cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
Post 'em here - what they were, what you'd like to do or say now if you had the chance to face them down.  7/16/2008 2:19:29 AM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
My ex-girlfriend, who I blame for essentially taking my college improv club away from me. In hindsight, I would have just quit the club and continued my job waiting tables, while simultaneously learning PHP, so I could have done this stupid site. 7/16/2008 2:21:00 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
not really a grudge b/c i could care less anymore but i guess an ex who made me question who I am and I lost myself through the process. that and friends and doing things I wanted to do because I questioned it all. 7/16/2008 2:22:32 AM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I have a massive issue with the politics of show business. I probably should have spent more time with friends rather than audience members. 7/16/2008 2:24:00 AM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
About 40-60% of the people I knew between 6th and 9th grade. More or less responsible for being about as shitty as a person could be while still claiming to be a friend, with some event causing a severe change in my opinion on what kind of person they are.
Given the opportunity I would banish them to some diamond mines in a third world shithole. I have nothing to say to these people and have no interest in seeing them again. These people aren't worth a second visit. 7/16/2008 2:24:40 AM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
I don't hold grudges... They're pointless, and It's more fun to annoy the crap outta everyone by wanting to sing Kumba ya and hold hands.  7/16/2008 2:25:34 AM
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |

7/16/2008 2:54:34 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
Molested in a church by BJ Mills (searchable in the NC Sex Offenders by Baily Jones Mills).
I'd shoot him if I saw him today, was drunk, and had a gun.
Chances are that won't ever happen so I'll let God do what He pleases with the jerk. 7/16/2008 3:28:33 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
what if there is no god and that jerk will live forever unpunished? 7/16/2008 4:00:00 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
^ Karma is a proven bitch! 7/16/2008 4:01:18 AM
Vanilla88 Veteran 345 Posts user info edit post |
Grudges are pointless unless you benefit in someway from it. even then its a pretty unbecoming emotion even when its legit. 7/16/2008 4:03:54 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
oh i fully believe in karma, or the underlying principles therein.
i guess i'm really no different than those that put their faith in a god 7/16/2008 4:05:51 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
bttt 7/16/2008 12:12:34 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
the guy who poured a 1/4 vial of liquid acid in my drink, waited for me to freak out and go to a friend's place to come down, then robbed me for everything i had. he used my pillow cases to steal my cds, he took my guitars, tv, everything. oh and he dumped out my potted plants (not weed) onto my bed as a coup de grace. I would do many horrible unspeakable things... 7/16/2008 12:23:03 PM
FAI756843 All American 908 Posts user info edit post |
^ what happened to the guy ? 7/16/2008 12:24:17 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
i dunno but as far as i heard, my guitar ended up in the hands of a guy named corey's a black takamine explorer clone (electric) and it was my baby...i want it back!!!! it had solder melted into the finish by me, fyi.]] 7/16/2008 12:25:33 PM
FAI756843 All American 908 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like a load of shit 7/16/2008 12:27:27 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
wtf ever noob there's no reason to make shit like this up 7/16/2008 12:46:31 PM
colter All American 8029 Posts user info edit post |
I can't say I hold grudges like that, it's kinda lame and does nothing to better my own life 7/16/2008 12:49:40 PM
Stewby Veteran 135 Posts user info edit post |
ncsu- for systematically stomping out anything resembling fun. i dont know if other schools have a rep for this but it seems pretty fuckin over the top here. 7/16/2008 1:48:23 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
they are all cracking down 7/16/2008 3:26:52 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
i got a pm this morning for a post i made about someone in 2006.
no shit 7/16/2008 3:27:24 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
wow, 2 years? 7/16/2008 3:27:54 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
yeah it wasn't even an incendiary post either
[Edited on July 16, 2008 at 3:30 PM. Reason : just a "you got it all wrong and i dont appreciate it"] 7/16/2008 3:29:48 PM
mdalston All American 1028 Posts user info edit post |
dear 36-year-old downstairs neighbor of my then-22-year-old girlfriend while I was 23 last year:
- when you offered to watch her cat while we were both out of town, cool - when you asked her for a ride somewhere and bought her dinner, casually, for the effort, fine - when she said you were hot but for me not to worry because you're really old, no worries - when you'd seriously just be in the yard playing with you dog at the same exact time every day when she go off of work, no big deal - when i'd go feed her cat and you'd look out the window at me when i walked away, weird - when you asked her out on a date and she dumped me and then two weeks later informed me that you two were in love, i thought I'd want to kill a man
by now I obviously realize you've done me a favor, but I still hate you
and on my birthday in April, you got hit by a car while riding your bike and had to go to the hospital
did I feel bad?
eh. 7/16/2008 3:42:24 PM
Prawn Star All American 7643 Posts user info edit post |
Are they still together? 7/16/2008 3:45:32 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
^^ that kinda reminds me of high fidelity 7/16/2008 3:46:39 PM
pimpmasteer6 Veteran 137 Posts user info edit post |
I think its FSU but one of the colleges in Florida is trying to eliminate drinking outside of the stadium COMPLETELY after kickoff.
cops to enforce it and all. Redic. 7/16/2008 4:07:32 PM
Stewby Veteran 135 Posts user info edit post |
^anything ive ever been in trouble for (drinking, small scuffle) wouldn't have been an issue if i was growing up 30 years ago. I got in a fight with a friend last year and we made up minutes later. For some reason it was deemed necessary to punish us. I nearly got suspended for the incident even though the issue was resolved on the spot. He got suspended for starting it and because he was already on probabtion for alcohol. I can't tell you how much effot I've spent having to deal with all shit. I can say with confidence that despite being caught drinking (minding his own business and not being rowdy), my friend was probably one of the best student assets at the university. He had a perfect gpa, was involved out of the class, and helped all of us with homework, etc....the model student. This school has totally lost sight reasonable discipline. They feel like they have to officially sanction a punishment for everything that goes on. They've also lost a top notch student and probably future top notch students for their reputation of being a total BUZZKILL... 7/16/2008 4:36:19 PM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
the idiot roommate I had who killed my pet snake. I have nothing to ever say to that girl or her pathetic little boyfriend. 7/16/2008 5:26:01 PM
mdalston All American 1028 Posts user info edit post |
I think it has been, like, 9 months now or so.
Stupid bitch fucked up my dating mechanism. It's broken now. 7/17/2008 7:57:29 AM
ShawnaC123 2019 Egg Champ 46681 Posts user info edit post |
I am proud to say that I am holding no grudges. 7/17/2008 8:02:06 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
I hold more than what's healthy.
Hell I hold 'em against a couple people in this thread already. 7/17/2008 8:15:20 AM
slaptit All American 2991 Posts user info edit post |
i'm just not the kinda guy to hold grudges......too laid back
some of you guys have had some fucked up shit happen to you  7/17/2008 9:15:37 AM
Jax883 All American 5562 Posts user info edit post |
I don't have the attention span to hold grudges 7/17/2008 9:32:06 AM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Chances are that won't ever happen so I'll let God do what He pleases with the jerk." |
oh that as$hole has it coming to him, don't worry. 7/17/2008 10:18:51 AM
mdalston All American 1028 Posts user info edit post |
Chris Paul cockpuncher 7/17/2008 11:01:27 AM
poopface All American 29367 Posts user info edit post |
Jax883 for eating all the dirty rice 7/17/2008 11:18:07 AM