an email to their family, someone believes it, gets scared, and in days everyone has seen it.

7/14/2008 6:52:25 PM

All American
18758 Posts
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Obama is a Muslim

7/14/2008 7:34:36 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I did something mean to one of our interns Page [1]  
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