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 Message Boards » » Need a ride to/from charlotte this weekend.... Page [1]  
All American
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We planned a batchelorette weekend for my bestest this weekend and all the girls are leaving from charlotte or atlanta on Friday to drive down to North Myrtle.

One of the bridesmaids who lives in Durham just bailed and I'm left driving to north myrtle by myself. If possible, I'd love to hitch a ride and throw in gas money for a ride to charlotte anytime thursday or friday before 5...and a ride back on sunday late...or even a ride down to north myrtle on Friday.

I know this is a long shot...and yes, I could just drive to myrtle by myself but I was really counting on saving some $ and not driving by myself, which I hate!!!


7/15/2008 3:07:00 PM

All American
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7/15/2008 3:08:26 PM

All American
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Have you ever taken the amtrak?

7/15/2008 3:09:04 PM

All American
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driving to myrtle beach and back probably means one tank of gas, which is about $50, depending on how big your tank is. this isn't doable for you?

7/15/2008 3:09:16 PM

All American
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why don't you just get someone to ride with you?

7/15/2008 3:09:33 PM

All American
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thought about it, but no

The times never worked out.

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 3:10 PM. Reason : just driving to myrtle would be cheaper, probably depending on the car you drive]

7/15/2008 3:09:39 PM

All American
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I took the train from Raleigh - Salisbury last week. It was $21 and it took about 30 minutes longer than driving. I'd imagine Charlotte would be about 3 hours and $30. They have outlets at all the seats so you can bring a laptop with you and you get 1 complimentary beverage and snack on the way. It wasn't bad at all.

7/15/2008 3:10:56 PM

All American
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thumper - It is doable as far as money goes. Like I said, it's a long shot but I am ASKING for the possibility...not because I am unable. It's more about the driving part. I tend to fall asleep on hour plus drives. Plus my car is not doing so great as of lately so I'd rather not chance it.

as far as getting someone to ride with me, it's a bachelorette weekend so I am limited on my choices of bringing people along.

I've never done amtrack...not sure if it's something I'd want to do.

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 3:12 PM. Reason : ^Where did you ride from salisbury to?]

7/15/2008 3:12:19 PM

All American
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It's really not bad at all. I don't know what you think of it, but it's probably better than riding on an airplane.

I drove back from Mooresville to Raleigh. Had to pick up a car.

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 3:13 PM. Reason : ]

7/15/2008 3:13:02 PM

All American
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Hmm, not bad. I will check and see about trains from Raleigh to North Myrtle.


7/15/2008 3:14:09 PM

Bee Hugger
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if anyone has ever ridden the MARTA in Atlanta, then the Amtrack is like a fucking luxury yacht.

7/15/2008 3:15:13 PM

All American
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Here's the only train from Raleigh to Charlotte -

73 Piedmont

Raleigh, NC
7:00 am
18-JUL-08 Charlotte, NC
10:09 am
18-JUL-08 3h 9m Checked baggage, Snack car 1 Reserved Coach Seat

I could do this but it's about the same to drive. I guess it would eliminate the drive by myself but then I'd have to take the train back.

7/15/2008 3:20:35 PM

All American
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There should be another one that leaves at like 4 pm or something.

7/15/2008 3:25:31 PM

All American
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I beleive there are 3 departures a day, now.

7/15/2008 3:26:16 PM

All American
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3rd train is still in the works,


7/15/2008 3:30:24 PM

All American
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It's still $50. God, I just drove to charlotte and back this past weekend. I am so pissed that this girl bailed after we had this planned for 2+ months.

^I can't take the second train because I need to get there by 5 pm when my friend will be leaving for the beach.

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 3:39 PM. Reason : If I get there at 8, I'll miss my ride to the beach.]

7/15/2008 3:38:28 PM

All American
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Always take the 7 am train that only goes between Charlotte and Raleigh.

Don't take other one (that eventually goes on to NY from Charlotte and comes back from NY to Charlotte): it'll be extremely late.

Otherwise, Amtrak is great for the price.

7/15/2008 3:40:20 PM

All American
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That's good advice. Thank you.

7/15/2008 3:40:52 PM

All American
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^^and by extremely late, she means like 3+ hours sometimes. Yeah. I waited that long for an afternoon train one friday and it was AWFUL. morning ones are always always always punctual and afternoon ones are always always always 45mins+ late.

7/15/2008 4:19:32 PM

soup du hier
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yeah the NC run train is awesome the amtrak one from ny SUUUCKKKSS & smells like a puke,bo,urine bouquet

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 4:23 PM. Reason : ]

7/15/2008 4:21:06 PM

All American
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wow, scary. Morning train sounds okay but I would rather just catch a ride.

No one is driving down?

I have a ride back if I can just get a ride to the beach or to charlotte.

7/15/2008 4:36:12 PM

All Amurican
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Quote :
"one tank of gas, which is about $50"

HA. I wish. (not on topic- but that caught my eye.)

7/15/2008 4:37:32 PM

148882 Posts
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i'll be glad to give you a ride in Charlotte but I can't arrange the to or from part

7/15/2008 4:39:56 PM

All American
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i'll drive if you blow me on 2 separate occasions during the drive.

7/15/2008 7:22:13 PM

All American
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hahahaha. no.

I have gotten some PMs and thank you so much, for those of you who have offered...I still haven't gotten a ride though so if you're headed to north myrtle friday (anytime) ot charlotte before 5 pm...I would gladly ride with and give you some gas money.

7/15/2008 9:23:26 PM

All American
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7/16/2008 10:52:48 AM

All American
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i wonder how many times a day you say "money"

7/16/2008 11:43:49 AM

All American
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I am driving through Charlotte on my way to work in Gastonia Thursday morning. But I won't be in the Charlotte area throughout the weekend. I'm probably driving back to Raleigh Friday afternoon.

7/16/2008 12:25:21 PM

All American
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^I need to be going from Raleigh to Charlotte Friday or from Raleigh to N. Myrtle Beach Friday...and possibly back from Charlotte or N. Myrtle on Sunday.

^^Teachers say money a lot. There's nothing wrong with carpooling.

7/16/2008 4:47:19 PM

All American
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I am driving down to Charlotte either tomorrow after work or early friday morning(early being 9 at the absolute latest) for my girlfriends sisters wedding, I am headed back Sunday but no idea what time yet as I have a thesis paper I am working on for my English class, the paper is why I am not sure when I am headed out. PM me if you are interested

7/16/2008 7:25:27 PM

All American
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any of em hot?

7/16/2008 7:30:44 PM

All American
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pm sent.

I have to leave on Friday. Trying to get down to the beach sometime around 3-5 pm.

7/17/2008 10:07:43 AM

Shitter Pilot
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I live in Charlotte right now, but I don't see how that will help you.

7/17/2008 10:11:27 AM

All American
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:\ yeah, thanks anyhow.

The main reason I am trying to find a ride is because I drove to charlotte last weekend and it was so draining (and it cost $50)...I am driving down NEXT weekend to ride with a friend to Florida to check on her I am just trying to keep from driving three weekends in a row.

7/17/2008 10:31:48 AM

All American
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if you cant afford to drive to charlotte or myrtle, you have no reason to go to myrtle or any other place.

7/17/2008 10:57:31 AM

All American
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I can afford it. As I said before, there's nothing wrong with trying to save money.

7/17/2008 11:01:28 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Need a ride to/from charlotte this weekend.... Page [1]  
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