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All American
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Anyone have that problem?? As in everyone knows you by your nickname, so when you're introduced to someone new, they say, "Jane Doe, this is ******." And you say, "Hey Jane, I'm John." Then Jane gets a confused look on her face.

I don't dislike my nickname, I just don't like introducing myself by my nickname, but it makes it complicated when someone initially refers to me by that name. It makes it worse when some people only know me by my nickname and don't even know my first name.

Anyone else have this problem??

7/17/2008 10:14:50 AM

22518 Posts
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you must not be that memorable if you have to get a nickname from people

7/17/2008 10:16:17 AM

7284 Posts
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i get all sorts of nicknames

Joey (actual nickname, Joseph=real)

7/17/2008 10:18:00 AM

All American
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^^my last name is "Brickhouse" once someone hears that, they immediately start to call me by my last name. But then most people don't even know that its my last name, they just hear "Brickhouse" and assume that its just a nickname. When people find out that its my last name they go, "that's your last name? I just thought people called you that." Which makes no sense because I'm 5'7" and 155 lbs.

It doesn't help that my first name is pretty common....John.

Got a good friend who's last name is "Wood" and he's always been called "Woody." He's currently getting his doctorate in micro-biology or something, and his mom and dad are the only people that call him William. His bosses and teachers called him Woody in high school and college. Doesn't seem to bother him though.

7/17/2008 10:27:13 AM

All American
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well, it's still your name. It's not like your name is John Smith and people call you Brickhouse. My friend Brewer is just Brewer, even though it's his last name.

7/17/2008 10:29:22 AM

All American
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Yeah, I've got some friends who'll introduce me by their nickname for me. I don't mind it so much. I've actually got 3 different nicknames.


7/17/2008 10:31:18 AM

All American
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We had a friend whowas nicknamed "bitchass", and i swear, it got him laid more than anything else. It was in instant icebreaker. We'd introduce him to someone as Bitchass, and 99 times out of 100, she'd HAVE to talk to him to at the very least find out what his nickname was about

7/17/2008 10:34:19 AM

All American
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Why don't you refer to yourself as the nickname, though? Most of my friends introduce themselves by nickname, rather than "legal" name. I have no problem spouting out names like Napalm, War Bunny, Cowboy Ninja, Kaji, and Dog Boy. (STUPIDLY ENOUGH, none of the preceeding are furries...Those would be Sakky and Kitastrophe.) My name's too cool to get turned into a nickname, though.

7/17/2008 10:38:02 AM

148884 Posts
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[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 10:38 AM. Reason : ^^]

7/17/2008 10:38:03 AM

All American
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why yes I do, but everyone calls me LK.

I was just thinking the other day, "I don't think I've heard someone call me 'Laura Kelly' on a regular basis in over 5 years." Even my parents call me LK. Except for clients, I introduce myself as LK. Eh...whatdoyado?

7/17/2008 10:39:09 AM

Shitter Pilot
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My name is Aaron Mills and everyone I know calls me either Aaronmills (like it's one word) or just Mills. I guess I'm not cool enough to have a better nickname.

7/17/2008 10:45:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Why don't you refer to yourself as the nickname, though?"

I don't have a problem most of the time. But if I'm being introduced to someone who I want to take me me a girl I might like, a possible future employer, etc..."Brickhouse" isn't what I want to be introduced as by first. Its fine if they end up calling me that, as most people do (every single boss and law professor I've had in the past three years calls me by "Brickhouse")...but I'd prefer to start off with "John" and give them the choice to call me by "Brickhouse" if they prefer it...which most do.

7/17/2008 10:46:17 AM

148884 Posts
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Quote :
""Jane Doe, this is ******." And you say, "Hey Jane, I'm John." Then Jane gets a confused look on her face."

you'd think Jane would be like "ooooh, he told me his real name, i must be better than all the other girls "

7/17/2008 10:47:31 AM

Mr. Hand
All American
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Have a friend who only goes by his nickname. However, it does get some odd looks if they don't know him.

"Mr. Hand" is mine, and it's great if used in the circle who know it. Outside of it, people eye you oddly and then don't want to know where it came from ("Dark City"). They just assume the worst.

7/17/2008 10:54:44 AM

All American
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my name tater tot

7/17/2008 10:55:09 AM

All American
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^^ Your hand is great if it's used in a circle who knows it?

