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 Message Boards » » Harris Teeter is stealing from me Page [1]  
All American
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The past three times I've gone to the HT at Western/Hillsborough/Jones Franklin, something has been missing from my bags. Tonight it was two packs of Altoids, last time it was fruit bars, and the time before that it was a bottle of wine. I see the cashier scan it, but then it's not in the bag when I get home. I think they're scamming customers to raise their profits - keep one thing each customer buys (stash it behind the counter when they're doing the card machine or not paying attention), and put it back on the shelf.... genius!

I need to shop more often so I have fewer items and can keep an eye on everything


7/23/2008 9:22:22 PM

All American
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did they take your midol this time?

7/23/2008 9:23:44 PM

All American
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why haven't you gone to speak w/ the manager? They normally go above and beyond to make sure the customer is pleased. Hell, produce adn meat returns get 200 percent refunds.

7/23/2008 9:25:34 PM

All American
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Have you not gone back to the store to tell them? Did the first time (or two) not teach you to check your bags before you leave the parking lot? Have you called them at all?

7/23/2008 9:27:22 PM

All American
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The last time I went grocery shopping I got a girl who didnt use the in-store coupons on the items I selected. I got home and saw that she hadn't, but I was too lazy to go back, so here i am, 2 weeks later on the internet half-heartedly complaining about it.

7/23/2008 9:27:46 PM

All American
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I didn't really put two and two together until a few min ago... realized I was missing the altoids, and then thought back on the past few trips. I'm not going back tonight (going to bed in a few min) and I'm leaving town in the AM.

I might worry about it when I get back, but I'll probably just be more careful next time.

7/23/2008 9:29:06 PM

All American
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yeah, usually if you talk to the manager he'll take care of it

as long as you're not an ass about it

7/23/2008 9:29:10 PM

1394 Posts
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Another thing they do is put something inconspicuous near the scanner consealed by all the other id attractant and scan it along with your order. You pay for it but it stays on the counter: if you question it, they say they thought you wanted to put it in your pocket or hide it or whatever. Like condoms, liquor, altoids, MSG...whatever.

7/23/2008 9:29:22 PM

All American
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7/23/2008 9:30:41 PM

All American
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^^^^ They'll usually tell you that you're SOL if you wait longer than a day without calling first. Not that that is supposed to change your current course of action, just letting you know.

^^ Wat?

[Edited on July 23, 2008 at 9:31 PM. Reason : ]

7/23/2008 9:31:21 PM

All American
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you people

the thing you fail to realize is that the cashiers at said grocery stores don't give a flying fuck about their jobs and/or the company's profitability.

7/23/2008 9:31:27 PM

All American
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WHO is this "THEY" and how come I've never been duped by them. I've been shopping at HT's exclusively (except for trips/summers where they can't be found and farmer's markets) for myself for more than 8 years and have never had this happen to me.

7/23/2008 9:32:50 PM

All American
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the thing you fail to realize is that the cashiers at said grocery stores don't give a flying fuck about their jobs and/or the company's profitability.

7/23/2008 9:35:54 PM

All American
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^ but what if the cashiers have been offered an incentive? You know, "Keep X amount of merchandise and you'll be eligible for a bonus..."

Quote :
"They'll usually tell you that you're SOL if you wait longer than a day without calling first."

I figured as much. That's why I'm not going to worry about it this time - I'll just pay more attention in the future.

[Edited on July 23, 2008 at 9:38 PM. Reason : ]

7/23/2008 9:36:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but what if the cashiers have been offered an incentive? You know, "Keep X amount of merchandise and you'll be eligible for a bonus...""

No way that would happen. The entire company could be sued.

7/23/2008 9:41:30 PM

All American
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not to mention that's completely illegal.

7/23/2008 9:42:27 PM

All American
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Hahaha, I know.

7/23/2008 9:42:57 PM

All American
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That's the whole reason that McDonald's could be sued over hot coffee. They found memos from the big bosses telling the employees to keep the coffee too hot because they had free refills, and people drank less of it when it was so hot.

[Edited on July 23, 2008 at 9:45 PM. Reason : d]

7/23/2008 9:45:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I didn't really put two and two together until a few min ago"

ahhhh, so THAT'S where that "6" came from

7/23/2008 9:47:07 PM

All American
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and all this time i thought it was b/c she had 3rd degree burns on her twat

7/23/2008 9:47:12 PM

All American
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at HT the manager has to bring you anything left at the store even if you are far away, its one of their policies

7/23/2008 9:47:13 PM

All American
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umm you should look into it instead of just letting it go.

when i worked at target, they had a camera over every register. tapes were always kept. depending on how far back it was, it may take a while for them to get back to you, but they always at least looked. could be useful in your instances.

7/23/2008 10:15:24 PM

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