Are you involved in a weekly circle jerk or something?

[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 10:56 AM. Reason : doh, grammar]

7/17/2008 10:56:06 AM

Mr. Hand
All American
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Would be hard to go by my last name though. heh Can you see someone yelling out a color to get my attention across a crowded room? I can't.

7/17/2008 10:56:42 AM

All American
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I had a spell in high school where I went strictly by Samantha, and several people actually never had classes with me so they believed it was my legal name. It was more of an alter ego that I dreamt up to compensate for my little personality deviances.

The awesome part was the confusion that ensued when someone who knew me by my real name met someone who thought I was Sam. It extended into college; Dr. Kube still calls me Sam.

7/17/2008 10:57:32 AM

All American
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pisses me off

7/17/2008 10:58:43 AM

All American
2732 Posts
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my real name is jessica, so that's always on applications/gradebooks/my resume...but then i sign emails as "jessie" (it's even my alias), turn in homework with "jessie", etc. but people usually end up calling me "jess" informally, and i'm usually formally introduced as "jessica".

i think i've said this before on here but the real reason i dont like "jessica" is because people with southern accents frequently "forget" the i, making it sound like "jessca". and ewww to that.

7/17/2008 10:59:53 AM

All American
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7/17/2008 11:01:19 AM

76471 Posts
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'Christine' doesn't lend itself well to nicknakes

My family still calls me Chrissy, though.

Amusingly, my dad, grandfather, nerdchick, a couple of my bosses (the ones we're on good enough terms for me to sign emails with 'xtine') and sometimes my bf will actually say ex-teen (i know that xine is more correct than xtine, but it moves from 'oh, she's just abbreviating her name' territory to 'what the hell is this? chinese?')

7/17/2008 11:01:24 AM

All American
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^one of my sorority sisters is 'christine' and still goes by chrissy. i dont think i've ever heard anyone call her christine.

7/17/2008 11:06:21 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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I used to have a buddy that my friends had nicknamed antichrist. It took for a while until he finally got pissed at us all when we would introduce him to girls as the antichrist.

Some nicknames encourage curiosity which facilitates conversation. Other nicknames just get you insta-labeled as some creepy guy who's after your soul.

7/17/2008 11:11:44 AM

76471 Posts
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I fucking hate the name chrissy for a grown woman. It's too close to sissy, and conjures up images of some worthless, helpless harpy who expects to have everything done for her because she has a vagina.

7/17/2008 11:13:33 AM

All American
2298 Posts
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^^ I laughed.

[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 11:14 AM. Reason : ^]

7/17/2008 11:14:14 AM

All American
19842 Posts
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Everyone introduces me as Stein. It's cool except in bars where people give me a "what the hell did you say?" look.

7/17/2008 11:19:15 AM

All American
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7/17/2008 11:20:28 AM

All American
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^^^^ Am I the only one who started thinking of Chrissy, Sissy, Missy, and Justice from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, while reading that?

[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 11:21 AM. Reason : We're popular today!]

7/17/2008 11:21:21 AM

All American
2991 Posts
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Quote :
"I fucking hate the name chrissy for a grown woman. It's too close to sissy, and conjures up images of some worthless, helpless harpy who expects to have everything done for her because she has a vagina."

you just sound like a pissy chrissy

7/17/2008 5:02:41 PM

All American
10892 Posts
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I can't say that I've ever been introduced to anyone as Chewie.

7/17/2008 5:04:29 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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All anyone ever calls me is my nickname

Of course its a derivative of my (former) real name

but it is kind of awkward to be introduced to the whitest of white people as Slave

7/17/2008 5:05:54 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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ONE person started calling me "Linda begonias" and now there's a whole group (of non-twwers) who do it.

I get LindAR a lot too. Some of my friend's parents even call me that.

7/17/2008 5:08:31 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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i wish more people called me Walls, its my last name and my first name was way too common in middle school and high school. Whenever one of my friends from there introduces me its always "Walls" but anywhere else its my first name

7/17/2008 5:18:21 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Wesley's actually not that common

7/17/2008 5:19:34 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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I knew a girl nicknamed "dilda".

That's how I was introduced to her.

She was kinda a slut.

7/17/2008 5:40:31 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Being introduced by your nickname Page [1]  
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